DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Policy Committee

October 15, 2001

 The Public Policy Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, September 15, 2001 at 6:30p.m. at the Genoa City Council Chambers.   Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias called the meeting to order. Members present were Pat LaVigne.  Mr. Dlabal and Ms. Dubin arrived later at 6:45p.m.  Mr. Metzger, Mr. Brown and Mr. Barr were absent.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Greg Millburg, Christine Johnson, Terry Hannan, Paul Miller, Bill Lorence, Michael Haines, Howard Lyle, Laurie Curley, Genoa City County Member, Earl Jursich, Genoa City Council Member, Mr. Don Smith, Genoa Chief of Police and Debbie McDaniel with the MidWeek.


Chairman Tobias stated that the committee could not vote on any issue this evening because there was not a quorum present.  At 6:45p.m. there was a quorum present with the arrival of Mr. Dlabal and Ms. Dubin. 



Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Ms. LaVigne, and it was voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the September 17, 2001 meeting.



Moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Mr. Dlabal, and it was voted unanimously that the agenda be approved.


NEW BUSINESS – Introduction of Committee Members & Committees they serve.

Chairman Tobias introduced the committee members and county board members present and explained what her committee does.  Then all department heads that were present introduced themselves and gave very brief presentations explaining what their departments do.  Mr. Lorence explained to those present that Genoa Road will be closed next year due to repairs .  He said that Five Points Road would be the detour road.  After this work is done on Genoa Road, Five Points Road will be closed due to resurfacing.  Ms. Tobias asked Mr. Lorence if he has seen an increase in traffic?  Mr. Lorence said, yes, they normally project 2% per year increase and on the smaller volume roads they actually get that, but on larger roads, such as Peace Road, they see about a 5% increase.  They also see off of Cherry Valley Road and Genoa Road that there has been an increase in traffic, too. 

Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator and Ms. Christine Johnson introduced themselves and briefly reviewed what their offices do.  Ms. Johnson had a three-page handout, which is attached to these minutes. 


Mr. Paul Miller, Director of the Planning & Zoning Department, introduced himself to those present.  His office provides planning services to the county board and is primarily responsible for the interpretation and enforcement of our County’s Zoning Ordinance, subdivision regulations, storm water management, building codes, etc.   He sits down with representatives from the various cities on a regular basis and then there’s the odd special project where we try to get everyone on board, such as the Regional Planning Commission.  Mr. Miller also stated that there will be a Regional Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for October 30, 2001 @ 7:00p.m. in the Conference Room East.  He said that they have invited all mayors and county board members to sit down and discuss this issue further.


Mr. Terry Hannan, Forest Preserve Superintendent, introduced himself and briefly reviewed what his department does.  He said that they manage 13 forest preserves in DeKalb County.  He said that they also manage a wetland bank at the Afton Forest Preserve and working a future site in the northern part of the county.  Mr. Hannan said currently they are working on a 1,000-acre acquisition in partnership with the Department of Natural Resources.  These acres lie along the Kishwaukee River, North of Kirkland.  They hope to have a fair market value established this Wednesday in Springfield.  Three hundred acres (300) north of the river adjoins McQueen Forest Preserve and that’s the part that we would manage.  The remaining 600-700 acres lie south of the river and would be managed by the Department of Natural Resources.  It would provide a more multi-use type of area and be more affordable to both agencies. Mr. Hannan also stated that they are working with the Genoa-Kingston School District about developing a buffer zone along our property of Russell Woods Forest Preserve, which would amount to 200 feet. On the east side of the property the developer has agreed to a 50 foot buffer area off of Russell Woods.  The developer would also put up a fence along our property to separate the backyards of the homeowners and our forest preserve property.


Chairman Tobias recognized one of the councilmen from Genoa, Ms. Laurie Curley.  Ms. Curley asked Mr. Lorence about the repair work that is supposed to be done on Genoa Road next year, if the county has notified the railroad company yet about these plans?  Mr. Lorence said that, yes they have known about this project for about two years already. 


Mr. Jurisik, another Genoa City Council Member, said that he was glad that they were invited to attend our meeting this evening and asked if at all possible that communications could stay open between the two public entities even more now, especially items that affect not only Genoa but other towns in the county as well.  The more information that the County could get to them, the better off they will be. 


RESOLUTION: To Support the Amendatory Veto on HB549 – State Support for the Public Defender’s Office Start Date:

            Chairman Tobias said that this resolution did not get done yet, but that she hopes to have it ready for the tables the evening of the board meeting.


OLD BUSINESS – Legislative Agenda Discussion/Genoa Meeting/Regional Planning Commission

            Chairman Tobias and the committee discussed the remaining items for the legislative agenda resolution. Chairman Tobias said that under item #3 that Mr. Hanson said to remove it  because he has gotten an agreement with the people that he has been dealing with on this issue.  They agreed to include items #6, #7, #8, #9, and #10.  Under Item #9, Chairman Tobias pointed out that in the statute the language states that the county “shall” charge a fee …….., however, the credit card companies will not allow the county to charge a fee.  She is suggesting that the wording be changed to “may charge a fee….” 


After further discussion it was moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Ms. Dubin, and it was carried unanimously to recommend the Legislative Agenda and to forward it to the full board for approval.  Chairman Tobias asked if there were any questions pertaining to this motion?  Mr. Lorence, County Engineer, asked why the Motor Fuel Tax item was not included in the Legislative Agenda List?  Mr. Dlabal said that he felt that the committee talked about the issue at an earlier date.  He said that one issue that was raised was if one gas station, let’s say on the county line in Somonauk, raised their gas prices by ten cents (10), the public will go to wherever and pay ten cents less.  That’s the reality about it, said Mr. Dlabal.  Mr. Lorence said that we are not talking ten cents, what we are saying is that DuPage and Kane Counties have the maximum of four cents (4).  Mr. Dlabal said that we should put it on the agenda because it could help support our system in the County.  Mr. Lorence said that he felt that Kendall and LaSalle Counties might want to be able to do the same thing.  Currently DuPage, Kane and McHenry Counties have it.  Right now it’s specific to only three counties, said Mr. Lorence.  He further stated that this County should like to see more counties be able to do this.  Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Ms. LaVigne, and it was carried unanimously to recommend the addition of the Motor Fuel Tax to the Legislative Agenda. 



Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Ms. Dubin, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.

  Respectively submitted,


Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias


Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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