Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
E-911 Board 

October 2, 2002

The meeting was held at the Waterman Community Center

Board members present: Chairman Olson, Vice Chair Riddle, Bowman, Feithen, Leoni, and Suppeland.

Guests Present: Lt. Al Newby, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police, Brent Tillman, DeKalb Police Department; Jim Feyerherm, Starved Rock Communications; Debby Lilley, Verizon; Benny Escutia, Verizon; Glenna Johnson, Geo-Comm; Brad Engel, Hinckley Fire Department; Jay Elliott Van Landuyt, Hinckley Fire Department; Larry Lange, Waterman Fire Department; Mike Stott, Kirkland Fire Department; Chuck Breese, Waterman Police Department; Ed Hecathorn, Leland Fire Department; Auggie Kramer, Leland Fire Department; David Romke, Genoa Fire Department; Lynn Romke, Genoa Fire Department; Frank Ottenhieme, Shabbona Fire Department.

Also Present: Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer; Charles Kross, Coordinator

Chairman Olson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM


AGENDA - The Chairman asked for any amendments to the agenda.  There were none.  A motion to approve the agenda was made by Bowman and seconded by LeoniThere was no discussion.  The motion passed. 



A motion to approve the minutes of the September 4, 2002 meeting was made by Riddle and seconded by Bowman.  The motion passed. 



¨      Treasurer’s Report:

1.      Treasurer Johnson reported that the checking account balance was getting high.

                          Riddle made a motion to take $100,000 from the checking account, and invest it in the money market.  Bowman seconded.  A roll call vote was taken:  Bowman  Y  Feithen   Y  Leoni Y  Riddle  Y  Suppeland  Y   Olson Y .  The motion passed unanimously.  

2.      Johnson presented the Treasure's Report.

            A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Bowman and seconded byLeoni.  The motion passed.

§         Bills Not Previously Approved: There were none.

¨      Bills:        

            Verizon                                                                            33.74

            Verizon                                                                            71.22

            Verizon                                                                          109.60

            Verizon                                                                           29.04

            Verizon                                                                          337.18

            Verizon                                                                            41.24

            Verizon                                                                           41.78

            Starved Rock Communications -Fire radio                     807.50

            Starved Rock Communications - Fire Radio                   600.00

            Starved Rock Communications - Fire Radio                4,875.10

            AT&T                                                                             20.99

            Housing Authority                                                          200.00

            Language Line                                                               245.50

            Sprint                                                                              26.53

            Chuck Kross - NENA conf. & Reg.                              557.00

      DeKalb County Treasurer - Accounting fees               3,000.00

                                    Total                                               $10996.42


A motion to pay the bills was made by Feithen and seconded by Riddle.  A roll call vote was taken:  Bowman  Y  Feithen   Y  Leoni Y  Suppeland  Y  Riddle Y  Olson Y.   The motion passed unanimously.

§         Lock Boxes - Debbie Lilley of Verizon, reported that the ICC does not allow using Centrex lines to forward the lock-box lines.

§         Waterman Watertower Antenna - Jim Feyerherm of Starved Rock Communications reported that the old antenna had been reinstalled on the watertower.  He spoke with the Lee Fire Chief who said that the system is now working fine.  Feyerherm said he left the antenna previously being used by fire radio on the watertower.  It can be used as a backup if necessary.

§         Waterman Watertower Equipment Shelter - Feyerherm reported that there had been another radio failure due to moisture in the tower.  He strongly recommended that the radios be removed from the tower.  Kross said he has been trying to locate a used equipment shelter from either the Union Pacific or Burlington Northern railroads.  These shelters are approximately 4' x 4' and are used to house electronics at a crossing gate site.  Feyerherm said that would be an appropriate size.  It was suggested that a letter be written to the Village of Waterman Board of Trustees, requesting permission to erect such a shelter on the property.  Feithen moved to authorize up to $500 be spent on a shelter, and authorize Kross to write a letter to the Trustees seeking their permission to erect the shelter.  Riddle seconded the motion. The motion passed.  Chairman Olson, Bowman, and Feyerherm will attend the Village meeting on October 8 to discuss it with the Trustees.

§         DeKalb County Sheriff's Police/Sycamore/Genoa merger - Riddle said there was nothing new to report.  Feyerherm said that before Starved Rock Communications could proceed, they needed direction from the Board, granting them the authority to continue and to order the necessary equipment.  Feithen asked if the grant had been approved.  Newby said that it was in process, but not received to his knowledge.  Feithen did not think the Board should proceed until the grant money is assured.  Olson said he would meet with the Sheriff to try to determine the status of the grant.

§         Budget Committee - Has not met yet.



§         Verizon Wireless Representative -  Phase I - Kross has sent a letter to the President of Verizon Wireless, requesting a contact from their representative.

§         Distribution of Wireless Fees/NIU wire lines -  No report

§         Leland Fire Protection District Request - Chief Augie Kramer and Assistant Chief Ed Hecathorne, of Leland Fire Department, presented a request for consideration for the Board to annex the LaSalle County portion of the Leland Fire Protection District, into the DeKalb County ETSB.  While most of the customers and property are located in LaSalle County, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police are providing dispatch services.  LaSalle County only has a very basic 911 system, which provides no ANI/ALI information.  For a fire call, LaSalle County would have to contact the DeKalb County Sheriff's Police to call out and dispatch the Fire Dept. Kross will try to determine the steps that would be required before any annexation.

§         Participating Agency Requests -  None

¨      PSAP Administrators' Report - There was additional discussion of the Genoa tower regarding agreements of antenna placing.  Riddle said he would contact the Genoa Mayor and report at the next meeting.

¨      Persons to be Heard from the Floor -

1.      Feyerherm asked about repairing damaged radios that have been replaced.  Feithen made a motion to have 1 repaired.  Leoni seconded. The motion passed unanimously.  

2.      Frank Ottengheime brought up the subject of replacing pagers for the Fire Departments.  He said he knew they couldn't be done at one time, but suggested replacing four or five per agency per year.  Suppeland said that he thought that was stated in the ordinance. Kross will research it for discussion at the next meeting.

¨      Coordinator’s Report -

1.      WETSA - $19,080.61 for April, 2002

2.      Marci Schroll is now the ICC 911 Program Manager

3.      Kross mentioned that January 1 is the stated meeting day.  He suggested it be moved to January 8, 2003.  Bowman made a motion to move the stated meeting to January 8.  Suppeland seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.  




Riddle moved to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Feithen.  The motion passed.   The meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M.



Respectfully submitted,



Charles Kross, Coordinator

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