DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the 
Public Infrastructure & Development
Committee Meeting

September 6, 2001

The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, September 6, 2001, at 7:00PM in the Conference Room of the County Highway Department.  Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order. 

Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hoffman, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Sands and Mr. McLaughlin.   Mr. Guehler and Mrs. Casella were absent.  Also attending were William Lorence, County Engineer; and Ray Bockman, County Administrator; Gary Hanson, Deputy County Administrator; Cliff Simonson and Roger Steimel, County Board members; Roger Hopkins, Executive Director, DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation; Jim Quinn, Operations Manager for the County Highway Department and Greg Millburg of the Farm Bureau and various citizens.



Motion by Mr. McLaughlin to approve the June 7, 2001 minutes, seconded by Mr. Smith.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Mr. Smith to approve the August 2, 2001 minutes, seconded by Ms. LaVigne.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Mr. Sands to approve the August 15, 2001 minutes, seconded by Mr. Hoffman.  Motion carried unanimously.



Motion to approve the agenda as printed and distributed was made by Mr. Smith,  seconded by Ms. LaVigne.   Motion carried unanimously. 

Chairman Wilson moved Item 1 under Old Business to the first agenda item to be discussed to accommodate the visitors wishing to address the issue. 

1) Rumble Strips:              
The Committee was asked by local residents to respond to their earlier concerns about the increased noise level created by the newly renovated rumble strips on Glidden Road at Route 72.

A letter was read by Chairman Wilson from the State=s Attorney presenting his opinion on the alteration of these particular strips.  Basically the letter cautioned about making any change to an existing safety feature that would not be in compliance with existing standards.  The Department has installed these rumble strips in conformance with established standards and any change would be contrary to that policy.  All renovated or new rumble strips done conform to these standards.   

Several residents spoke reiterating their displeasure with the noise and its impact on their

lives.  They asked the committee members to travel to their area and listen for themselves to the noise of the traffic going over the rumble strips.  Emphasizing that something needed to be done. 

Mr. Smith responded that the problem here seems to be that, should the County alter the existing strips, they are putting themselves into a liability situation.  As a body, neither the Committee nor the County Board, can take any action that would increase the County=s liability by their actions and that they are bound not to make a change which would jeopardize the County.  Several members of the Committee said they had gone over the rumble strips themselves and did not really see a big problem. 

In conclusion, the staff was asked to check all similar installations for conformance and physical description.  Then compare all locations and see if there is anything the County can do to modify the noise.   

Chairman Wilson next recognized Mr. Dick Lynch who wished to address the Committee regarding the trees at his property on Glidden Road.  Mr. Lorence explained that during the course of obtaining right-of-way for the widening of Glidden Road at Bethany Road, he had arrived at an agreement with the Lynch=s regarding additional right-of-way needed for the road improvement.  During negotiations with the Lynch=s, Mr. Lorence agreed to an offer of $500 per tree for damage that would be sustained during trimming operations.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Lynch agreed to that compensation. 

Mr. Lynch proceeded to express his displeasure with the manner in which ComEd Atrimmed@ the trees.  These are 100 year old trees and, in his opinion, are now ruined.  Following further discussion, Mr. Lorence suggested he contact Mr. Lynch regarding the County now removing the trees entirely, if, in fact that is what Mr. Lynch wants.  The Committee agreed. 



Gary Hanson reviewed the Administrative recommendations for the five funds included in the Highway Department=s FY=02 budget.  The only recommended change from within the requested budgets, was the Airport Road right-of-way purchase and future construction.  By deleting this project from future funding, it does not remove the appropriation from the budget, but takes the project out, which then allows for a alternative project.  Mr. Bockman stated that the Administration feels this project is development driven, and unless others are willing to participate, the Administration will continue to make a recommendation against the County funding the project.  There have been discussions of ways the County may participate, but to take it on as the County=s project is premature.  The County established a corridor for this project in 1996 and did purchase a parcel of property within the corridor.  However, this was purchased to avoid later purchasing a home, should the project come to fruition.   

The Committee accepted the Administrative recommendations.  They were reminded they would yet have time, on their own, to review the budget further as well as the recommendations and to make comment.   Mr. Hanson explained that unless the Committee makes a change, which they can do until September 15th, the Airport Project is out of 2002's budget.

 Mr. Guehler had submitted a suggestion to include two additional snow plow drivers to respond to emergency needs during those hours the regular crews were not available.  It was decided to form a A24 Hour Snow Removal Task Study Committee@ chaired by Mr. Sands to further discuss, review and provide recommendations to the Committee.  Mr. Sands accepted the Chair and indicated he would set the end of January as the first report back time to the Committee.   



The Administrative recommendation for DeKalb County Economic Development was to again contribute $35000.   Mr. Roger Hopkins spoke to the Committee on various aspects of the corporation and its relationship to the County.  There was also discussion on Regional Planning and how that will be fitting in to County planning and programming.   Mr. Simonson spoke to the Committee on his continued opposition to contributing to the DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation based on his concerns for the environment and the Corporation=s  adverse impact on environmental issues. 


Route 38 & Malta Road Signalization: Mr. Lorence reported that the contract is awarded, but no work has yet started.  He assumes that the contractor is waiting for signal equipment to arrive. 

Darkened intersections: A opinion received from the State=s Attorney=s office agrees that it would be the best idea for the County to follow the policy adopted by the City of DeKalb and IDOT, in that when a signalized intersection becomes dark due to a power failure, no temporary stop signs will be installed.  It was concurred that the Department would also adopt the policy of not placing temporary stop signs at darkened intersection.



Mr. Lorence reviewed the past months progress on various projects.  Some projects discussed were  Bethany Road should start next week; the Kirkland Road bridge is almost completed and the parking lot at the facility is to be finished by next week. 



It was noted that the next regular scheduled meeting on October 4th will also be the open house for the new facility.  An IDOT representative will be at that meeting to give a presentation on the Metropolitan Planning Organization process.



Motion by Mr. Hoffman, seconded by Mr. Sands to adjourn.  The motion carried unanimously and the September 6, 2001 meeting of the Public Infrastructure & Development Committee so adjourned. 

Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                John A. Wilson,

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