DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the Special
Public Infrastructure & Development
Committee Meeting

June 7, 2001

The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, June 7, 2001, at 7:00PM in the Conference Room of the County Highway Department.  Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order.


Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Mr. Smith, Mr. McLaughlin, Mrs. Casella, Mr. Sands and Mr. Hoffman.  Mr. Guehler and Ms. LaVigne were absent.  Also attending were William Lorence, County Engineer; Ray Bockman, County Administrator,  and Greg Millburg of the Farm Bureau.



Mrs. Casella moved to approve the minutes of the May 3, 2001 meeting, Mr. McLaughlin seconded.  Motion carried unanimously. 



Motion to approve the agenda as printed and distributed was made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Casella.   Motion carried unanimously.



The first bid resolution presented for action was for the surfacing of Bethany Road in DeKalb Road District.  Two bids were received on June 5th, both of which were under estimate.  Mr. Lorence recommended award to the low bidder, Peter Baker & Son.  Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Casella to award the bid to Peter Baker & Son.  Motion carried unanimously.


The second bid resolution covered the channelization and resurfacing of the intersection of Bethany Road and Glidden Road.  There was only one bidder who was approximately 40% over estimate.  However, due to extenuating circumstances, after review by both the Highway Department and IDOT, Mr. Lorence is recommending award.  It was felt that, because of these circumstances, to rebid would not result in lower bids being received.  Motion by Mr. Sands to approve the award to Elliott & Wood, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin.  Motion carried unanimously.



A resolution was presented requesting the authorization of $115,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds toward the cost of the Glidden/Bethany Road intersection.  The remaining costs would come from Matching Tax funds.

Motion by Mrs. Casella to approve the Motor Fuel Tax resolution for Sec. 00-00193-00-CH, seconded by Mr. Smith.  Motion carried unanimously.

A second MFT resolution was presented requesting the authorization of $666,678 of Motor Fuel Tax funds towards the cost of the Peace/Barber Greene Road improvement.  Again, the remaining costs would be from Matching Tax funds.  Motion by Mr. McLaughlin to approve the MFT resolution for Sec. 97-00182-00-TL, seconded by Mr. Hoffman.  Motion carried unanimously.


DISCUSSION & VIDEO: Signing of County Roads 

The Committee was shown a video about the importance of maintaining signs along public roadways and the endangerment created by people damaging those signs.  Following the video the Committee and Department representatives discussed the Traffic Control Division=s responsibilities.  In order to maintain over 2000 signs along the 200 miles of County Highway System, the Traffic Control Division performs a weekly ridden inspection of all signs, additionally there is an annual inspection done at night to check reflectivity of the signs.  The Traffic staff has for many years consisted of one Traffic Control Technician, but it has become increasingly difficult with the signs (in the past twelve years the number of signs has increased by 50%) and, therefore, the Department in April assigned a Highway Maintainer to that division.  This has proven to be a very beneficial decision.  It was also noted that the Traffic Control division is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  They will immediately respond to Stop Signs and No Passing Zone Pennants that are down, of which there are over 600 on the County system.  All other signs will be replaced or repaired during normal working hours.  To keep signs/posts in their proper condition, is a non-ending process and extremely time consuming.  It is estimated that the Sign Division represents 20% of the maintenance responsibility of the Department.  In addition to replacing or repairing sign installations, they also make all intersection signs for both the County and the majority of the nineteen townships in addition to other responsibilities. 



Mr. Lorence reviewed the County projects with the Committee.  The rumble strips have been placed on Rich Road west of Glidden.  The two bridges which have been let are under a delay schedule due to the inclement weather we have been having.  The sidewalk and curbing for the Highway Department has also been delayed for the same reason.



Chairman Wilson reminded the Committee members of the upcoming Regional Planning meeting to be held at the Farm Bureau on June 14th at 4:00PM. 

Due to the County=s budgeting process, the Committee may wish to consider changing their regular monthly meeting in September.  The County Administrative recommendations will be presented on September 5th, just one day prior to PI&D=s regular meeting date.  This would allow little time for Committee members to review the recommendations in relationship to the Highway Department=s proposed 2002 budget.  There are several options available to address this situation, i.e., 1) hold the meeting at its regular time, but be prepared to go over the Department=s budget and the recommendations at the meeting, 2) delay the meeting until the following week (this would then present a problem in disseminating the minutes to County Board members in the monthly packet) or 3) hold two meetings that month; one regular meeting which would allow minutes to be presented to the full Board in a timely manner and a second meeting for the Committee to discuss the budget, as that would require no Board action at that time.  Chairman Wilson asked Committee members to consider these options and they will be discussed at August=s meeting.




Motion by Mr. McLaughlin, seconded by Mrs. Casella to adjourn.  The motion carried unanimously and the June 7, 2001 meeting of Public Infrastructure & Development Committee of the DeKalb County Board so adjourned.


Respectfully submitted, 


John A. Wilson








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