Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

November 18, 2002

Board Members Present: Patricia Terry, Opal Zitka, Maureen Russell , Sue Franz, and Bob Krogman

Board Members Absent: Norm Gilbert, Mary Petruchius, Regina Parker and Denny Sands

Other Persons Present: Staff: Jerry Lane and Sue Halbrader

The Community Mental Health Board meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President Maureen Russell



The agenda was approved with the deletion of Item "A" under New Business, discussion to review CMHB policies.





Mrs. Zitka moved to approve the October 23, 2002, minutes seconded by Mrs. Terry. On a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Lane announced that the County Board will hold their reception for county administrators at the Farm Bureau on Tuesday, December 3, 2002.

Mr. Lane reminded Board members that the monthly meeting of the Consumer Advocacy Council of DeKalb County will be held at Ben Gordon Center on Wednesday, November 27, at 3:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Mike Flora, followed by two performances by the Stars of Light, a drama troupe from Rockford.

Mr. Lane said the County’s annual garage sale will be held this Friday, November 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. Box lots will be sold for $10 apiece. The sale resumes Saturday from 8:30 a.m. until noon. After twelve o’clock, everything will be free. Items that do not sell will be recycled.

Open Door is celebrating its 40th year, planning a recognition for XXXXXXX. OD has a Gift Shop ??What about it?

Mrs. Zitka said the newsletter she just received from OD contained a wish list, as does Opportunity House’s newsletter. A nice reminder to donate to both organizations.

Mr. Lane referred to a new pediatric study that confirms that hunger affects behavior, doubling the anxiety level of children and increasing the incidence of chronic illness, but does not affect the ability to learn! (Include citation)

Another study indicates that fetal cocaine exposure does not invariably result in behavioral or cognitive problems for the effected children (cite).

President Bush’s "New Freedom" report states that the Mental Health system in the United States is "in a shambles" and is totally dysfunctional. Ninety percent of adults with serious mental illness are unemployed. Mr. Lane will prepare a summary of findings for our next meeting.

Mr. Lane announced the findings of several new studies. In the course of treatment for Parkinson’s Disease, it was discovered that electric stimulus in the sub-thalamic nucleus relieves symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It has been documented that behavioral problems are common in children who live in a family where one of the siblings has a chronic illness, either mental or physical.

Mr. Lane drew attention to an article on Bi-Polar Disorder. Among children, diagnosis may be difficult, sSince children’s manic phase behavior often manifests itself as aggression and violence, unlike the "highs" of adults. There also may be little agreement among psychiatrists who are attempting to diagnose.

Mr. Lane told Board members that the new CEO of Ben Gordon Center, Michael Flora, is interested in working toward establishment of a local NAMI chapter. At one time, DeKalb County had an active membership in this organization, which provides emotional and social support for persons with mental illness, care of their families and advocacy. Persons who are interested may contact either the DCCMHB or Ben Gordon Center.


Mrs. Zitka moved acceptance of the October office claims as submitted; seconded by Mrs. Terry. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Zitka moved acceptance of the October agency claims as submitted; seconded by Mrs. Franz. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

The Annual Report was distributed to Board members. Mr. Lane reported that as of the end of October, we are in the black, but we have only about half of the interest we have budgeted for. There may be more, but due to the stagnant economy, it is down. With one month to go, our expenditures are at 94% of budget.






The discussion of the Mental Health Protocol for DeKalb County was tabled until the next meeting, at which Mr. Sands will be present.

Mrs. Terry moved to cancel the December Board meeting; seconded by Mrs. Frantz. On a voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Russell moved to reschedule the January meeting for the 13th. Discussion followed, during which it was decided to poll the absent Board members to determine their preference.

A variety of agenda items for the Spring Retreat were suggested. Mrs. Pat Evers-Alvarez, President of the Association of Community Mental Health Association of Illinois, has expressed her interest in attending a meeting of each member Board. As a new child psychiatrist will be joining the staff of the Ben Gordon Center next year, it might be good to invite her to the retreat. Inviting Dr. Kurtz to speak was suggested, and/or Dr. Bishop, a psychologist in private practice in Sycamore. An alternative to a guest speaker (or in addition) the Board could visit one of the funded agencies as they did last year in February when the Retreat was held in Sandwich at Open Door. More discussion is needed before a final decision is made.

Mr. Krogman moved to table the discussion; seconded by Mrs. Zitka. On a voice vote the motion was unanimously approved.

If you would like to suggest a particular program, the deadline to call the Board office is next Monday, November 25, 2002.



Review of the CMHB policies will be tabled until the next meeting.

Mr. Krogman moved to adjourn; second by Mrs. Terry. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.



Opal Zitka
Secretary Treasurer


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