DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

August 21, 2001

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Committee met Tuesday, August 21, 2001 at County Farm Woods Forest Preserve, at 6:00p.m. Chairman John Morreale called the meeting to order with Mr. Dlabal, Mr. Haines, Mr. Lyle, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Sands, and Mr. Simonson present. Mr. Hannan was also present. Mr. Guehler and Mr. Metzger were absent.



Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Mr. Simonson, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve the minutes for July.



Moved by Mr. Lyle, seconded by Mr. Dlabal, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve the agenda.



Mr. Hannan gave a brief history of the acquisition of County Farm Woods and the Nursing Home Cemetery. Mr. Hannan pointed out the DeKalb/Sycamore Bike Trail that connects County Farm Woods and explained how it connected to the Great Western Trail that heads east into Kane County. Mr. Hannan gave an overview of the development of the retention pond/wetland that was created for the new commercial development stormwater runoff (as part of the land donation agreement). Mr. Hannan explained that volunteers planted wetland plants and prairie flowers to beautify the forest preserve and retention pond/wetland this past spring. Mr. Hannan added that an 8 foot cedar fence and a berm are planned to be built on the forest preserve east boundary to help prevent litter spreading from the commercial development to contain wildlife, and visually separate the conservation area from the commercial area. Mr. Simonson added that this would also help to keep deer and other wildlife protected within the forest preserve. Mr. Morreale stated that this was the old nursing home site, and it was far too valuable to let this land go. Mr. Dlabal added that this was one of his favorite forest preserves and was thrilled when the County acquired it. Mr. Hannan showed an aerial photograph of the County Woods property to the Committee. Mr. Lyle questioned where the bike trail users should park. Mr. Hannan explained that residents made up most of the nearby trail users and walk, jog or ride their bikes through County Farm Woods. Mr. Hannan stated that it was appropriate to park in the commercial lot near the cemetery if needed.




Mr. Hannan handed out the budget packet for 2002 to the Committee members for them to review for the next two Committee meetings. Mr. Hannan stated that the budget reflected the cost of living and new construction figures (tax cap requirements). Mr. Hannan stated that the budget will be on the agenda for September and October discussions, the Committee will vote on the budget in October, the Forest Preserve District Commissioners will vote in November, and the budget will be effective on December 1, 2001. Mr. Morreale asked the Committee if there were any questions at this time. No Committee member needed clarity, and no questions were asked.



Mr. Hannan explained that acreage east of Russell Woods is planned for development (600 units) and a big portion of it is in floodplain. Mr. Dlabal thought that the students of the Genoa/ Kingston area might benefit from studying the wetlands. Mr. Hannan stated that he met with Mr. Rich Gentile from the City of Genoa Public Works Department and the developer Mr. Mark Suchy and discussed the 50 foot greenspace buffer on the east side of Russell Woods. They were agreeable to this buffer area and fence. Mr. Haines stated that it appears that the Genoa/ Kingston School District has been performing perk tests on the site. Mr. Lyle stated that the building site for the new high school still appeared to be a weedy field.



Mr. Hannan stated that he met with the attorney (who works with Pipeline issues) that represents McHenry County Conservation District and their board. Mr. Hannan stated that this attorney would be meeting with the DeKalb County State’s Attorney to decide if the Guardian Pipeline issue would be a joint county effort or not. Mr. Hannan stated that both McHenry and DeKalb Counties had been condemned by the Guardian Pipeline as well as most of the farmers that own property along the planned pipeline route.

Mr. Hannan stated that the Illinois State Forest Preserve Statutes language could be interpreted as Forest Preserve property could not be condemned. However, the question is does the Federal Law (FERC) supercede State Law? The State’s Attorney’s Office will review the language. Mr. Sands asked if the Guardian Pipeline went into Kane County. Mr. Simonson stated that he thought they did. Mr. Dlabal stated that he felt there must be a limit to the negotiations. Mr. Morreale stated that he talked to Mr. Jack Slingerland, Assistant State’s Attorney, and he is expecting a call from Guardian Pipeline. Mr. Dlabal asked what path the Pipeline follows. Mr. Hannan stated that the Pipeline ran from Eagle, Wisconsin to Joliet, Illinois and is proposed to cross the Great Western Trail just east of Sycamore.



Mr. Morreale stated the State Governor had approved and is in support of the Kirkland acquisition and a I.D.N.R. possible closing date of January 2002. Mr. Morreale stated that he had a conference call this morning regarding the market value on the appraisal. Mr. Morreale stated that the appraisal may be inflated by up to 10 percent based on comparables. Mr. Hannan stated that wildlife and other natural qualities do not hold value on an appraisal. Mr. Hannan stated that he, Mr. Morreale and others are in contact with the I.D.N.R. regarding the possible land acquisition. Mr. Dlabal added that this land was more valuable to everyone with all of the wildlife and natural beauty. Mr. Sands stated that he thought it was odd that the Governor stated his support of this project without a solid predetermined budget. Mr. Hannan answered that the Governor and the I.D.N.R. understand that the fair market value was yet to be determined.



Mr. Hannan stated that Archer Daniels Midland Corporation of Decatur, Illinois was approved for a 6/10 acre purchase into the Afton Wetland Bank. Mr. Hannan stated that 1/3 of the 57 acres purchased at Afton can be "pre-sold" before the Forest Preserve District is required to develop the Wetland Bank. Mr. McLaughlin asked why the Archer Daniels Midland Corporation was purchasing in DeKalb County. Mr. Hannan explained that DeKalb County Forest Preserve Wetland Bank was the closest in proximity to the wetland they filled.






Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Mr. Simonson, and it was carried unanimously to move into executive session at 6:40 p.m. for the purpose of an exempt employee evaluation.



Mr. Hannan showed pictures of a completed streambank stabilization of the Somonauk Creek at Sannauk Forest Preserve from the stabilization project. Mr. Hannan stated that the other bend in the Somonauk Creek may be done next year. Mr. Hannan added that the Forest Preserve staff has been busy mowing, pruning, performing weed, prairie/wetland control among the various tasks required for general maintenance within the forest preserves. Mr. Hannan also stated that there is a new metal roof on a shelter at Afton Forest Preserve and a new completed bridge at Merritt Prairie. Roof replacement and repairs are planned at MacQueen Forest Preserve.



Mr. Haines moved, Mr. McLaughlin seconded, to adjourn the meeting and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.


Chairman, John Morreale

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