DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
E-911 Board 

February 7, 2001

Board members present:

Chairman Polarek, Feithen, Grandgeorge, Hanson, Pettit, Probasco, and Riddle. 

Guests Present: Sheriff Roger Scott; John Wilson, DeKalb County Board; Lt. Newby, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police; Jim Feyerherm, Starved Rock Communications;  

Also Present: Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer; Charles Kross, Coordinator 

Chairman Polarek called the meeting to order at 7:38 AM



The Chairman added two agenda items under new business.  They were: 1. Board owned property, and 2.  Fire radio license change.

A motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Probasco and seconded by Feithen.  There was no discussion.  The motion passed.  


A motion to approve the minutes of the January 3, 2001 meeting was made by Feithen and seconded by Probasco.  The motion passed. 



¨      Treasurer Johnson suggested that the checking account balance be reduced.  She also reported that a CD is matures on February 9.  Riddle made a motion to roll the CD over into a 90 day CD.  Probasco seconded the motion.  Probasco then made a motion to amend the motion to move $25,000 from the checking account and add it to the maturing CD.  Feithen seconded the amendment.  A voice vote was taken on the amendment, which passed unanimously.  A roll call vote was then taken on the amended motion to take $25,000 from the checking account, add it to the $204,850.20 from the maturing CD, and put the total in a 90 day CD.          

A roll call vote was taken.  Feithen  Y   Grandgeorge  Y  Hanson  Y  Pettit  Y   Probasco  Y  Riddle  Y   Polarek  Y .  The motion passed unanimously.   


¨      A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Probasco and seconded by Riddle.The motion passed. 


      Verizon                                                                                    28.91

      Verizon                                                                                  263.65

Verizon                                                                                    71.58

Verizon                                                                                    28.87

Verizon                                                                               8,502.92

AT&T                                                                                      14.90

Office Max                                                                               23.80

Office Max                                                                               34.38

Sprint                                                                                       12.34

Sprint                                                                                       12.34

APCO - video training series                                                1,500.00

Language Line                                                                        188.10             

Starved Rock Communications - county fire                            762.50

Starved Rock Communications - Malta share                        1,192.50

Dixon Ottawa Communications - Back up position                 3,620.00

Dixon Ottawa Communications -  Co.PSAP extra position        290.00

L & K electronics - Paw Paw Pagers                                        738.00

PowerPhone                                                                             169.00

PowerPhone                                                                             199.00

Motorola - Somonauk Police Department  MDT repair           423.00

SyForce - Sycamore Police Department repairs                     3,114.67

NiComm - Sycamore Police Department repairs                    3,233.00

Malta Fire - radio equip.                                                       1,192.50

                Total                                                              $24, 133.46


A motion to pay the bills was made by Feithen and seconded by Probasco. 

A roll call vote was taken: Feithen   Y  Grandgeorge  Y  Hanson Y  Pettit  Y  Probasco  Y  Riddle  Y  Polarek  Y.   The motion passed unanimously.


¨      Mapping Committee - Probasco reported that he, Hanson, and Kross had met.  He reported that up to $15,000 is spent on mapping.  This includes the NIU contract, printing costs, and delivery costs.  The Committee wondered if the product was worth the expense, and how much the maps were used. Both Grandgeorge and Riddle said that the Fire Departments often use the large maps.  The Fire Department Board members were unanimous in the need for maps.  Probasco posed the concept of CD-ROM based maps, which could easily be updated and distributed.  They could also be used in desktop and laptop computers.  Most felt they would rather maintain paper maps.  Polarek asked Hanson if the County was in a position where they could take over the mapping.  Hanson gave a qualified yes, depending upon the format that the data is in.  He said much of the work is being duplicated. Polarek said that if the County can provide the service, the Board should utilize it if they can get the same or similar product. Hanson will report further at a future meeting.



¨      Funding request - Kross presented a proposal to the Board that would fund an 8 hour workshop presented by PEI on hiring and retaining Telecommunicator's and other employees.  The cost for up to 15 participants would be $1000 and expenses.  Participants over 15 would be $35, which covers the cost of the included is a workbook on the subject.  Kross said that the class would be first offered to all member agencies.  Depending on available space, outside agencies could be notified.  If others were interested, they could be charged a reasonable fee to help defray the costs.  A motion was made by Feithen and seconded by  Riddle, to authorize Kross to set up a 1day seminar, which would be free for participating agencies and $100 to others .  A roll call vote was taken. 

Feithen  Y  Grandgeorge  Y Hanson  Y  Pettit  Y  Probasco  Y  Riddle  Y Polarek  Y


¨      Property Ownership - Kross brought up a concern regarding ownership of property purchased by the Board.  Does the Board maintain ownership and grant stewardship to the users, or does the Board turn the property over to the users?  Examples of such equipment include printers at the Fire Departments, Recorders at the PSAPs, the new countywide Fire Radio System equipment.  Part of the concern is having the equipment properly insured or replaced.

¨      Fire Radio License  - Feyerherm reported that the Board needs to add the Somonauk Radio Tower to the existing license.  He recommended Brown Electronics to do the work, since they have extensive experience in such. 

A motion was made by Hanson and seconded by Probasco, to authorize Brown Electronics to do the necessary work on obtaining additional licensing for the county-wide fire radio, up to a maximum of $500.  The motion passed unanimously.   

     Kross will contact Brown.

¨      Coordinator's Report -

1.      Kross explained some of the details involving the wireless 911 Agency Agreements and zip code splits.

2.      Letter was read from Verizon, indicating they are doing a new access line count.

3.      Letter was received from Bob Brown , who represents the DeKalb County Housing Authority, owner of the high rise on East Taylor Street in DeKalb.  The letter indicated that the rental space for the countywide fire radio would be increasing over the next 3 years to $415 per month.  Polarek said he would discuss this with the Director of the Housing Authority.

4.      A letter from the Paw Paw Fire Protection District was received indicating their desire to have the printer removed from their station.  Since they are now dispatched by Lee County, any DeKalb County requests for fire/EMS would be dispatched to Lee County, who in turn notifies Paw Paw.  Kross was authorized to have the system removed.

5.      Kross brought up the problem of old equipment owned by the Board that is no longer of value, eg, old keyboards, monitors, and CPU's.  This equipment was taken out of service 2 ½ years ago, and is outdated.  Those items of value were sold based upon sealed bid, and then later, other items donated to a youth group.  Grandgeorge made a motion to authorize Kross to dispose of the remaining items.  Probasco seconded.  The motion passed unanimously. 

¨      PSAP Administrators Report

Lt. Newby reported that the Administrators will meet on February 16.  There is nothing to report at this time.



   Feithen moved to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Grandgeorge.  The motion passed.   The meeting adjourned at 9:14 A.M. 

Respectfully submitted,


- - - -  - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 
Charles Kross, Coordinator

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