DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

October 16, 2001

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Committee met Tuesday, October 16, 2001 at Russell Woods Forest Preserve in shelter #3, at 6:00p.m. Chairman John Morreale called the meeting to order with Mr. Dlabal, Mr. Haines , Mr. Lyle, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Sands, and Mr. Simonson present. Mr. Hannan was also present. Mr. Guehler and Mr. Metzger were absent. Also present was Mrs. Peggy Doty, Mrs. Carin McCue, Mr. Bill Prain, Mr. Gary Koerner, Mr. Greg Milburg, Mr. Don Billington, Mr. Jim Slater, and Boy Scout Troop #4 led by Mr. Sidney Schaaf.



Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Mr. Haines, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve the minutes for September.



Mr. Morreale requested an addition to the agenda to allow for executive session for the purpose of land acquisition. Moved by Mr. Simonson, seconded by Mr. Sands, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve the amended agenda.

Mr. Hannan started the meeting by introducing Mrs. Peggy Doty (Natural Resource Education Coordinator), Mrs. Carin McCue (Teaching Assistant), Mr. Bill Prain (Park Manager for the Northern Forest Preserves), and Mr. Gary Koerner (former Park Manager and current part-time employee for the Forest Preserve District). Mr. Hannan explained that Boy Scout Troop #4 was visiting tonight to earn a Merritt Badge. Mrs. Peggy Doty gave an overview to the Committee on her role with the Forest Preserve District and shared some concerns and ideas regarding the new population growth surrounding Russell Woods. Mrs. Doty stated that over 700 grade school children have gone through the Natural Resource Center and Afton Prairie for outdoor education in the month of October alone.



Mr. Morreale introduced Mr. Jim Slater to the Committee. Mr. Slater showed revised Genoa/Kingston high school plans to the Committee for review. Mr. Sands asked Mr. Slater how much the new school was going to run on the School District’s budget. Mr. Slater replied that the new school would cost $21.5 million dollars, $7.6 million came from the State of Illinois as grant money, and that the balance was paid by a referendum that passed with 87% voter approval.

Mr. Slater explained that there would be no entry to Russell Woods from the athletic fields due to 300 feet of fencing that was an addition to the plans. Mr. Slater stated that the Genoa/Kingston School and Forest Preserve District are planning to plant prairie and wetland seed along the detention area south of the athletic fields. Mr. Hannan stated that Mr. Mark Suchy (Developer of the new subdivision being built adjacent to Russell Woods.) will be building a fence around the new development to create a separation between development and the forest preserve. Mr. Hannan stated that he would look into how high of a fence is in the plans. Mr. Slater stated that they would be installing a snow fence along the drip line of the trees to avoid any root compaction.

Mr. Slater stated that he had a meeting with the I.D.O.T. office in Dixon, Illinois, and according to their office, the 168 feet shared road access (that was earlier agreed on between the Forest Preserve District and the School Board) would not be enough. Mr. Slater stated that I.D.O.T. requires at least 210 feet. Mr. Slater stated that Preserve Road would be an exit only road use for special events and that it would be gated. Mr. Slater stated that there is no stoplight planned at this time.

Mr. Haines asked Mr. Slater to restate the amendment to the earlier road sharing agreement. Mr. Slater reiterated that they would need to share 210 feet of Preserve Road and that this entrance would be gated and designated as exit only. Mr. Slater stated that the future bus traffic would remain on the side of the school, and would utilize the other entrance. Mr. Slater stated that a 6 foot fence would be installed following the west line of the property all the way to Route 72. Mr. Slater stated that this should keep the students away from the forest preserve during school hours, and that the Genoa/Kingston School District maintained a "closed campus" policy. Mr. Morreale stated outloud the position as he understood including the gate, exit only, and 210 feet of road sharing and paving. Mr. Slater nodded that this was correct. Mr. Morreale asked if any Committee members had any questions about the new proposal. No Committee member responded to any new questions. Mr. Dlabal stated that this project was going along smoothly and quicker than he thought it would. Mr. Dlabal stated that he supported being a good neighbor.

Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Mr. Simonson, the motion was carried to approve the amended agreement to be passed to the Commissioners. All Committee members agreed.

Mr. Morreale stated that he felt that Mr. Hannan should be in charge of the new logo sign for Russell Woods being built for Russell Woods. Mr. Sands suggested that the shop class should design and build it. Mr. Slater stated that he would present several sign ideas to Mr. Hannan. Mr. Morreale stated that the sign should be left up to Mr. Hannan working together with Mr. Slater. The Committee agreed. Mr. Hannan restated that the locking gate was important also. Mr. Slater stated that he would see to it that a pipe gate was installed. Mr. Hannan stated that would be fine. Mr. Simonson said he supports the project cooperation.



FY 2001 budget amendments are needed to balance the budget. Mr. Hannan stated that $7,000 is being amended to cover the cost of the appraisal and natural resource report on the Kirkland property grant. Mr. Hannan also talked about the expenses ($9,000) regarding the moving of the Pierce Town Hall, the Somonauk Creek stabilization project, County Farm Woods wetland plantings ($1,100), the used truck purchase of $4,000, mower (Sannauk and Afton) purchases of $5,000, and the expenses occurred with the Afton barn roof repairs, painting, tuckpointing, and wiring upgrades of $16,000.


FY 2002 LEVY

Mr. Hannan stated that this levy was an annual event which reflects the property tax portion of the DeKalb County tax bill. Mr. Hannan stated that $365,700 was the total levy for FY 2002. Mr. Hannan stated that he had been given direction from the Finance Office which should reflect approximately 3.4% for cost of living and 3.4% based on new construction. Mr. Hannan explained that this needed to go before the Forest Preserve Commissioners in November. Mr. Simonson moved, seconded by Mr. Lyle to approve the levy to go before the County Board in November.



Mr. Sands stated that local residents from Shabbona had raised at least $400 as a donation for new playground equipment at Chief Shabbona Forest Preserve. Mr. Morreale stated that the Committee needed to vote on how the new funds through the budget should be spent as represented in the FY 2002 appropriation ordinance. Moved by Mr. Haines, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin and it was carried unanimously to pass this on to the Forest Preserve Commissioners for November.



Mr. Hannan stated that he had sent a written request to Mr. Lawrence Hill for an alternate engineering plan for the future Route 64 road improvements along the Great Western Trail in Sycamore heading east towards Kane County. Mr. Hannan stated that there were ways to compromise on the project. Mr. Hannan stated that I.D.O.T. had performed similar work in Kane County and it did not effect their portion of the same bike trail.(see attached letter)



Mr. Hannan stated that Guardian Pipeline has a court hearing date of November 28th and that after this hearing takes place, the Forest Preserve District will know better where they stand on the issue of easement payments.

Mr. Hannan seemed pleased to announce that over 60 volunteers turned out for seed collection that took place at Afton and Merritt Prairie Forest Preserves in the last few weeks.

Mr. Dlabal moved, Mr. Simonson seconded, to proceed into executive session at 7:20 p.m. A roll call vote was taken and all members approved.

Mr. Hannan thanked Paula Lyle for her help with the O.L.T. grant. She blushed. Mr. Hannan complimented the Forest Preserve staff for shelter house improvements at all forest preserves.(such as the #3 shelter at Russell Woods where this meeting took place)




Mr. Lyle moved, Mr. Simonson seconded, to adjourn the meeting and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.


Chairman, John Morreale

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