DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the 
Public Infrastructure & Development
Committee Meeting

October 4, 2001

The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, October 4, 2001, at 7:00PM in the Conference Room of the County Highway Department.  Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order.


Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hoffman, Ms. LaVigne and Mr. Sands.   Mr. Guehler, Mr. McLaughlin and Mrs. Casella were absent.  Also attending were William Lorence, County Engineer; and Ray Bockman, County Administrator; Eileen Dubin, County Board member; Greg Millburg of the Farm Bureau; Bob Soltau and Kris Tobin of IDOT  and various citizens.




Motion by Ms. LaVigne to approve the September 6, 2001 minutes, seconded by Mr. Hoffman.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Mr. Smith to approve the September 19, 2001 minutes, seconded by Mr. Sands.  Motion carried unanimously.



Mr. Sands asked to be on the agenda to report on the actions to date of the 24 Hour Snow Removal Task Force.


Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Mr. Smith,  seconded by Mr. Sands.   Motion carried unanimously.



The requirements of forming a Metropolitan Planning Organization were presented by Mr. Bob Soltau, IDOT in Springfield.


Accompanying Mr. Soltau was Kris Tobin from IDOT in Dixon who spoke to the Committee on the five year program for improvements by the State in DeKalb County.  Among those projects are the resurfacing of:


Route 34 from Route 23 to Somonauk

Route 34 from Sandwich easterly

Route 30 through Shabbona, Waterman and Hinckley

Route 64 from West County Line toward Sycamore including two major culverts

Route 64 east from Sycamore to the East County Line

           There is also scheduled the reconstruction and surfacing of the Cortland Spur from Route 38 to North Street and the Maple Park Spur from Route 38 to the railroad tracks.  Additionally, there are several culvert replacement projects scheduled.


Mr. Soltau then spoke regarding the mandated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for DeKalb County.  This is a result of the urbanized area of DeKalb County, primarily the Cities of DeKalb and Sycamore, exceeding 50,000 population in the last census.  This MPO must be established to determine how funds are spent for Federal Aid projects in the urbanized area encompassing DeKalb, Sycamore, Cortland and adjacent environs. This includes not only municipalities within an established MPO, but all entities receiving Federal funds.   Mr. Soltau explained the process of instituting the MPO, within one year of the adoption, the planning boundaries will have to be defined and an intergovernmental agreement will have to be entered into.  There will be federal grant monies available to help get the organization up and running.  Mr. Soltau then further explained the two committees that will comprise the MPO, those being a Technical Committee, consisting of appointed officials from local units of government and a Policy Committee, consisting of elected officials.  There are three requirements that must be met, i.e., a unified work program must be established, a Transportation Improvement Program for 1-3 years set and a 5-25 year long range plan established.  Within these program there are many areas to be considered.  Some of those areas are safety and security, economic vitality, environment, integration of services and efficiency.  Mr. Sands asked how both a Regional Planning Organization (RPO) and an MPO within the same County will work?  Mr. Bockman responded that the RPO could encompass the MPO or they could exist simultaneously.  All these questions and directives will be addressed as the MPO progresses.  Mr. Soltau emphasized that IDOT would be available to assist the establishment of the MPO and thanked the Committee for the opportunity to speak to them.



Contract to provide snow removal to northwest part of County  

A letting was held on October 2, 2001 for the contract to provide snow removal in the northwest portion of the County.  Two bids were submitted with Tyrrell Corporation being the low bid.  Mr. Lorence recommended award to the low bidder. 

Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Hoffman to award the snow removal contract to Tyrrell Corporation.  Motion carried unanimously.



Federal Aid Resolution authorizing Chairman to sign intergovernmental agreement for resurfacing of Perry Road form Somonauk Road (east leg) to East County Line 

A federal aid resolution was presented to the Committee for action.  This resolution authorizes the Chairman of the County Board to enter into an agreement to pay 20% of the costs utilizing County Matching Tax funds,  with remaining costs being absorbed with Federal funds, for the resurfacing of Perry Road from Somonauk Road, the east leg, to the Kane County Line.  The County=s cost would be approximately $74,000 with a total anticipated cost of $370,000.  This project will be let in November and resurfacing done in 2002.   

Motion by Mr. Sands, seconded by Mr. Smith to pass the Federal Aid resolution.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Citizens concerns expressed regarding rumble strips at Route 72 and Glidden Road

Citizens living in the area of Route 72 and Glidden, as in previous months asked the Committee to address the noise created by the rumble strips installed at that intersection.  They insist these particular rumble strips present an incessant noise that prevents them from sleeping and living undisturbed in their homes.  Mr. Lorence explained that, in response to the citizen=s request last month, his staff measured all the newly placed rumble strips on County roads and there is no difference in their size or placement.  The Committee, while sympathetic to the concerns of the local residents, were reminded, as previously discussed, these strips have been in place for many years.  To remove them then becomes a safety factor for the traveling public and a liability issue for the County to remove the strips, therefore, no changes are anticipated at this time. 


Report on Snow Removal Task Force      

Dennis Sands, Chairman of the Snow Removal Task Force, reported on the recent meeting held.

He felt it was well attended and several issues were discussed with no solutions yet.  Primarily Mr. Sands feels the Committee will attempt to address response time and added snow removal efforts.  He then asked for direction as to where the Public Infrastructure want the sub-committee to go.  Chairman Wilson responded that he felt the sub-committee should define the problem, suggest potentials solutions and their subsequent costs.


Commendation of County Engineer 

Chairman Wilson said he personally wanted to commend the County Engineer, William Lorence, on the completion of the new highway facility.  It was Mr. Lorence=s original design that was integrated into the new facility.  Additionally, Mr. Lorence served as general contractor on the job and was there everyday to assure the construction was done in accordance with the plans and proposals.  Again, Chairman Wilson expressed his and the Committee=s appreciation to Mr. Lorence for a job well done.  And, every employee who participated in the construction should be extremely proud of the new building as well.


County Engineer=s Comments 

Mr. Lorence presented his monthly update on projects involving the Department.  The Kirkland Road Bridge and the Base Line Road Bridge are both now open.  The Peace/Barber Greene Road project is 75% complete.  The surface and striping should be completed within the next week or so and then signalization will begin.  The Glidden Road project is not proceeding quite as planned due to utilities not completing their work.  It is hoped widening will begin soon.  The Genoa Road railroad structure will be let on November 9th.



Motion by Mr. Hoffman, seconded by Mr. Smith to adjourn.  The motion carried unanimously and the October 4, 2001 meeting of the Public Infrastructure & Development Committee so adjourned.


Respectfully submitted, 


John A. Wilson


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