Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
E-911 Board 

March 6, 2002

Board members present:
Chairman Polarek, Vice Chair Olson, Feithen, Hanson, Leoni, Pettit, Riddle, and Suppeland.

Guests Present: Lt. Al Newby, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police, Brent Tillman, DeKalb Police Department; Jim Feyerherm, Starved Rock Communications, Chief of Police Don Thomas of Sycamore Police Department. Glenna Johnson, Verizon. 

Also Present: Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer; Charles Kross, Coordinator 

Chairman Polarek called the meeting to order at 7:31 AM



The Chairman asked for any amendments to the agenda. Chief Thomas requested time to address the Board and Jim Feyerherm, representing Starved Rock Communications, requesting to discuss a drip loop at the Waterman Tower site.  A motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Leoni and seconded by Suppeland.  There was no discussion.  The motion passed. 


A motion to approve the minutes of the meeting was made by Olson and seconded by Hanson.  The motion passed. 


¨      Treasurer’s Report:

1.      Treasurer Johnson reported that a CD, valued at $243,537.94 plus interest, was maturing on March 8.  She reported that the CD, which matured last month, was invested in the Money Market, which was paying higher interest at that time. 

Feithen made a motion to direct the Treasurer to invest the maturing CD and interest into either a Money Market or a CD depending on the highest interest rate.  Riddle seconded.  A roll call vote was taken: Feithen Y Hanson Y Leoni Y Pettit Y Riddle Y Suppeland Y Olson Y Polarek Y. The motion passed unanimously.  

2.      Treasurer Johnson distributed copies of the agency splits.  Kross will distribute them to the agencies not represented 

3.      A motion to approve the distributed Treasurer’s Report was made by Olson and seconded by Suppeland.  The motion passed.

4.      Agency bill requests -
1.  Motorola-Sycamore                                                    $285.00

2.   NiComm-Sycamore                                                        46.40
3.   NiComm-Sycamore                                                      139.20
4.   Ottawa/Dixon Comm.-Sandwich                                   383.00

¨      Bills:
Verizon                                                                           38.20
Verizon                                                                           28.95 

      Verizon                                                                          347.21
      Verizon                                                                            71.99

      Verizon                                                                            33.62

      Verizon                                                                       9,652.17
      Verizon                                                                          137.35
      Verizon - maintenance agreement                               21,172.92
      AT&T                                                                              16.27
      Office Max                                                                       32.47
      Language Line                                                                166.80
      NiCom - Sycamore                                                        139.20
      NiCom - Sycamore                                                          46.40
      Motorola - Sycamore fire                                                285.00
      Crum-Halsted Agency - Insurance                                5,989.00
      Barnaby Printing - Letterhead                                          306.00
      Dixon-Ottawa/Dixon Communications - Sandwich           383.00

Total                                                                 $38,846.55


A motion to pay the bills was made by Olson and seconded by Feithen.  A roll call vote was taken: Feithen   Y  Hanson Y Leoni Y  Pettit  Y Riddle  Y  Suppeland  Y   Olson Y  Polarek Y.   The motion passed unanimously. 

¨      Replacement of Vice-Chairman - A discussion was held about replacing Chief Olson as Vice-Chairman as he moves to the Chair.  The assumption of duties will take place at the April meeting.  Suppeland nominated Chief Bill Riddle.  Leoni seconded the nomination.  There were no other nominations.  Riddle was elected by a unanimous ballot.

¨      Verizon - A discussion of Verizon and their contracts with partnering companies centered around guarantees to customers of continued associations and maintenance after the customers buy the product such as mapping.  The discussion also touched upon the auditing of telephone customer numbers, which directly affects the revenue of the Board.  Kross reported that he had looked into a private organization to audit the number of lines.  This is an issue with a number of ETSBs, however currently, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this.  The line information is deemed proprietary info, except for the once a year reporting of prefix totals for the ICC.


Participating Agency Requests - 
DeKalb Police Department  is requesting board reimbursement for 
$2321.45 to Dictaphone for maintenance service, 
           ¨      $307.05 to Dictaphone for maintenance service, 
           ¨      $350 to NENA for Brent Tillman's registration expense for the National NENA Conference.  Historically
                 the Board has allowed the registration expense for PSAP Administrators, out of the general funds.

Suppeland made a motion to approve of these expenses.  Riddle seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.  

¨      PSAP Administrators' Report - The Administrators have not met.  There was no report.

¨      Persons to be Heard from the Floor -

  1. Lt. Newby asked about funding to move the 911 Telephone lock boxes inside the local Firehouses.  The cost would include a $73 one time fee and $37 per month.  Suppeland said that he didn't feel that there were enough occurrences to justify the ongoing expense.  The consensus of the Board agreed.
  2. Chief Thomas addressed the Board regarding Board funding policies and procedures. He presented a request for funding of Sycamore Police Department's LEADS 2000 needs.  The request included computer equipment, installation fees, and reoccurring line charges. 

Feithen moved to approve the purchase with the exception of the reoccurring line charges for a total of  $7,775.  Riddle seconded the motion.  The ensuing discussion reiterated the Board's position that it would not fund monthly or reoccurring, regular charges.  They feel that those fees should be out of each agencies individual budgets.

This request would come out of the Sycamore split.  The vote was taken. The motion passed unanimously.     

  1. Jim Feyerherm of Starved Rock Communications reported a failure of the Somonauk tower, which, further investigation revealed, was caused by a piece broke from the dish antenna at the Waterman site.  Feyerherm was unable to determine how the dish was broken.  He also presented a proposal to add a drip loop to the cable located within the Waterman Tower.  This cable was the source of water routing, which caused last year's loss of equipment due to water damage.  He said that it would cost $670 to install this loop.
    moved to authorize the work to be done.  Riddle seconded.  
                           The motion passed unanimously.   

¨      Coordinator’s Report - 
1.      WETSA Fund check  - $15,122.20 for 9/1/01 to 9/30/01
PSAP mapping meeting -- A meeting was held with IMO of DeKalb County and local PSAP agencies regarding mapping requests regarding what landmarks should be marked on maps, e.g.; Water, Railroads, Bridges, City limits.  Later discussion was about PSAP mapping needs.  Sandwich and Sycamore have no mapping systems in the works.  DeKalb County Sheriff's Police would prefer to utilize the company that they currently use for CAD.  DeKalb Police Department probably will do the same.
Kross will report next month on utilization of WETSA (wireless) funding. 


Feithen moved to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Hanson.  The motion passed.   The meeting adjourned at 8:59 A.M.

 Respectfully submitted,


Charles Kross, Coordinator

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