DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Policy Committee

June 21, 2001

The Public Policy Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, June 21, 2001 at 7:30p.m. in the Sandwich City Council Chambers.   Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias called the meeting to order.  Members present were James Barr, John Dlabal, Eileen Dubin, Pat LaVigne and Jeffery Metzger.   Ed Brown was absent.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Bill Lorence, Marlene Allen, John Guehler, Mayor Tom Thomas, Janet English of B&B Developers, Norman Troeger, Sandwich Township Supervisor, and Jerry Davis, Trustee from Sandwich Township, Peter Dell, Mr. Baker from Open Door. 

Chairman Tobias introduced the committee to the audience and briefly reviewed their mission.  Each member introduced themselves and mentioned which committees that they sit on.  She also introduced the staff members from the County who were present. 



Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Ms. Metzger, and it was voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the last meeting.



Moved by Mr. LaVigne, seconded by Mr. Metzger, and it was voted unanimously that the agenda be approved.



Chairman Tobias mentioned and passed out a copy of a memo that was sent to all department heads and county board members relative to the request for legislative agenda items.  Some of the issues that the committee has worked on in previous years were the collection of mobile home taxes, trying to increase Medicaid payments for the nursing home and trying to get increased coverage for health insurance for prisoners.  Mr. Bockman mentioned the issue regarding the increase in authority to regulate cellular towers.  If anyone has issues that they would like the committee to research please call the county board office or their board members, said Chairman Tobias. 



Chairman Tobias said that several of the members present called various departments and asked for statistics on services.  She called Public Health and tried to find out what kind of personal services are offered in this part of the county.  There have been a number of programs, such as, the WIC Program where there are coupons for food and milk and training for new parents.  The Director of that program said that there has been an increased need for this in Sandwich, so they are planning to offer more clinics.  For Home Healthcare since August of last year, there have been 29 home health visits in Sandwich and 14 in Somonauk.  The nursing home does not have many patients from this area, maybe because it is too far for family members to drive to see their loved ones, Ms. Tobias explained.  Ms. Allen also said that there are two nursing homes here in the area.  There are environmental services offered by the Health Department also. 

Ms. Dubin explained the Senior Services Tax Levy and how it benefits various programs throughout the county.  Mr. Metzger mentioned that we have an excellent Sheriff’s Department.  He said that if you want they will let you ride for a day or a shift with one of their deputies to see exactly what they do each day.  He highly recommended it for people to try and learn to appreciate what these people encounter each day.  He also mentioned the Coroner’s Office and stated that they are very well respected.  Chairman Tobias said that along the lines of the Sheriff’s Department she was highly recommending that people should take the Citizens Police Academy Classes that are offered through the Sheriff’s Department. She said that it is very worthwhile.  Mr. Metzger also encouraged people to access the county’s website for any information that they might be seeking regarding the County.  Mr. Barr reviewed what the Planning & Zoning Department does. This department takes care of the administration for the county’s zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations, building codes, etc.  They have developed our county comprehensive plan which is an excellent plan with regards to maintaining growth around the municipalities.  Mr. Dlabal stated that he represents District #10 but wanted people to know that he also represents everyone in the county. Ms. LaVigne said that she was supposed to find out services from the Highway Department and she said that with Mr. Lorence here, that he would be better able to answer their questions.

Mr. Lorence explained his handout to the members present and the audience that it covers the last five years of what his office has done South of Route 30 and what they plan to do over the next five years.  One thing that he wanted to say is that some people don’t understand that just because you’re outside the city limits, they think that the county highway department takes care of all the roads.  Well, you do have a very capable township road commissioner, Mr. Jerry Davis, and he takes care of all of those roads and we don’t, Mr. Lorence further explained.  Out of all the roads outside the city limits there are about 1,000 miles and 200 of those are ours.  Mr. Lorence also wanted to point out that on his handout it states that there was nothing done in the year 1999, but that is wrong.  In 1999 they put new guardrails on Suydam Road and Somonauk Road.  Mr. Guehler asked Mr. Lorence to explain the County’s Snow Removal Policy?  Mr. Lorence said that DeKalb County does not have a bare pavement policy. In other words, we do not clear all the snow off the road.  His department will clear the intersections, hills and curbs.  Ms. Allen complimented Mr. Lorence on doing a very good job of clearing Perry Road and Somonauk Road this year.   

Mayor Thomas wanted to remind him about Chicago Road and the traffic amount that travels it every day.  They have about 6500 cars a day going out on it and asked if Mr. Lorence could keep looking at that road because it is going to just increase in volume.  One of the other things that he was asked to bring to the committee’s attention this evening is that there is a trailer park where there have been two accidents.  They want to know if there is a possibility of getting a guardrail there?  Mr. Thomas then commented on the flooding problems that they have experienced here in Sandwich.  He stated that they would be putting in another detention pond area to help with this problem.  He further stated that he and Judge Engel have discussed the court call for Sandwich and have decided to make it for one day a month from 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.  The only problem is that they will need to be able to access records and cases on a computer.  They have computer hookups in the courtroom but Mayor Thomas said, they need the funds to supply the computer and they are seeking the County’s help.  Mr. Bockman said that he would speak to the Circuit Clerk on their behalf about this issue. 

Mr. Thomas also voiced his concern on the trailer on church property and wondered if the county had approved this?  Mr. Barr said that it was approved last evening at the county board meeting, but that it had many conditions that needed to be met.  Mr. Thomas then informed the committee about people who have purchased 5 acres to build a home on the South side of County Line Road and then after it’s done they sell four acres back to the farmer on several occasions.  He further stated that now he’s heard that there’s talk about putting a crematorium in one of the homes.  He just wanted the county to be aware of this. 

Mayor Thomas then thanked the committee for coming down to Sandwich and holding their meeting here.   

Mr. Metzger asked Mr. Bockman if he could explain to everyone present what his office does?  Mr. Bockman said that his office is responsible for the day-to-day operations of this county, which has a $40 million dollar operating budget.  This county has about $200 million dollars in fixed assets.  We have in excess of 440 employees in 22 different divisions.  Our primary role with regard to the county board is what he calls “policy support.”  Our office doesn’t make policy, but we hopefully supply the board with the ammunition to make the policy and once they have decided on a course of action, our office is then responsible either directly or through the operating division to get the board’s wishes carried out.  His office is comprised of two people, himself and Ms. Mary Supple.  We do have support from other administrative divisions, too, Mr. Bockman continued.  One of the challenges facing the board now is the tax cap issue.  We haven’t noticed a great effect yet, but we can already see that over time it will have an affect on our ability to operate our services. 



Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Mr. Brown, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


Respectively submitted, 


                                                                                                Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias


Mary C. Supple, Secretary 

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