DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Planning & Regulations Committee

November 28,2001

The Planning and Regulations Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on November 28, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. in the DeKalb County Administration Building, Conference Room East. In attendance were Committee Members Roger Steimel, Marlene Allen, James Barr, Howard Lyle, Clifford Simonson, Thomas Smith, Veronica Casella and Robert Hutcheson, and County staff Paul Miller, Marcellus Anderson, Bob Drake, and Karen Grush. Audience members included Diane Strand and Suzanne Knautz.

Mr. Hutcheson, Chairman called the meeting to order.



Mr. Simonson, moved to approve the minutes of the October 24, 2001 meeting of the Planning and Regulations Committee, seconded by Mrs. Allen, and the motion carried unanimously.



Mrs. Casella moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Lyle. Mr. Miller added a personnel item under general discussion. The amended agenda was approved unanimously.


USE VARIATION - -Request of Suzanne Knautz for approval to construct a single-family residence on a vacant 5-acre parcel located on the south side of Wolf Road, east of Anne Glidden Road, in Kingston Township, Petition KI-01-32.


Mr. Miller stated that a lot of record allows the potential that such a lot could be buildable even if it falls short of the 40-acre minimum required in the A-1 District. Based on her property being a lot of record, Suzanne Knautz is seeking a Use Variation. Suzanne Knautz stated in the public hearing, conducted on October 25, 2001, that she purchased the property in 1986 with the understanding that it was a buildable lot, and stated that she paid a premium price for this property.

Mr. Ron Klein, Hearing Officer for DeKalb County, recommended approval of the Use Variation.

Mr. Simonson stated that this parcel is zoned A-1, Agricultural District, and Suzanne Knautz is requesting an R-1, Residential Use. Mr. Miller responded that this 5 acre lot will still have agricultural uses. Mr. Simonson questioned if this lot would be required to have city water and sewer. Mr. Miller responded that no, because the request is not a subdivision, there is no requirement that it connect to municipal water and sanitary sewer lines.

Mr. Steimel questioned if the 1986 date makes a difference. Mr. Miller clarified that Suzanne Knautz testified that she paid $3,500 per acre, which was more than the average cost of agricultural land at that time, owned the property prior to 1993, and understood it to be a buildable lot at time of purchase.

Mrs. Allen asked if the surrounding lots were 5 acres in size. Mr. Miller stated that they were.

Mr. Simonson asked if the grandfather status will last indefinitely. Mr. Miller stated that as long as the Use Variation regulation is in the County Zoning Ordinance, there will be those who seek to take advantage of it.


Mr. Hutcheson asked if there was any other discussion. Hearing none, he asked for a motion. Mr. Smith motioned to recommend approval, seconded by Mr. Lyle, and the motion carried unanimously.


CODE AMENDMENT– Amendment to County Code regarding Animals, proposed by the Health Department.

Mrs. Karen Grush stated that the Illinois State Animal Control Act allows the County to charge a fine to an owner when their dog has been caught running at large. She stated that the State’s Attorney’s Office had recommended they revise the language used in Section 10-23 of the County Ordinance regarding the term "at large" to make it clear that a fine may be levied.

Mr. Smith questioned how the proposed language would affect hunting dogs, which are often not on a leash but are clearly under their owners’ control. He stated that the definition should say "not under control." Mrs. Grush stated that the definition had been suggested by the State’s Attorney’s Office.

Mrs. Casella asked for clarification on dogs running loose within the County’s forest preserves.

After a brief discussion regarding the definition of a loose dog, Mr. Smith made a motion that the draft language should be amended to include, "not under his/her control." The motion was seconded by Mrs. Casella and passed unanimously.

Mr. Steimel made a motion that the revised amendment to the County Code should be approved, seconded by Mrs. Casella, and the motion passed unanimously.

Discussion Item: Regional Planning Commission

Mr. Hutcheson stated that one meeting was held regarding the Regional Planning Commission with all of the municipalities invited, and the next meeting would be held in January.

Mr. Miller made a presentation in which he reviewed the proposal of creating a Regional Planning Commission that would serve both the County and the participating municipalities. He stated that he would like the Committee to reiterate it’s support for th idea of the Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Miller stated that 10 out of 14 municipalities were in attendance at the October 30 meeting. He explained that the proposal was that each municipality would have an individual "Intergovernmental Agreement" with the County, wherein each could select from a menu of planning and zoning services offered under the County’s Regional Planning Commission proposal. Mr. Miller explained that the Planning and Zoning Department staff would serve as the staff for the Regional Planning Commission.

Mr. Miller stated that Genoa, Hinckley, and Kirkland had already expressed support for the idea of creating a Regional Planning Commission.

Mrs. Allen asked if she understood that the two-year budget for this Planning Commission would be $200,000. Mr. Miller stated that this was correct, and $100,000 has been included in the FY ‘02 County Budget, but that does not mean that it has to be spent. Mrs. Allen asked how the municipalities would be charged. Mr. Miller stated that the details are yet to be worked out. He emphasized that each municipality would still have the ability to make decisions and have the final word on development projects. Mr. Miller restated that each municipality would have more authority and control within the Regional Plan. He also highlighted the fact that the municipalities could try this Regional Planning Commission approach, and if it does not work the way they had anticipated, they could end the agreement at any time. Finally, Mr. Miller stated that staff is now looking to County Board members to begin to take the lead on this idea and start working with the municipalities in their districts.

Mr. Simonson stated that in his opinion, Sycamore hasn’t shown any interest in the Regional Planning idea. Mr. Steimel suggested the Planning and Regulations Committee should remain proactive on this issue and work to gain the support of as many municipalities as possible.

Mr. Simonson made a motion that the Planning and Regulations Committee continue to endorse the Regional Planning Commission idea and for the County Board to remain proactive on the issue. The motion was seconded by Mr. Steimel and passed unanimously.

Discussion Item: December meeting of the Planning and Regulations Committee

Mr. Miller stated that there were no business items scheduled for the December meeting for the Planning and Regulations Committee. He suggested that the December26, 2001 meeting be cancelled.

Moved by Mr. Steimel, seconded by Mrs. Casella, it was carried unanimously by voice vote to cancel the meeting for December.

Mr. Miller stated that Judy Brady, secretary for Planning and Zoning Department, would be retiring after having served the Department for eight years. Her final day would be December 31, 2001. Mr. Miller stated that he had hired Heather Haacker as the new secretary. She will be a permanent part-time employee as of January 1, 2002.



Mr. Smith moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Casella, and the motion carried unanimously.



Robert Hutcheson
Planning and Regulations Committee Chairman

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