DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve District Proceedings

April 18, 2001

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Commissioners met at the DeKalb County Courthouse on Wednesday, April 18, 2001. President Pritchard called the meeting to order and the Secretary called the roll. Those Commissioners present were Mrs. Allen, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Casella, Dr. Conway, Mr. Dlabal, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Guehler, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Hutcheson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Morreale, Mr. Sands, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Smith, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. Wilson and President Pritchard. One Commissioner, Mr. Brown, was absent. Twenty-three Commissioners were present and one Commissioner was absent.




Mr. Haines moved to approve the Minutes of the March 21, 2001 meeting. Mr. Smith seconded the motion

Voice Vote

The President called for a voice vote on the approval of the Minutes. All Commissioners present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.




Mrs. Casella moved to approve the agenda and Mr. Dlabal seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The President called for a voice vote on the approval of the agenda. All commissioners present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.




Mr. Morreale moved to approve the current months Claims in the amount of $9,009.51 and Payroll & Emergency Claims paid from prior month in the amount of $22,652.29. Mr. Metzger seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The President called for a roll call vote on the Claims. Those Commissioners voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Casella, Dr. Conway, Mr. Dlabal, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Guehler, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Hutcheson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Morreale, Mr. Sands, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Smith, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. Wilson and President Pritchard. All Commissioners present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.



There were no items of new or old business for this meeting.




Mr. Dlabal moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Hutcheson seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The President called for a voice vote on the motion to adjourn. All Commissioners present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


DeKalb County Forest Preserve President




DeKalb County Clerk

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