Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Infrastructure & Development

January 3, 2002

The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, January 3, 2002, at 7:00PM in the Conference Room of the County Highway Department. Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order.

Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Casella, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Sands, Mr. Smith and Mr. McLaughlin. Mr. Guehler was absent. Also attending were William Lorence, County Engineer; Ray Bockman, County Administrator; Michael Haines, County Board member and Greg Millburg of the Farm Bureau.



Motion by Mrs. Casella to approve the December 6, 2001 minutes, seconded by Mrs. LaVigne. Motion carried unanimously.



Chairman Wilson noted two changes to the agenda, one addition and one deletion. After the Bid Awards he asked for the insertion of a local agency agreement for Somonauk Road. It was also requested that

the executive session be deleted. Mr Lorence noted that the parties involved had not had time to respond.

Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Mrs. Casella, seconded by Mr. Hoffman. Motion carried unanimously.



The results of a letting held on December 28, 2001 were presented for action by the Committee.

The first resolution was for material to be purchased, FOB, by both the County and the various road districts. Mr. Lorence explained that these bids establish the cost of these materials for 2002 and all bids are accepted, with the exception of the liquid calcium chloride. This material is awarded to the low bidder. For 2002 the low bidder is Sicalco, LTD.

Motion by Mr. McLaughlin to approve the bid award, seconded by Mr. Sands. Motion carried unanimously.

The second resolution was for the dump body, plow, etc. for the truck cab and chassis awarded in December. The low bidder was Monroe Truck in the amount of $42,539.00 and Mr. Lorence recommended award. It was noted the total cost of the truck is under budget.

Motion by Mrs. Casella to approve the award to Monroe Truck, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin. Motion carried unanimously.



Resolution approving a joint State/DeKalb County agreement for the resurfacing of Somonauk Road.

The resolution before the Committee provides funding for the resurfacing of Somonauk Road from I-88 to Route 30. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $900,000 with $180,000 coming from DeKalb County Matching funds.

Motion by Mr. Sands to approve entering into the joint agreement, seconded by Mrs LaVigne. Motion carried unanimously.



Rumble Strips:

Mr. Lorence explained that he did not have enough information at the present time to address the replacement costs for the rumble strips on Glidden Road. If so directed by the Committee, the Department would have to cut the existing rumble strips out, repave the road with perhaps a harder asphalt and then cut in new rumble strips at different locations than where they are now. It is these costs Mr. Lorence is trying to establish and hopes to bring that information back to the Committee in either February or March.

The Department did check the Glidden location with a decibel meter and found the noise level to be between 80d-85d from 10'-15' away. The rumble strips on Route 72 measured 70d-75d from a distance of 25'.

Therefore it appears there would be little, if any, difference in noise level with the new strips. Mr. Haines noted that he has noticed that the rumble strips on Glidden Road are much louder than those on Route 72. Mr. Lorence emphasized that, if so directed, the Department would have no objection to removing the existing rumble strips, however, from a public safety prospect he would caution the Committee regarding such a decision.



Monthly report of construction activities.

Mr. Lorence reviewed the various projects under County supervision this past 30 days. Some progress on the bridge projects approved by the Committee last month has been made. Only the seeding remains to be completed for both the Barber Greene/Peace Road and Glidden Road projects.

The Genoa Road Railroad Structure is moving along. The steel has been ordered and tree removal should begin on Tuesday. Ms. LaVigne asked if removing the trees would present any problem? Mr. Lorence responded that he doesn’t expect any, however, has cautioned the contractor to protect one tree at the request of a land owner.

On the two Federal Aid projects for 2002, Somonauk Road will be let in March and Aurora Blacktop was the low bidder for the Perry Road project.

Regarding the new facility, all contractors are within 99%-100% complete. The outside lighting should be completed soon.



Mr. Lorence briefly spoke to the Committee regarding spring posting and bonding of roads. There has been a request for this, however, since the Department has provided the "windows of opportunity" during the spring posting he feels those who must move over posted roads are satisfied. The Committee agreed until this should become an issue, there would be no further discussion.



Motion by Mrs. Casella, seconded by Mr. Smith to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously and the January 3, 2002 meeting of the Public Infrastructure & Development Committee so adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,



John A. Wilson

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