DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

July 16, 2001

Board Members Present: Mary Petruchius, Norm Gilbert, Bob Krogman, Denny Sands, Opal Zitka, Pat Terry and Sue Franz

Board Members Absent: Regina Parker, and Maureen Russell

Other Persons Present: Staff: Jerry Lane and Sue Halbrader

Guest Speakers: Deborah Frueh and Karen Skate (?name)

The Community Mental Health Board meeting was called to order at 7:50 p.m. by President Mary Petruchius

The Community Mental Health Board meeting was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by President Mary Petruchius



There were no changes or additions to the agenda.



Mr. Bob Putz from the Consumer Advocacy Council of DeKalb County and new member Pat Terry were present. Informal introductions were made around the table.


Mr. Gilbert moved to approve the April minutes; Seconded by Mr. Krogman. The motion carried unanimously.



C Mr. Lane welcomed Pat Terry as a member of the Board. He said although the office had not received the paperwork as of this date, he was present at the last County Board meeting and heard her nomination accepted. Ms. Petruchius stated that she had received the papers.

C Mr. Lane announced that his status has been changed to that of Grandfather, with the birth of his first granddaughter, Abigail Grace Covert, at 8:24 p.m. Sunday, September 23, 200, to his oldest daughter and son-in-law.

C Mr. Lane mentioned that Board members may wish to express their opinions on redistricting to their state senators and representatives, since remapping the districts is now in progress.

C Mr. Lane reported that Ben Gordon Center continues to have difficulty staffing crisis hotline volunteers. They are looking into a new method of handling calls. More information will be shared later.

C Mr. Lane said a mental health center in the northwest region has produced statistics showing that BGC’s workforce has the least turnover of any area MH agency and that DeKalb County has the lowest number of admissions to Singer Center in Rockford. Although we have expressed concerns about staff turnover and wait lists, BGC must be doing something right.

C Mr. Lane stated that social services look bleak at all levels, local to national. The Governor stated further budget reductions will be necessary in lieu of terrorist attacks even though government funding is less than adequate, and private donations are down. United Way announced that they cut donations across the board by 30%. Bleak as the scene appears, we will have a better perspective in December.

C Mr. Lane announced that he received a letter from Jim Graves at BGC about the lack of transportation outside of the city of DeKalb, none on weekends and none during very late or early hours. He will follow up, as the Board grants funds specifically for covering those hours.

C Mrs. Franz circulated a pamphlet from ARC (Association of Retarded Citizens) regarding what to do if you are stopped by a police officer or arrested.

C Mr. Sands said he heard Mr. Lane’s outstanding address to the County Board last week, talking about the World Trade Center disaster and the county crisis teams.

C Mr. Lane further explained that the county crisis teams are on stand-by, and two members were contacted by NOVA, asking if they could participate in debriefings when the body recovery is completed. This office is keeping in touch with local fire departments and other emergency response personnel. At this time people are still in response mode and will stay that way until the initial work is completed. Meanwhile, the staff is considering holding a community forum for information and an opportunity to express people’s feelings.



Mrs. Zitka moved to acceptance the August agency claims as submitted, seconded by Mr. Gilbert. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Zitka moved acceptance of the August office claims as submitted, seconded by Mrs. Franz. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Zitka moved to acceptance the September agency claims as submitted, seconded by Mr. Gilbert. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Zitka moved acceptance of the August office claims as submitted, seconded by Mrs. Franz. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Lane reported that the recommended budget was sent to the County Board without any reported problems. It is expected to be passed as submitted next month.

Mr. Lane distributed copies of the annual report, reminding Board members that it reflects the condition of about a year and a half ago when it is published. The Mental Health Board is in the black, with 86% of our funds going to support agencies. Based on experience of demand in the system and federal studies we are doing well in meeting the mental health needs of county residents. The Mental Health Board is one of the top four funding sources for county mental health programs.


Mr. Robert Putz, President of the Consumer Advocacy Council of DeKalb County, reported on the NAMI Convention held in Washington, D.C. on July 11, 2001. NAMI is the National Association of the Mentally Ill. Mr. Putz and Nina Segata attended the three day conference and returned with a thirteen page report on the various presentations they covered in behalf of the local group. The presentations covered subjects from medical reports on brain structure (stress can alter the hypocampus and depression can change serotonin receptors) to recovery programs to parity, new treatments and the role of educators in the ways in which persons with mental illness come to terms with their conditions.




With the addition of Patricia Terry, the newest member of the Board, all positions on the Board are now filled. Ms. Petruchius asked members to review the committee structure and decide whether or not to retain or change it, and to determine one’s own area of interest so that committee structure may be discussed next month.

Mr. Lane circulated outlines of suggested police and emergency response personnel training to Board members. Staff is planning a training program for police officers and one for fire fighters, in addition to facilitating establishment of a DeKalb County Protocol modeled on Kane County’s. The Protocol addresses systemic needs within the county, bringing together all the agencies and organizations that would have anything to do with persons with mental illness; the training is for law enforcement, county wide, having to do with how to treat persons with mental illness. Denny Sands reserved space at the NIU Law School for January 4th and 7th, 2002, (a Friday and a Monday) for training, which police chiefs will make mandatory.

Mr. Lane asked the Board if they would approve circulating the tentative program outline among fire fighters and emergency personnel. The Board approved unanimously.

As for the DeKalb County Protocol, we want to schedule a forum including Kane County people who will be able to attend, as well as numerous prominent people within the judicial system of DeKalb County. Scheduling this meeting for late February or early March means we must begin to promote it very soon.

Mr. Lane reported that Board staff has met with Chris Gough of the Family Service Agency and Jerry Smith of the DeKalb County Foundation to discuss establishing a joint training consortium. Sponsoring high quality training and workshops locally will save the costs of travel, food and lodging out of town and make sharing the expense of nationally known presenters within reach for everyone. This is another way in which the Board may be able to stretch tax dollars to do the most good for the greatest number. Another meeting is scheduled within the week to finalize luncheon meeting plans for October to pursue this idea.

New Business

The performance evaluation forms that were inadvertently omitted from the packet that was mailed was distributed to members. Ms. Petruchius asked that the forms be returned to her no later than one week prior to our October Board meeting.

Mr. Lane requested that the Board move on buying two new computer systems for the office as the existing equipment is wearing out; the high end estimate on the purchase is $6,000.

Mr. Krogman moved that the proposed amount requested be approved; second by Mrs. Franz. On a voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Lane distributed a written account and verbally reported on the Agency Executive meeting held on Friday, July 13th. All executive directors of all funded agencies attended, except for Carolyn Beard, who was out of town. Several compelling reasons prompted the staff to call the meeting, including the sorry state of the Illinois budget which gives community mental health 2% for the next fiscal year, to begin in the last quarter; in fact amounting to ½ of 1% for FY2002. In addition, United Way has cut grants 30% across the board. With these reduced revenue streams, the increase of regulation (and the expense involved with certification) the proliferation of tax caps and the greatly increased fixed costs, all community based social service agencies are facing what may be their greatest challenge. Services are shrinking, inevitably, as agencies find it impossible to fill empty positions. Our purpose in meeting was to discuss our common problems and explore solutions that will benefit all, such as shared training expenses. We emphasized that we must stick together, locally, statewide and nationally, to stand for government support of social services. This is a non-partisan issue. We find allies in many places, including the Catholic Conference of Illinois, standing behind increasing funding for social services. We are interested in establishing as much solidarity as possible within our funded agencies as well as from the outside. This has been an on-going problem for at least forty years. There has been a long, downhill slide from the time in the 1940's when Illinois was a leader in treatment of mental illness and other social services.

After some discussion, the Board agreed to cancel the August meeting by consensus.

Mrs. Russell moved to go into Executive session to consider compensation for the Assistant Director, second by Mr. Gilbert.

Mr. Gilbert moved and Mr. Sands seconded a motion to increase the assistant director’s salary by 6.0% This reflects a 3.0% cost of living and a 3.0% merit increase. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Mr. Gilbert moved and Mrs. Zitka seconded a motion to exit the Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously.

The motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Sands, second by Mr. Gilbert. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.


Opal Zitka

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