DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Executive Committee

October 9, 2001

The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Tuesday, October 9, 2001 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Administration Building=s Conference Room East.  Chairman Robert Pritchard called the meeting to order.  Members present were Robert Hutcheson, Sue Leifheit, John Dlabal, Roger Steimel, Ruth Anne Tobias and John Wilson.  Mr. Morreale arrived at 7:05p.m.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, Margaret Whitwell, Dr. Conway, John Dlabal and Diane Strand.



            Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to accept the minutes of the September 11, 2001 meeting. 



Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Ms. Tobias, and it was carried unanimously to approve the amended agenda.



            Chairman Pritchard recommended the following appointments:

Building Board of Appeals:                          Mr. Steven Bollinger, reappointment for a term of 5 years, until 11/01/2006.

Housing Authority of DeKalb County:         Mr. Ronald Bemis, reappointment for a term of 5 years, until 11/01/2006.


            Moved by Mr. Hutcheson, seconded by Ms. Tobias, and it was carried unanimously to approve the appointments as presented by Chairman Pritchard, and to forward them onto the full board for approval.  


ANNUAL EXTENSION OF THE BOARD OF REVIEW – The Supervisor of Assessments seeks an Extension of the Board of Review to enable work for the assessment year to be completed and the assessment books certified by the County Clerk.

            Ms. Margaret Whitwell, DeKalb County Supervisor of Assessments, presented her annual resolution for the extension of the board of review.  She said that because of state statute the date of November 7the is set for the board of review’s deadline.  However, many boards throughout the State of Illinois do not ever meet that date and need to extend it just like our County.  


Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Ms. Leifheit, and it was carried unanimously to recommend the extension of the board of review and to forward it onto the full board for approval.



            Mr. Bockman presented the County Board Agenda for the meeting to be held on October 17, 2001.  Mr. Morreale asked that item #b – Resolution #R2001-76 on Land Acquisition, be removed from the Forest Preserve Agenda as it was not ready to go just yet.  He hoped to bring it before the board in November.  Ms. Leifheit asked Ms. Tobias that since the Legislative Agenda was not going to be voted on until the Public Policy Committee met on Monday, October 15, 2001, could she please send a “draft copy” out to the board this week and also place it on the Web?  Ms. Tobias said that she didn’t see any reason that this request couldn’t be done.


            Ms. Tobias also informed the committee that Representative Dave Wirsing and Senator Bradley Burzynski would be present at the board meeting this month to speak briefly to the county board members.


            Moved by Mr. Steimel, seconded by Mr. Hutcheson, and it was carried unanimously to accept the county board agenda as presented by Mr. Bockman. 




Mr. Morreale, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, reminded the committee about the Genoa Kingston School District’s Invitation for tomorrow 10/10/01.  He also said that the resolution that he pulled from the agenda (#R2001-76 on Land Acquisition) is “hung-up” because of appraisals that need to be done.  Mr. Morreale also wanted to thank Mr. Dennis Sands for hosting the Forest Preserve Committee Meeting at his restaurant last month in Shabbona.  It is located on Shabbona Lake State Park and he said that it was wonderful. Mr. Morreale encouraged everyone present to  visit Lake Shabbona and Mr. Sands restaurant.


Mr. Hutcheson, Chairman of the Planning and Regulations Committee, stated that the first item on the county board agenda relating to wind testing is just a temporary “fix” for 2 years.  He also stated that the second item on the agenda involved the splitting of a small 3-acre lot that currently has a home on it and on the second lot that is going to be split – there will be a new home built on it.


Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee, thanked the Public Building Commission, and the Highway staff for all of their hard work on the new highway facility.  He said that the new building is 99% finished.  He also said that about 80 to 100 people attended their open house last week. 


Mr. Wilson then spoke about the newly formed Snow Removal Task Force.  He stated that the biggest issue that is being discussed is the response time.  He said that the county currently operates 10 routes for snow removal. Each route is about 22 to 24 miles long.  This is comparable to other counties surrounding DeKalb County, he said.  He also stated that no other county has a 24 hour, round the clock removal either. 


Mr. Wilson also informed the committee that Mr. Bob Soltau of IDOT spoke to the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee last week and presented a proposal to establish a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Mr. Wilson said that Mr. Soltau said that this is a result of the urbanized area of DeKalb County, primarily the Cities of DeKalb and Sycamore, and the Town of Cortland, exceeding 50,000 population in the last census.  This MPO must be established to determine how funds are spent for Federal Aid projects in the urbanized area encompassing DeKalb, Sycamore, Cortland and adjacent communities.  He also said that this is considered to be a comprehensive, continuous, cooperative plan.


Ms. Tobias, Chairman of the Public Policy Committee, stated that her committee would be discussing the legislative agenda next week along with holding their meeting in the City of Genoa. 


      Mr. Steimel, Chairman of the Administrative Services Committee, said that their last meeting was a good one and that the committee agreed to go forward on the health insurance issue with the County’s consultant, Tim Kearns.  Mr. Kearns will be going forward and seek bids for our health insurance.  Mr. Steimel also said that the he felt the discussion on Regional Planning was very good.


            Ms. Leifheit, Chairman of the Public Services Committee, stated that they heard two appeals filed by the Regional Superintendent of Schools and the Public Defender.  The committee agreed to the Regional Superintendent’s request by allowing a 70%/30% split in the salary of a part-time position that will be funded partly by the Federal Government.  As far as the Public Defender’s Office, the committee agreed to his request for one new attorney position to be added to his department.  However, after the meeting had finished the public defender, came up with an alternative plan that was much better and presented it the Administrative Services Committee.  He withdrew his appeal and proposed a part-time outside attorney for $20,000 a year with no benefits. The rent monies that will not be spent because of the move of the public defender’s office to the courthouse in the near future will fund this position, Mr. Leifheit said.


            Chairman Pritchard reminded the committee members to attend various meetings in the upcoming few weeks.  They included the Regional Planning Meeting to be held on October 30, 2001, the Extension Service Seminar, the VietNow Vigil on November 9th and November 10tth and the Township Officials Dinner on November 8, 2001.  He also informed them that they might be getting some phone calls soon from their constituents regarding Vulcan Materials. Supposedly their trucks are not being cleaned out properly and gravel is still being thrown from the trucks. 



            Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


 Respectfully submitted, 


                                                                                    Robert W. Pritchard, Chairman  


Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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