DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the 
Public Infrastructure & Development
Committee Meeting

December 6, 2001

The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, December 6, 2001, at 7:00 PM in the Conference Room of the County Highway Department. Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order.


Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Mr. Smith Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Guehler, Mr. McLaughlin, Ms. Casella, and Mr. Sands. Ms. LaVigne arrived at 7:05 P.M. Also present was Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, and Mr. William Lorence, County Engineer. Mr. Michael Haynes joined the meeting at 7:08 P.M.



Motion by Mr. Guehler to approve the November 1, 2001 minutes, seconded by Mr. Hoffman. Motion carried unanimously.



Chairman Wilson stated that there were two items to be added to the agenda, and Mr. Sands requested to add a third item. The items to be added are 1. Bid Letting, 2. Under Old Business: Rumble Strips, and 3. also Under Old Business: Snow Task Force. Mr. Sands moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion was seconded by Ms. Casella. Motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.



Mr. Lorence announced the letting results with a recommendation for award going to Northwest Ford for the tandem truck cab and chassis for an amount of $57,000.00 and to Mike Mooney for the 3/4 ton pickup truck for $25,449.28. A motion was made by Mr. Smith to approve the award as recommended and was seconded by Mr. Casella. Motion carried unanimously.



Motion was made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Ms. Casella to approve the Resolution requesting authorization of MFT to pay the County Engineer’s Salary for 2002. Motion carried unanimously.



Mr. Lorence presented the engineering agreements for three bridge projects located in DeKalb, Pierce and Mayfield Townships. Motion was made by Mr. McLaughlin and seconded by Mr. Smith to approve the agreements. Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Lorence announced the Ordinance for the annual Spring Road Posting will be from mid January to April 14, 2002. A motion was made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Guehler to approve the ordinance to post the roads. Motion carried unanimously.



Mr. Michael Haynes was in attendance representing the residents of the area located at the intersection of Glidden Road and Route 72 regarding their dissatisfaction with the excessive noise created by the recent replacement/installation of new rumble strips at that location. Mr. Haynes presented a petition signed by 106 people objecting to the excessive noise, The petition presented asked for consideration by the County Board of two alternatives. 1. To "eliminate the strips altogether and use alternate devices to warn motorists" or 2. To "replace the current rumble strips with the type used by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Mr. Haynes requested guidance from this committee for a resolution to this problem. Considerable discussion by members of this committee followed. Several alternatives were discussed and the consensus of the committee, was to look at alternative methods for revising the strips. The overriding concern of this committee is for public safety while attempting to appease the residents regarding the noise factor.  A motion was made by Mr. Sands to seek a study of alternatives including cost comparisons and to request the States Attorney issue a legal opinion regarding the liability resulting from the decision made. The motion was seconded by Ms. LaVigne. A voice vote followed and those voting "yes" were: Sands, LaVigne, Wilson, Casella, Guehler, and Smith. Voting "no" were McLaughlin and Hoffman. Motion carried.



Mr. Sands distributed the report of recommendations from the Snow Removal Task Force containing a process for finalization prior to the next labor contract. Mr. Sands outlined the contents of the report. Mr. Sands suggested that a meeting with Mr. Ray Bockman and Mr. Gary Hanson should take place to discuss methods of financing the cost of the process included in this report. Mr. Sands stated that the costs to implement would be approximately $92,000 to possibly come from MFT. Mr. Sands concluded by saying the cost of the recommendations in the study would also add approximately $30,000 to the Highway Department budget. Limited discussion took place regarding the use of motor fuel taxes to fund this project and/or other methods of financing it. Mr. Bockman suggested that he ask the staff to prepare from their perspective an estimate of the cost of doing what is proposed in this report and to prepare a separate estimate of what the ultimate costs would be. After this is done this committee could review the information to reach some definite conclusion. The committee accepted the report for further study.



Chairman Wilson requested at this time the committee to meet in executive session for the purpose of discussing Land Acquisition. A motion was made by John Guehler to recess this Committee to meet in executive session. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith. The motion carried unanimously by a voice vote. The time was 8:05 P.M. The Committee returned to its regular session at 8:30 P.M. A motion made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. McLaughlin. The motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.


No action was taken by the Committee resulting from the executive session.



Chairman Wilson announced the next meeting for this Committee will be scheduled for Thursday, January 3, 2002.



Mr. Lorence reported that the Malta Road culvert is complete and seeding will take place in the spring. Peace and Barber Greene are also complete and seeding is also scheduled for spring. Mr. Wilson inquired about the signals located at the entrance to Menards. He stated that he has been told those lights are not triggered by the traffic. Mr. Lorence responded that they are sending false signals when no cars are present. Mr. Lorence said the signals are actually maintained by the City of Sycamore and the County controls only the timing. However, he has taken some steps to remedy the situation with the advice of the City of DeKalb and others. He continued that the City of Sycamore has been informed and as soon as Mr. Brady returns from vacation a cooperative effort will be made to solve the problem.


Mr. Lorence stated that Glidden Road has been completed, except for the seeding to be done in the spring, and the City of DeKalb will be installing signs in the area. The Genoa Road project is just beginning and preparations are being made for the closing of the road. A pre-construction meeting is scheduled for December 12, 2001 at which some final decisions will be made. Mr. Lorence stated that shortly after this meeting his department will issue a news release to inform the public regarding the road closing and where detours will be located. The information will also be posted on the website. Mr. Lorence assured the committee that all the necessary steps will be taken to keep the public, city and school officials and local industries fully informed regarding this construction.


Mr. Lorence stated that the Perry Road project was awarded to Aurora Blacktop and the March letting will contain 9 miles for the Somonauk road project. He continued that by March all the major projects will be let for the year, other than the re- surfacing of Plank road.

Mr. Lorence distributed copies of the Rockford Area Transportation Studies for the perusal of this committee, as an example of what will be required of an MPO.




A motion to adjourn this meeting was made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Ms. Casella. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,


John A. Wilson, Chairman



Mary G. Simons, Secretary Pro Tem

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