DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Operating Board of Directors
DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center

January 17, 2001

Present: Directors Casella, Wilson, Stromborg, Kirby, and Crain

Directors Absent/Excused: None 

Also Present: M.A. Scavotto (Administrator DCRNC), Pat Knudson (Director of Nursing/Operations), Patricia Anderson (Business Office), Ray Bockman (County Administrator), Jeanette Heinisch (Operating Director Candidate) 

Ms. Casella called the meeting to order at 7:00 am.


Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as submitted (motion Stromborg, second Wilson, unanimous)


Approval of Minutes: The minutes were approved as submitted. (Motion Kirby, second Crain, unanimous)


Old Business:  None 


New Business: 

Election of Officers: Gary Crain was nominated for Chairperson by John Wilson. Kirby moved (second Wilson) that nominations be closed. Motion carried unanimously. Stromborg nominated Casella as Vice Chairperson. Wilson moved nominations be closed; unanimous action as Casella as Vice Chair.


Management Report 

Operations: Scavotto reviewed preliminary results of operations for FYE November 30, 2000,indicating that DCRNC can expect to report an operting income of approximately $250k. These results reflect the additional depreciation expense involved in moving the new building onto DCRNC’s books. (For FY 11/30/00, the income statement reflected Rent paid to the PBC; when depreciation was substituted for principal payments, expenses increased by approximately $150k.) The concern for 2001 is that this accounting practice will increase pressure on DCRNC’s current margin.

On balance, Fiscal 2000 was a good performance for the nursing home. The capital rate increase is still outstanding, although we believe that the State wants to resolve the matter quickly. We have not heard back on the latest submittal, but hope to resolve the issue while still in the year-end closing process.

Quality Improvement: Michele Green presented on the quarterly quality improvement information, consisting of the annual summary, resident satisfaction surveys, and current quality indicators. Michele reviewed areas that need improvement and summarized the action steps that are being planned. Progress on implementing corporate compliance was detailed.

Wellspring: Chris Hacker reviewed our progress on this continuous quality improvement initiative and handed out summary information for the Board.

Executive Session: On roll call vote, the Board went into executive session at 8:00 am and emerged from executive session at 8:20 am (motion Wilson, Second Casella). It was moved (Wilson) and seconded (Casella) that the incentive compensation plan be administered as written

Next Meeting Date:

            Wednesday, February 21, 2001, 7:00 a.m.


Respectfully submitted, 


Patricia Knudson
Recording Secretary

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