DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Infrastructure & Development

January 4, 2001

The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, January 4, 2001, at 7:00PM at the East Conference Room of the Public Administration Building. Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order.

Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Mrs Casella, Mr. Sands, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hoffman, Ms. LaVigne and Mr. McLaughlin. Mr. Guehler was absent. Also attending were William Lorence, County Engineer and Ray Bockman, County Administrator.


Mr. Smith moved to approve the minutes of the December 7, 2000 meeting, Mrs. Casella seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion to approve the agenda as printed and distributed was made and seconded. Mr. Lorence asked for an Executive Session to be added to the agenda for Land Acquisition. Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Mr. McLaughlin, seconded by Mrs. LaVigne. Motion carried unanimously.


The General County Letting was held on Tuesday, January 2, 2001, for bids to provide aggregate and bituminous materials, FOB, to the County and the Road Districts. Mr. Lorence explained that all quotes are excepted and the material is ordered from the closest pit/quarry or plant with the lowest "on road" cost. This bidding then meets the requirements established for both the County and Road Districts by the State of Illinois purchasing act. Bids were also accepted for liquid calcium chloride with Sicalco being the only bidder. Mr. Lorence recommended acceptance of all bids received including Sicalco’s low bid for liquid calcium chloride. A copy of all bids is attached to and made a part of these minutes.

Motion to approve the resolution as presented for bid award for materials was made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sands. Motion carried unanimously.

Following Committee discussion last month, bids were taken for the provision of a 1998 or newer 4x4 truck last Tuesday. Mr. Lorence recommended award to Temco, the low bidder.

Motion to approve the award of the bid to Temco was made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Casella. Motion carried unanimously.

IDOT POLICY PROCEDURE: Request for Reappointment of County Engineer

Chairman Wilson explained that the Illinois Code provides specific instructions as to the steps taken in the hiring and rehiring of the County Engineer. The resolution before the Committee, which is required by that Code, simply seeks approval from IDOT for the County Board to consider the reappointment of the incumbent.

Mr. Hoffman indicated he felt this action should be discussed in Executive Session under Personnel. The Committee agreed to delay discussion of this resolution until the Committee adjourned for Executive Session, scheduled for later on the agenda.


A handout was distributed which provides additional information regarding the objectives and responsibilities of the Public Infrastructure & Development Committee. Chairman Wilson reviewed this handout with Committee members, particularly the new members of the Committee. He encouraged all members to keep this brochure and, if any members of the Committee should have questions regarding the various aspects and funds of the County Highway Department to please feel free to contact either Mr. Lorence or Jan Hoadley for answers and/or explanations.


Mr. Lorence reviewed the Transportation Improvement Program with Committee members. Some projects discussed were: Both Malta and Kirkland Road Structures will be let on January 30th. The Highway Department building is progressing and a March move-in date is still anticipated.


Mr. Hoffman moved to adjourn into Executive Session for the purposes of Land Acquisition and Personnel, Mr. Smith seconded. Motion carried unanimously upon a roll call vote being taken.

Mr. Hoffman moved to go back into regular session, Mrs. Casella seconded. Upon a roll call vote being taken, motion carried and the Committee so returned to regular session.

Following the Executive Session, motion was made by Mr. Sands, seconded by Mrs. LaVigne to support the improvement of the Route 23/Route 64 intersection to facilitate the movement of southbound, left turn traffic. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Casella to request the consent from IDOT for consideration of reappointment of incumbent engineer. Six members voted aye, Mr. Hoffman voted nay. Motion carried.


Motion by Mrs. Casella to adjourn, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin. Motion carried unanimously and the January 4, 2001 meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee so adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,


John A. Wilson

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