Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

August 20, 2002

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Committee met Tuesday, August 20, 2002, at Afton Forest Preserve at 6:00 p.m. Chairman Mr. Morreale called the meeting to order with Mr. Dlabal, Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Sands. Mr. Hannan was also present.


Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve the minutes for July.



Moved by Mr. Sands, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve the agenda.



Mr. Hannan stated that the monthly report would be included with the minutes and the County Board packet.



Mr. Morreale stated that the Forest Preserve District has offered $1,200,000 to Mr. Bossenbrook and Mr. Van Der Molen for the 293 acre Kirkland property. Mr. Bossenbrook has requested equestrian trails to be planned for the new forest preserve. A tentative closing date of August 27, 2002 has been scheduled.

Mr. Hannan stated that there are a couple of equestrian groups that are interested in attending a Forest Preserve Committee meeting after the closing.

Mr. Haines arrived at 6:10 p.m.

Mr. Hannan stated that Mr. Pritchard has made mention that the DeKalb/ Sycamore Sunrise Rotary Club is interested in a forest preserve fund-raising project. Mr. Hannan stated that the Rotary Club had been very instrumental in fund raising for the MacQueen Forest Preserve in the past.(when it was a scout camp) Mr. Hannan stated that the Rotary Club is interested in helping raise funds for developmental improvements at the new Kirkland property in 2005.

Mr. Hannan stated that he has sent out fund-raising letters to various individuals and organizations to donate acquisition funds for the new forest preserve. Mr. Hannan said that he has heard back from a couple of foundations that are both interested in helping with acquisition and restoration projects at the new Kirkland site. Mr. Hannan also stated that there were a couple of other organizations that may be interested in helping offset the cost of the purchase and habitat restorations at the new forest preserve.

Mr. Hannan stated that he was contacted by the State’s Attorney’s Office regarding a letter from the I.D.N.R. to the State’s Attorney’s Office applying for $187,642 to DeKalb County(from the State Park sale across the Kishwaukee River from the new County forest preserve site). This amount is equaled to 7% of the purchase price for the new State Park land. Mr. Hannan stated that this money (if approved) can go to Capital Facilities including: land acquisition, planning and designing expenses, demolition costs, reconstruction, construction, improvements, etc. Subject to the Open Lands Trust Act. Mr. Sands asked when the deadline was for the 7% money agreement. Mr. Hannan responded that the County has 90 days prior to the projects beginning and 90 days to apply to the Office of Realty and Environmental Planning.

Mr. Morreale stated that he felt Mr. Hannan should discuss the options with Mr. Bockman. Mr. Hannan stated that was a good idea. DeKalb County must decide what to utilize the money for and the I.D.N.R. must approve. Mr. Hannan added that the I.D.N.R. may consider cooperating with the Forest Preserve District to offset the cost of a possible Park Manager at the Kirkland site who would maintain, patrol and open/close gates both the State and the County side of the newly acquired land.




Mr. Hannan distributed budget packets to the Committee members. Mr. Hannan stated that Sannauk Forest Preserve needs a new roof on a shelter, gravel and play equipment in 2003 projects.

Mr. Hannan stated that the budget would be on the agenda for September.

Mr. Hannan explained that the proposed budget would be on file in October and passed in November.

Mr. Sands stated that the Community Enrichment Association donated $300 for new playground equipment for Chief Shabbona.

Mr. Hannan stated that Mr. Bulkley and Mr. Wade had already installed the park equipment.


Moved by Mr. Haines, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin, it was carried unanimously to move into executive session for the purpose of exempt employee evaluation at 6:35 p.m.



Moved by Mr. Haines, seconded by Mr. Sands, and it was carried unanimously by voice vote to adjourn the meeting.

Chairman, Mr. Morreale                           

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