Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

October 21, 2002

Board Members Present:  Norm Gilbert, Patricia Terry, Opal Zitka, Maureen Russell , Sue Franz, and Denny Sands

Board Members Absent: Mary Petruchius, Regina Parker and Bob Krogman

Other Persons Present: Staff: Jerry Lane and Sue Halbrader, Mike Flora, President and CEO of Ben Gordon Center

The Community Mental Health Board meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by President Maureen Russell


The agenda was approved with the addition of Item "E" under Old Business.


Board members introduced themselves to Michael Flora, new CEO of Ben Gordon Center.


Mr. Gilbert moved to approve the September minutes seconded by Ms. Franz. On a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Sands announced that he has been asked to join the Court Watch Committee. Members sit in on domestic violence cases as observers. A press conference will be held on Thursday, October 31 at 3:30 p.m. at the DeKalb County Courthouse. Interested Board members are asked to attend.

Mr. Lane attended Jim Graves’ retirement party at which he dedicated the Jim Graves Community Room and contributed a statement to the Memory Book that was presented to Mr. Graves. Mr. Lane also awarded Graves a "black belt" in Behavioral Healthcare. In addition, a portrait of Mr. Graves was hung in the Community Room.

Mr. Lane distributed a Springfield Update, sent from our State Association. It indicates that HIPPA will require a purchase of care system. Staff will attend the State Association fall meeting later in the week, where they will have the opportunity to clarify information about that requirement and learn about funding methods and strategies.

Mr. Lane attended the DCPSafe assembly and luncheon, at which Jim Dedera , a pharmacist, spoke about substance abuse. The strength and purity of present day street drugs should alarm us all, according to Dedera. He also explained the concept of addiction: The shorter the time a substance stays in the body, the more addictive it is. Marijuana stays in the body, held in the fat cells, particularly the fat cells in the nervous system, in the myelin sheath and the brain cells, for months. The consequences of long term, chronic pot smoking are being understood better today.

Mrs. Zitka announced that she discovered a book that deals with the siblings of a person with a mental illness. In families with one member who has a chronic illness, the other children are often neglected, or have the perception of being ignored because the child with the problem requires so much parental attention. In addition, the divorce rate in families with a child with a chronic illness, mental or physical, is about half again as much as in regular families. The name of the book is The Normal One, for persons interested in pursuing the subject.



Mrs. Zitka moved acceptance of the October office claims as submitted; seconded by Mrs. Terry. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Zitka moved acceptance of the October agency claims as submitted; seconded by Mrs. Franz. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Lane announced the Annual Report will be mailed toward the end of the week.


Mr. Mike flora, the new Ben Gordon Center CEO, was present. Mr. Flora announced that there is no longer a waiting list at Ben Gordon Center. The staff at Ben Gordon Center will do free community speaking on request as part of its public education effort. In addition, one seminar a month is scheduled to to be held in the Community Room at Ben Gordon Center. This is expected to become a weekly brown-bag-lunch affair. Ben Gordon is preparing a wellness calendar that lists the dates and topics, which will be open to the public. Mr. Flora spoke about his philosophy of Assertive Community Treatment, with nurses visiting people in their homes and aggressive case management.





Mr. Lane announced the book, A Terrible Thing Happened, was distributed to elementary school and public libraries, along with the Police Officer’s Guide to DeKalb County Services brochure and other social service information useful to the public. It is our intention to maintain contact with the libraries, at least quarterly. We would like to regularly provide materials as a shared public education effort. If Board members have ideas for videos, books, pamphlets or other literature, for example, books on caretaking with elderly parents, suitable to donate to libraries in the county, please contact the staff with your suggestions. We will include the library at Reality House and the Senior Center as well as schools and public libraries. We also peruse the bibliographies offered by the National Institutes of Mental Health, NAMI, various advocacy groups, and other sources.


Mr. Lane distributed copies of the bids for roof repair and the door openers (to improve accessibility) at Ben Gordon Center. The Board approved the expenditure for the waiting room modification last month. Although multiple vendors were solicited, each project got only one bid. It is often difficult to obtain more than one bid when the job is small.

Mr. Sands moved to approve the expenditure for roof repair, up to the amount in the sole bid, of $2,971, with the stipulation that Ben Gordon Center will attempt to procure at least one more bid; seconded by Mrs. Zitka. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Sands moved to approve the expenditure for installing automatic doors, up to the amount in the sole bid, of $4,972, with the stipulation that Ben Gordon Center will attempt to procure at least one more bid; seconded by Mrs. Terry. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.

The training program is coming up on October 29, 2002, a week from tomorrow, at Kishwaukee College. To date, fourteen people have registered. Mr. Lane met with Chris Gough, from Family Service Agency, one of the originators of the Community Training Consortium, to talk about keeping the emphasis on Mental Health training. A sub-committee has been established to pursue that aspect of training. Mr. Lane said that the partnership with Kishwaukee College has been a rewarding experience, and we no doubt will continue to work together in training matters.

The Fire Department training will take place one week from tonight, October 28, 2002, at Waterman from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. This training is similar to that held last January for Law Enforcement personnel. We expect this training to become a biannual event.

Staff is working toward a DD Housing Symposium that will bring together providers, parents, advocates, agencies and other involved and interested parties to discuss strategies and funding for housing for the DD population. We have tentatively set March as a possible time, although April may be better. We are in the beginning stages and would like interested Board members to assist with the planning.

The Mental Health Protocol for DeKalb County is also on the back burner. Mr. Sands stated that the Domestic Violence Protocol required a manager to oversee the planning, as it is complex and very time-consuming. The discussion on DD Housing and the DeKalb County Protocol is tabled until the November meeting.


The Spring Retreat will be held on the morning of February 15, 2003. The Retreat will include both the February and March Board meetings.

The Board placed $23,133 in escrow, the amount that would have been provided to Ben Gordon Center to fund the SA*AS Program had it remained with them. The program has been transferred to Safe Passage.

Mr. Gilbert moved to approve that the amount in escrow be allocated to Safe Passage; second by Mrs. Zitka. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Terry moved to Executive Session for the discussion of compensation for the Executive Director; seconded by Mrs.Zitka.

Mrs. Zitka moved to increase the Executive director’s salary by 3%, $1,598.52, to $54,882.52; second by Mrs. Terry. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

There is a consensus that the evaluation process will be reviewed by a committee consisting of Opal Zitka, Patricia Terry and Sue Frantz. The committee tentatively plans to meet before the November meeting.

Mr. Gilbert moved to exit executive session; seconded by Mrs. Terry. The motion passed on a voice vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.



Opal Zitka
Secretary Treasurer

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