Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

January 15, 2002

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Committee met Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at the DeKalb County Administration Building, East Conference Room, at 6:00p.m.  Vice-Chairman John Guehler called the meeting to order with Mr. Dlabal, Mr. Haines, Mr. Lyle, Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Simonson present.  Mr. Terry Hannan and Mr. Greg Milburg were also present. Mr. Morreale and Mr. Sands were not present.




Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Mr. Lyle, and it was carried unanimously  with a voice vote to approve the minutes for December.





Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve an amended agenda adding item 4A for a discussion on the Intergovernmental Agreement for the Nursing Home.





Mr. Hannan explained the Joint Purchasing Program (for truck bids) through the State of Illinois to the Committee members. Mr. Hannan stated that a public notice appeared in the local papers asking local dealerships to submit sealed bids for a 2002 ¾ ton pick-up truck and snowplow with the same specifications that were offered through the State. Mr. Hannan announced that he had received 5 sealed bids. Mr. Guehler opened each bid and announced the bid prices offered to the Forest Preserve District. The bids received, in the order they were opened, are as follows: Brian Bemis Auto World $29,165, Brad Manning Ford $26,361, Alan Brown Chevrolet $25,800, Sycamore Auto $22,830 and Northwest Ford of Franklin Park $22,942. These bids all included an optional snowplow attachment. Mr. Hannan stated that he received two state bids: 2002 Dodge Ram 2500 for $23,416 and a 2002 GMC Sierra for $21,967. Mr. Hannan stated that he would review the specifications on all bids received to determine which truck would have the best package at the lowest price. All Committee members agreed.




Mr. Hannan distributed flyers for Winterfest 2002 (attached) to all Committee members. He encouraged all members to attend if possible. 

Mr. Hannan announced that the Forest Preserve District has received a $100 donation from Ken and Audrey Bowden for the DeKalb County Community Foundation Land Acquisition Fund.

Mr. Hannan stated that the State’s Attorney had reviewed the contract for the purchase of the Kirkland property containing approximately 300 acres on the north side of the Kishwaukee River (proposed new forest preserve). Mr. Hannan added that he was waiting for the signed option contract from the landowner. Mr. Hannan stated that he is applying for a C-2000 grant for 2003/2004 for prairie restoration at the new forest preserve site. He added that this is a $28,000 grant over a two-year period.

Mr. Hannan shared that Mr. Pete Olson, a local birder and Northern Illinois University employee, had spotted rare long-eared owls at Afton Forest Preserve.

Mr. Dlabal stated that the Intergovernmental Agreement concerning the nursing home went before the Public Policy Committee last night. He explained that they are designing a wheelchair path with a possible observation deck for the residents there. Mr. Hannan stated that he was involved with this project and that it is a projected 600-700 foot path. He added that this concept would be on the agenda for the County Board to discuss.



Mr. Lyle moved, Mr. Simonson seconded, to adjourn the meeting and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. 



     ______________________________                                                                                   Vice-Chairman, John Guehler

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