Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

June 17, 2002

Board Members Present:  Norm Gilbert, Patricia Terry, Bob Krogman,, Denny Sands, Sue Franz, and Regina Parker

Board Members Absent: Maureen Russell, Opal Zitka and Mary Petruchius

Other Persons Present: Staff: Jerry Lane and Sue Halbrader

The Community Mental Health Board meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Vice-President Regina Parker



There were no changes or additions to the agenda.





Mr. Gilbert moved to approve the May minutes as written, seconded by Ms. Franz. On a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Lane referred to the memo discussion of the changing nature of funding allocations due to declining state revenues and the political climate.

Mr. Lane announced that he has available for Board members’ perusal the County board reports of committee meetings, for example, the Public Defender’s report. Also among the reports is the Adult Court Services report of the Sheriff’s Police presentation to the County Board on the State of the Jail. The Jail Population Review Committee is presently reviewing the needs of the jail, built in 1980.

Mr. Lane told Board members that the tentative date of the State Association’s Fall Retreat is October 23 and 24 in Findley, IL.

Mr. Lane has been invited to speak briefly at Jim Graves’ retirement party, which may be a roast, to be held on September 27, 2002.

The County’s audit of the Community Mental Health Board came out very well again this year. Discussion of the details will be deferred until July, when copies of the audit will be distributed to Board members.



Mr. Gilbert moved acceptance of the June agency claims as submitted; seconded by Mrs. Franz. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Gilbert moved acceptance of the June office claims as submitted; seconded by Mrs. Terry. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.




The Nominating Committee met in the past month to choose new officers. Discussion will be deferred until New Business is discussed.



Motion for the approval of previous decisions made at the May meeting was made by Mr. Krogman, seconded by Mr. Gilbert. Motion passed unanimously.

Discussion of Grant Proposals for FY2003 that were not approved in last month’s meeting followed.

Mr. Krogman moved to adjust the funding rate of Underserved Population Purchase of Care by 3.4%. Mr. Krogman secondeded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Mr. Gilbert moved to fund Family Service Agency’s request for $15,000 for FY2002 Counseling Scholarship and the request for $10,000 for FY2003; Seconded by Mrs. Franz. Mr. Sands offered a friendly amendment to fund both at $10,000, with the stipulation that FSA secure at least one additional reliable funding source and that the funds from CMHB are used to fund the most psychologically disabled clients seeking service.

The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Mr. Krogman moved to fund the public education event at Cornfest for the Consumer Advocacy Council of DeKalb County at $700 this year; seconded by Mrs. Franz. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Mr Gilbert moved to use $40,000 from Capital Funds to purchase a bus for VAC to transport DD and MI clients; seconded by Mrs. Franz.

The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Mr. Gilbert moved to approve use of $200,000 from contingency funds to be used as a one-time supplement to cover the escalating costs of insurance for agencies, the final amount to be determined by pro rating according to FTE’s per agency; seconded by Mr. Krogman. The motion passed on a roll call vote with one "no" vote.

No quotes have been received from Ben Gordon Center regarding the capital projects they requested. Discussion and determination will be deferred until the Board receives the quotes.



Mr. Gilbert nominated Maureen Russell for President, Sue Franz for Vice-President and Regina Parker for Secretary-Treasurer; Seconded by Mr. Krogman. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.

The County Budget process begins in July, before this Board’s next meeting. Mr. Lane asked that Board members express their concerns and ideas in the meantime, before we present the proposed budget at the July meeting.

Mr. Gilbert moved to adjourn. All in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.


Opal Zitka
Secretary Treasurer

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