DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Policy Committee

April 16, 2001

The Public Policy Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, April 16, 2001 at 6:30p.m. in the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.   Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias called the meeting to order.  Members present were Patricia LaVigne and Jeffrey Metzger.    Edward Brown, Eileen Dubin, John Dlabal and James Barr were absent.  Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, was present.  No Quorum was present so the committee could only discuss each issue on the agenda until Mr. Dlabal arrived @ 6:55p.m.  At that point the committee approved the minutes and the agenda. 


When Mr. Dlabal arrived the committee was able to approve the minutes.   Moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Mr. Metzger, and it was voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the last meeting. 


Moved by Mr. Metzger, seconded by Mr. Dlabal, and it was voted unanimously that the agenda be approved.



Chairman Tobias said that she would like to inform the committee about a Bill that was passed in the House that supports state reimbursement for a portion of a full-time public defender’s salary.  It is in the Senate currently.  What this is, is that if you have a full-time public defender it sets the public defender’s salary at 90% of the State’s Attorney’s salary and the State will reimburse those funds.  What this bill is trying to do is, those counties that do hire their public defenders as full-time, will get reimbursed by 2/3rds of their salary.  Chairman Tobias said that she has spoken to Representative David Wirsing and will be getting in touch with Senator Bradley Burzynski this week.  She encouraged all committee members to try to reach their legislators and let them know that they support the Bill. 



Chairman Tobias said that we are at that time of the year again where we begin to contact department heads and other county board members for items regarding our legislative agenda.  We in turn take these items that are of interest to us and submit them to our legislators to work on.  When she was researching this on the Internet she came across a website for Lane County, Oregon, and found that they had their legislative agenda on their website.  What she thought that the committee members might do is that each of them could take a state and check on their websites to see if they have any legislative agenda items that may be comparable to DeKalb County.   What she tried to do is that she picked out a few key states that were like DeKalb County in size, high development and high quality soil.  She assigned different states to the members present for them to begin researching.  Pat LaVigne has the State of Illinois and Jeff Metzger has the State of Florida.  Chairman Tobias agreed to do Indiana.  She also will get in touch with Mr. Brown, Ms. Dubin and Mr. Barr and assign them states to research.


Chairman Tobias then spoke to the committee about sending congratulation letters out to the newly elected officials from the County.  The committee agreed to have Mr. Bockman, County Administrator, get the letters out.



Chairman Tobias stated that the proclamation would be presented at the April County Board Meeting for the County Government Week.  She also said that there would be a kid’s booklet and flyers that will be sent to all day cares and schools in the county for the kids to color.  She also brought a sample poster board of what she will have in each of the libraries throughout the county for that week.  She then mentioned that the website will also include these pages to print out for kids to do such as, coloring pages, a quiz, a maze, a dot-to-dot page, etc.  Mr. Metzger said that Sheriff Scott and Ms. Sharon Holmes, County Clerk and Recorder, would be visiting the Sandwich and Somonauk schools after the state testing dates.



Moved by Mr. Metzger, seconded by Ms. LaVigne, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting. 


Respectively submitted, 


                                                                                                Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias


Mary C. Supple, Secretary 

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