DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Executive Committee

April 10, 2001

The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Administration Building=s Conference Room East.  Chairman Robert Pritchard called the meeting to order.  Members present were Robert Hutcheson, Sue Leifheit, John Morreale, Roger Steimel, Pat LaVigne (as Vice-Chairman of the Public Policy Committee) and John Wilson. Ruth Anne Tobias was absent.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, Margaret Whitwell, Dr. Conway, Dennis Sands and Diane Strand.



Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Hutcheson, and it was carried unanimously to accept the minutes of the last meeting as amended.



Chairman Pritchard removed the executive session item from the agenda and added Amendment to the VAC Grant and Redistricting Update.  Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Ms. Leifheit, and it was carried unanimously to approve the amended agenda.



Chairman Pritchard recommended the following appointments:


Board of Review:   Mr. Gerald Wahlstrom 
Mr. Marlin Chaplin
                  Both reappointments for a term of 2 years,                                 
                                Until April 30, 2003.

Moved by Mr. Hutcheson, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to approve the appointments as presented by Chairman Pritchard, and to forward them onto the full board for approval.  


Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, explained to the committee that in 1996 the County applied for and received a grant that we passed through the funding to the Voluntary Action Center.  The initial award was in the amount of $101,750.00 and this grant was made available by the Illinois Department of Transportation through their small Caps Program.  In December of 1997 we asked for a modification of the grant to change the expiration date and in April of 1999 the board again acted upon this grant to reallocate some $9,000.00 within the existing line items.  Now, the grant is basically over and they’ve done what they have intended to do with it.  Some of the items that were purchased came in below the anticipated bid level and it has resulted in some $18,069.00 that has not been spent.  Under the IDOT guidelines there is a procedure for this whereby they ask that we first move to reduce the amount of the grant for the amount of funds actually spent and then they will close it out.  Mr. Bockman also said that VAC concurs with this action.  Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Hutcheson, and it was recommended to reduce the original VAC Grant by $18,069.00 and to forward this recommendation onto the full board for approval. 



Mr. Bockman passed out some maps and redistricting figures on all precincts that the IMO office is working on currently (on file in the IMO office).  The first task that they took on was to take the block level census data and plug it into the existing county board districts. Then they will prepare for you comparisons to show you what has happened to the various districts.  Having gotten this far the next step is for them to meet with Ms. Sharon Holmes, DeKalb County Clerk, who needs to modify precinct boundaries.  They are meeting this Thursday afternoon to try and get the precinct boundaries “nailed” down.  The next thing step is that he has asked them for an estimate of the average precinct population.  Mr. Bockman said that the third part of the exercise is going to be to change our district boundaries in the least disruptive manner possible.  He hopes to have a proposed draft map available for the committee at next month’s meeting.  Mr. Bockman also stated that if anyone has any suggestions to put them in writing and get them to him.



Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, reviewed the Board Agenda for the April 18, 2001 meeting.  Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Morreale, and it was carried unanimously to accept the county board agenda as presented by Mr. Bockman.



Mr. Morreale, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, stated that they are working on the Somonauk Creek Project with the Lake Holiday area.  He also stated that since the Genoa School District Referendum passed that the temporary arrangements that we have now with them would be changing.  He understands that site plans are now available and we should be seeing those soon.  He also said that he feels that this will be coming up quickly and that some 450 homes could be developed on the west side of the Kishwaukee River.   

Ms. Leifheit, Chairman of the Public Services Committee, stated that they held the annual senior services tax levy hearings.  She said that the meeting went very well and that the committee members were superbly prepared.  She said that the agencies did a great job on their presentations also.  She said that what they decided upon was to keep the allocations the same as last year for the same agencies that were awarded last year and that the some $10,000.00 left went to two new agencies that the committee thought their services were needed for the seniors. 

Mr. Steimel, Chairman of the Administrative Committee, stated that at their last meeting developed a recommendation for increase the pay for election judges.  He believed that the base pay was raised to $90.00 and that $20.00 would be paid extra to the each judge if they attend a training session. 

Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee, stated that they discussed several items and that he wanted to draw their attention to item (a.) which is an extension of the agreement that we passed some time back on a portion of road from Highway 38 to Maple Park.  The other one is item (f.), which is the installation of a traffic signal on Route 38 and Malta Road.  Today they hosted the township road commissioners at the new highway building and they viewed a video that speaks about vandalism and destruction of highway signs.  They will be showing them to high school students to deter it.  In the video it mentions that some people have gotten thirty years in prison for vandalism charges.  Chairman Pritchard stated that he has asked Sheriff Roger Scott to take a look to see if there are any educational type of programs that he felt would be appropriate for his office to engage in to refresh people’s minds about how to drive more defensively and safe distances to pull out in front of people. 

Mr. Hutcheson, Chairman of the Planning & Regulations Committee, stated that item (b.) the Ebel Interim Special Use was referred back to the hearing officer and it came back with the same results as before.  A couple of things are left on the punch list for the highway department building and the construction on the new legislative building will hopefully begin this week. 

Ms. LaVigne, Vice-Chairman of the Public Policy Committee, passed out a booklet from Chairman Tobias that will be offered on our website for kids during county government week in April.   

Mr. Steimel reminded everyone about the budget training classes being offered for the next four months with Mr. Hanson teaching them.  They will begin at 6:30p.m.on the evening of the county board meeting and will be held in the county courthouse.  Chairman Pritchard said to invite all department heads also to attend. 

Chairman Pritchard informed everyone that over the last several months he has been negotiating with Kane County on their Workforce Investment Act Consortium to use Kishwaukee College as our service provider.  This is for displaced people who have been let go by the company or people that are just unemployed and there are also programs for youths.  Chairman Pritchard also said that the monies allocated to the three different counties involved in the consortium (Kane, Kendall and DeKalb) are by population numbers.  He said that we receive about 27% of roughly $320,000.00.  The agreement will have the monies going to Kishwaukee College to be used in our county.  It looks like it will happen in July of 2002 that this change will take place.



Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Ms. Leifheit, and it was voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting. 

Respectfully submitted, 


                                                                                    Robert W. Pritchard, Chairman  


Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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