DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

July 17, 2001

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Committee met Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at the Knute Olson Forest Preserve, at 6:00p.m. Chairman John Morreale called the meeting to order with Mr. Dlabal, Mr. Guehler, Mr. Lyle, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Sands, and Mr. Simonson present. Mr. Hannan and Mr. Millburg were also present. Mr. Hannan gave a brief history of the donation of Knute Olson Forest Preserve and the Forest Preserve Committee commented on the beautiful and well maintained Knute Olson Forest Preserve.



Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve the minutes for June.



Mr. Morreale asked the Committee for approval to move agenda item #4 to agenda #7. Mr. Morreale stated that due to the nature of the Guardian Pipeline discussion it should be in executive session. Moved by Mr. Simonson, seconded by Mr. Guehler, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve the amended agenda.



Mr. Morreale stated that the resolution regarding the Genoa/ Kingston proposed school has been forwarded to the Genoa/ Kingston School Board. Mr. Morreale informed the Committee that to date he has not been contacted by the School Board. Mr. Morreale also stated that the School Board must obtain a special use permit from the DeKalb County Planning and Zoning Department. The special use permit application has not been completed to date.



Mr. Hannan showed an updated map of the Old Calumet Council Boy Scout Camp to the Committee and explained the potential partnership with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the projected acreage of interest for each party. Mr. Morreale stated that he had received electronic mail from the option holder on this property, who communicated that he agrees that the appraisal done on this property seems low due other comparable properties nearby and with large natural resource value. The option holder also pointed out that there are limestone deposits found on the property near the bend in the river. He stated that he felt the limestone deposits would add value to the appraisal also.

Mr. Morreale pointed out that the whole process does require the Governor’s approval. Mr. Morreale stated that the I.D.N.R. is very supportive of this endeavor.

Mr. Hannan told the Committee that he would have a conference call this week with the option holder, Mr. Morreale, the appraiser, and I.D.N.R. officials to discuss the fair market values.

Mr. Morreale stated that the I.D.N.R. as received many letters of support (From politicians to general public and other groups).

Mr. Metzger asked the Committee at what point should they pursue this matter further?

Mr. Morreale responded that it is better to work with and through the I.D.N.R. to continue to gain support. Mr. Morreale stated that Springfield has requested a resolution from the DeKalb County Board (and it has been forwarded to the I.D.N.R.).

Mr. Hannan stated that the Open Lands Trust grant application must be applied for by November 1, 2001 and he is working on this application. Mr. Hannan also informed the Committee that he had met with the Illinois Lt. Governor and that she is in support of this land acquisition. Mr. Sands asked if he could prepare some letters to send to groups that would support this project. The Forest Preserve Committee agreed to Mr. Sands request.



Mr. Hannan stated that an equipment travel area has been prepared for the Somonauk Creek stabilization project at Sannauk Forest Preserve. Mr. Hannan announced that Mr. Dave Johnson, of Harson Excavating in Sandwich, Illinois, has been awarded the bid to perform this work. Mr. Hannan stated that the bid was greater than expected, therefore the plans are to stabilize as much of the streambank as possible until the 75% grant money is used. (estimated $10,000.00 project) Mr. Hannan said that excavation would begin in one week.

Mr. Hannan stated that he is in the process of preparing the budget for FY 2002. Mr. Morreale added that this was the time to put forth any requests the Committee felt were necessary. Mr. Hannan stated that the budget draft was due to the DeKalb County Finance Office by August 6, 2001. Mr. Hannan added that the Committee would not vote on the budget until November.

Mr. Hannan stated that Forest Preserve staff are putting metal roofs on the open air shelters at Afton Forest Preserve. Staff is continuing natural resource management of invasive species removal, road and trail pruning and general maintenance of the building and grounds.

Mr. Dlabal moved, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin, and it was carried unanimously by a roll call vote to go into executive session at 6:35.



Mr. Dlabal moved, Mr. Metzger seconded, to adjourn the meeting and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.



Chairman, John Morreale

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