DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the 
Public Infrastructure & Development
Committee Meeting

August 2, 2001

The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, August 2, 2001, at 7:00PM in the Conference Room of the County Highway Department.  Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order.


Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sands, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Guehler, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. McLaughlin and Mrs. Casella.   Also attending were William Lorence, County Engineer; and Ray Bockman, County Administrator.



Motion by Ms. LaVigne to approve the August 18, 2001 special meeting minutes, seconded by Mr. Hoffman.  Motion carried unanimously.



Motion to approve the agenda as printed and distributed was made by Mr. Hoffman, seconded by Mr. Smith.   Motion carried unanimously. 

Chairman Wilson asked for two changes to the agenda, one being the September meeting date and the second item to move the Exempt Employee Review into executive session and placing it last on the agenda.   

Motion to approve the changes to the agenda was passed unanimously.



Mr. Lorence presented two engineering agreement resolutions to the Committee for their consideration.  The first one discussed was for the replacement of a box culvert on Preserve Road in Clinton Road District.  The cost of the preliminary engineering for this structure would not exceed $12,250.00.  Mr. Lorence recommended award of the engineering contract to Wendler Engineering for this project.   

Motion by Mr. Sands to approve the engineering agreement with Wendler Engineering for the design of the culvert on Preserve Road, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin.  Motion carried unanimously. 


The second resolution was also for design engineering services to be performed by Wendler Engineering.  This was for a County structure located on Shabbona Road with a design engineering fee not to exceed $11,750.00.

Motion by Mr. Smith to approve the engineering agreement with Wendler Engineering for the design of the bridge on Shabbona Road, seconded by Ms. LaVigne.  Motion carried unanimously.    



1) Rumble strips installed at the intersection of Glidden Road and Route 72 

Several local residents spoke to the Committee regarding their concerns about the renovation of the rumble strips at the intersection of Glidden Road and Route 72.  Mr. Judd expressed his unhappiness with what they perceive to be excessive noise created by the newly regrooved strips.  The strips are causing vehicles to loose their hubcaps and he has collected 12 himself from his front yard ditch area.  While he recognizes the need to protect people, he feels these new strips are just too much of an alteration.  Previously there had been raised rumble strips, which were quieter, these new strips are cut in and are extremely noisy. 

A letter was also read by Chairman Wilson to the Committee from the Wylde=s, who are also local residents but unable to attend the meeting.  Their concern is also the excessive noise.  

Mrs. Judd concurred with the previous comments, indicating that, due to the large amount of traffic, the noise is incessant, continuing day to night...night to day.  She asked for those interested to come to the area and listen. 

Mr. Heath also added his discontent with the rumble strips and having hub caps coming into his yard.  He thought removing the rumble strips and adding flashing lights on advance signs might be an alternative. 

Mr. Bill Phillips, Maintenance Foreman for the County Highway Department, explained that this type of rumble strip had first been cut into the pavement at this site two years ago.  This past June they were redefined because they had worn down to a point of not being effective.  There are several of the same type of rumble strips recently redone throughout the County.   

Responding to a question by the Committee regarding the design of the rumble strips, Mr. Lorence explained that they are installed in accordance with Standards established by the State of Illinois.  These Standards are developed after several years of study.  All indications are that these type of rumble strips are doing the job for which they were designed.   Could they be modified?  Mr. Lorence responded that, in his opinion, to alter an established safety feature already in operation to a feature less than established is a potentially dangerous decision.  Again, while he agrees these are noisy, they are doing the job for which they are intended.  The County has remeasured the depth of these cuts and they have already Asoftened@ due to traffic use, they will continue to soften and the noise will abate.   

              Chairman Wilson thanked the residents for attending the meeting and confirmed that the Committee would see what they could do, while still observing the safety of the traveling public and trying to balance that with the happiness of the public.  Cautioning, that the two do not always come together as one may wish.  However, the Committee will do its best for the citizens of DeKalb County. 

After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Committee that Mr. Lorence contact the State=s Attorney for an opinion on altering an existing, conforming safety feature to a lesser type.  It was also suggested that from the residents= discussion, speed may also be a problem, and the Sheriff should be contacted and asked to monitor the location.  This item will then be included for discussion at September=s meeting.

2) The temporary signing of dark signalized intersections due to power failure 

In the past when there has been a power failure which made the signals at various intersections inoperable, the Highway Department, as well as other local agencies, have installed temporary stop signs.  The Chief Council for the State has given a opinion that this presents a liability to those agencies and should no longer be done.  The ARules of the Road@ say that a Adark@ signalized intersection is to be considered a four-way stop and temporary signage is not required. Therefore, the Illinois Department of Transportation in District 2 is adopting these guidelines and will not be placing temporary signs.  The City of DeKalb has also decided to follow the same procedure.  Mr. Lorence then asked the Committee for their input in how they would like to see his Department respond.  He would like to see the policy uniform and follow the decision of IDOT and DeKalb. 

It was agreed that it seems all local agencies= policies should coincide, avoiding confusion to the public.   The Committee asked Mr. Lorence to contact the State=s Attorney for an opinion on this matter, as well.  Mr. Lorence will also speak to the City of Sycamore to try to ascertain how they will be addressing the situation.  This subject will then be discussed again at September=s meeting.


3) September=s Meeting Date 

Due to the presentation of the budget recommendations in September, Chairman Wilson asked the Committee how they would like to schedule the September meeting?  The consensus was to set the meeting      date for September 6th at 7:00PM for both the regular meeting and budget discussion. 

Mr. Lorence also reminded the Committee that there will be a special meeting on August 15th at 7:00PM in the first floor jury room to award bids received at a letting scheduled for August 13th at 10:00AM.



Mr. Lorence reviewed the monthly progress report on various projects the Department is working on.

The Barber Greene Road/Peace Road widening and signalization will begin on Monday.  While the roads will remain open to a minimum of one lane traffic, based on the resurfacing at Encoat, there will surely be traffic delays experienced.  The Chicago, Rollo, Suydam Road project is now complete.   

Regarding the new facility, it is basically 99% complete.  Handouts were distributed to Committee members regarding costs to date.                          

The Genoa Road Railroad underpass is still in the process of land acquisition.  Mr. Lorence expressed his confidence that the new overpass will be complete by Christmas 2002.  While it appears the September letting date may not be met, Mr. Lorence indicated either October or November are still possible letting dates.  If necessary, there could be a special letting for the structural steel this year.  Chairman Wilson remarked that this a very important project for a variety of reasons and there must be no stone left unturned to meet the necessary deadlines and allow opportunity for conflicts.  This project needs to become and maintained as high priority.



Motion by Mrs. Casella to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel, seconded by Ms. LaVigne.  On a roll call vote being taken, the Committee voted unanimously to leave regular session and move into Executive Session.

Motion by Mr. Guehler to return to regular session, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin.  Motion carried unanimously upon a roll call vote being taken.



Motion by Mr. Hoffman, seconded by Mrs. Casella to adjourn.  The motion carried unanimously and the August 2, 2001 meeting of the Public Infrastructure & Development Committee so adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,


John A. Wilson








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