Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Executive Committee

January 8, 2002

The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Chairman Robert Pritchard called the meeting to order.  Members present were Robert Hutcheson, Marlene Allen, Tige Hoffman, John Morreale, Roger Steimel, Ruth Anne Tobias and John Wilson.  Ms. Leifheit was absent.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, John Dlabal, Greg Millburg, Dr. Conway, Pat LaVigne, Dennis Sands and Veronica Casella.



            Moved by Mr. Hutcheson, seconded by Ms. Allen, and it was carried unanimously to accept the minutes of the December 2001 meeting. 



Mr. Bockman amended the agenda to reflect February Meeting Date and another Executive Session regarding Acquisition of Property.

Moved by Mr. Hutcheson, seconded by Mr. Morreale, and it was carried unanimously to approve the amended agenda.



            Chairman Pritchard recommended the following appointments:


DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing

Center Board:  Ms. Marilyn Stromborg, appointment for a term of 1 year, until 01/01/2003. 

                        Mr. John Wilson, appointment for a term of 1 year, until 01/01/2003. 

                        Mr. James Kirby, appointment for a term of 1 year, until 01/01/2003. 

                        Ms. Jeanette Heinisch, appointment for a term of 1 year, until 01/01/2003. 

                        Mr. Blake Richter, appointment for a term of 1 year, until 01/01/2003. 

            Moved by Ms. Tobias, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to approve the appointments as presented by Chairman Pritchard, and to forward them onto the full board for approval.




            Mr. Bockman presented the County Board Agenda for the meeting to be held on January 16, 2002. 

            Moved by Ms. Allen, seconded by Mr. Wilson, and it was carried unanimously to accept the county board agenda as presented by Mr. Bockman.   


Mr. Hutcheson questioned why Public Policy needed to bring their item before the board without enough notice?  He said that this has happened before with other committees and that there was a board rule that stated that you could not bring something to the board after the Executive Committee has met. Mr. Bockman said that there was no reason that the item could not be pushed back to our February meeting if needed.  Mr. Morreale said that he agreed with Mr. Hutcheson and that the Forest Preserve Committee struggles with this issue all the time.   

After further discussion it was agreed that Mr. Morreale and Ms. Tobias will speak with their committee members about the this issue.  Possibly they could move their meetings to a later date in the month was one suggestion.



Mr. Morreale, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, stated that with regard to the Kirkland open space, the State has exercised their option and that he expects the State portion of that agreement will close any day now.  Of the $1.2 million that the County is going to pay on this portion of the agreement, $870,000.00 (approximately) is going to come from the State of Illinois and the rest will come from 3 grants applied for. 


Ms. Tobias, Chairman of the Public Policy Committee, said that they had discussed the formation of a film commission for DeKalb County.  She said that they encouraged Mr. Metzger to investigate it further with various groups and individuals and to get back to the committee about it. This would benefit the physical area of the County not the County buildings, that is, like businesses and tourism.


Ms. Tobias also stated that she would be meeting with Representative Dave Wirsing soon on settling on the one item that the committee wanted to follow through on from the Legislative Agenda.  That item would be the language change from “shall” to “may” for the credit card legislation.  Mr. Wirsing will suggest what the committee needs to do to get this done.  Chairman Pritchard cautioned Ms. Tobias by stating that he would like the legislators to work on all of our items that appeared in the Legislative Agenda, not only one item.


Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee, said that there were three items that will be coming forward to the board for approval and that the committee is still working on the resolution for the rumble strip problem.


Mr. Sands stated that he was representing the Mental Health 708 Board and wanted to report that they have begun holding a training seminar for police officers on how to deal with mentally ill people that they may encounter.  There was a tremendous turnout with about 120 people that showed up.  They hope to go on and train firefighters, then in the spring train EMT’s, and follow-up with a training session for nurses.  He further stated that the City of DeKalb would like them to do these training seminars once a year. 

Chairman Pritchard reminded the committee about attending the next Regional Planning Meeting, which is going to be held this Thursday, January 10, 2002 @ 7:00p.m. in Conference Room East.   He said that since the first meeting Mr. Bockman and Mr. Miller have met with various officials regarding the Proposal.  We are focusing more on what services the communities’ want from a Regional Plan Commission body.  As staff has met with them there has been a modification to the Proposal. Every community still gets one representative; and the monetary issue provides for private funding will pay for zoning services.  This commission right now will do 2 things; 1.) Create a Unified Comprehensive Plan and 2.) Develop a Model Unified Development Ordinance.


Chairman Pritchard then informed the committee that the 30-day comment period for the proposed Prairie Parkway which has been extended to 60 days.  He mentions this because whether we are for or against development, the reality is, is if this doesn’t happen then the next discussions will be happening here in DeKalb.  It is part of our Land Use Plan and the Parkway will be built near Route 47 and he feels that if we really believe that then we need to support that kind of proposal rather than allowing negative voices to have center stage.  He said that he hopes that this is appropriate to have the Public Infrastructure or Planning & Regulations Committee get involved here to talk about this issue and see if we as a board want to go on record supporting something.  He is encouraging the members to think about it and see what committees might want to take it up.  Mr. Steimel agreed that we need to delegate this to a committee to discuss.  It was agreed that the Public Infrastructure & Development Committee and the Planning and Regulations Committee would discuss this issue at their next committee meetings and then bring back their findings for support to the committee. 


Chairman Pritchard then presented Employee Service Awards to Mr. Wilson and Mr. Steimel for their service of 5 years each and to Mr. Dlabal for 15 years worth of service to the citizens of this County.


It was agreed that the Executive Committee’s next meeting date would be Monday, February 11, 2002 because of the Holiday on the 12th.



            Moved by Mr. Steimel, seconded by Mr. Wilson, and it was carried unanimously to move into executive session for Sale of Real Estate and Land Acquisition.


            Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Steimel , and it was carried unanimously to return to open session.


            Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Morreale , and it was carried unanimously to recommend the Sale of Lot #12 of the DeKalb Market Square and to forward that resolution on to the full board for approval.



            Moved by Mr. Morreale, seconded by Ms. Tobias, and it was voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


Respectfully submitted,




Robert W. Pritchard, Chairman


Mary C. Supple, Secretary


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