DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Planning & Regulations Committee

September 26,2001

The Planning and Regulations Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on September 26, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. in the DeKalb County Administration Building, Conference Room East. In attendance were Committee Members Roger Steimel, Marlene Allen, James Barr, Howard Lyle, Clifford Simonson, Thomas Smith and Robert Hutcheson, and County staff Paul Miller and Marcellus Anderson. Audience members included John Taner, John Thornhill, Cindy and John Meyers, and Anita Holt.

Mr. Hutcheson, Chairman called the meeting to order.



Mrs. Allen moved to approve the minutes of the July 25, 2001 meeting of the Planning and Regulations Committee, seconded by Mr. Barr, and the motion carried unanimously.



Mr. Steimel moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Mr. Smith, and the motion carried unanimously.


SPECIAL USE PERMIT - - Request of GVP, Inc. , for approve of a wind-testing tower on property located at Waterman & McGirr Roads in Afton Township Petition AF


Mr. Miller presented to the Committee the petition for a Special Use for the construction and operation of a "wind testing tower" on a portion of an 80-acre farm located at the corner of Waterman and McGirr Roads. The zoning is A-1, Agricultural District. He stated that the Hearing Officer recommended approval of the request for a Special Use with the condition that the Permit be valid for a maximum of two years and only one such wind testing tower will be allowed on property. Mrs. Allen asked whether wind turbines for the generation of electricity would require separate Special Use Permits. Mr. Miller said that each separate wind turbine that might be proposed would require a separate Special Use. Mr. Steimel asked what kind of concrete would be used for the foundation or other material? A representative of GVP, Inc. stated that the wind testing tower sets on a stainless steel platform. A foundation is not necessary. Mr. Steimel asked if there had been much success in generating energy by wind? The GVP representative stated that this is not for developing wind generators, but instead to study wind for correlating data to provide to a potential developer of wind generators. He sated that the governor of Illinois and the mayor of Chicago have expressed a lot of interest in generation of energy by wind as an alternative, and indicated that DeKalb County has been identified as having a fair amount of wind. Mr. Simonson asked what speed has to be reached before energy is possible. GVP answered from 10 to 15 miles per hour.

Mr. Steimel moved to recommend approval of the Special Use Permit with conditions recommended by the Hearing Officer, seconded by Mrs. Allen, and the motion carried unanimously.


FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION - - Request of John Meyers for approval of a two-lot subdivision located on Kingston Road in Kingston Township


Mr. Miller stated that John Meyers has filed an application for a "Minor Subdivision," that is, a subdivision that does not involve any new public utilities or streets. Therefore, the Preliminary Plat stage has been eliminated in favor going straight to Final Plat review. The Planning and regulations Committee is requested to review the Final Plat and recommend to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the proposed subdivision. The Hearing Officer already granted a Variation from the requirement of the Subdivision Regulations that new subdivision connect to water and sanitary sewage systems. This Variation was based on the fact that when the petitioner purchased the property, an interpretation from the State’s Attorney’s office was that splitting the property would be exempt from County regulations. After the property was purchased, the new State’s Attorney determined that the previous interpretation was incorrect, and the proposed division of the property into two lots would require approval by the County. The Hearing Officer granted the Variations based on thisunique circumstance and the particular hardship it created for the petitioner.


Mr. Miller stated that the petitioner has submitted all the required information for approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision. The two-lot subdivision has been reviewed by the County Engineer, County Health Department, and the Township, Fire Protection District, Park District, as well as the School District and Forest Preserve District. Mr. Miller noted that the Final Plat must have the required signatures and prove of payment to the School District and Forest Preserve District prior to signature by the Count Plat Officer. He introduced John Thornhill who was there to speak for the petitioners.


Mr. Thornhill stated that he has been in the land planning and surveying business for approximately 30 yrs. in and around Kane County, Illinois area. He stated that he was contacted by Mr. Meyers approximately two months ago on this matter. He stated that Mr. Meyers had purchased the property in January of 2001. Mr. Thornhill stated that he looked at the property, reviewed the maps, reviewed the zoning ordinance, and studied the surrounding area in the vicinity of the subject property. He added that Mr. Meyers, who now resides on the subject property, stated that he and his wife sold their personal home and were forced to move to another house. He stated that not being able to divide the property would be a hardship for them. He stated that Mr. Meyer is not a developer, but wants to build a new house on this property and live there.


Mrs. Allen moved to recommend approval of the two lot subdivision, seconded by Mr. Lyle, and the motion carried unanimously.



Mrs. Allen moved to enter to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Barr, and the motion carried unanimously.




Robert Hutcheson
Planning and Regulations Committee Chairman

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