Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Infrastructure & Development

October 3, 2002

            The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday October 3, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the DeKalb County Highway Department, DeKalb, Illinois.   Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order.


Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Hoffman, Ms. Casella, and Mr. Sands.  Also present were William Lorence, County Engineer, Wayne Davey, Highway Department Support Services Manager, and Mr. Greg Millburg, Farm Bureau.




Motion made by Ms. Casella to approve the minutes of September 5, 2002 and September 18, 2002.  Mr. Hoffman seconded this motion.  Motion carried unanimously.




Motion to approve the agenda was made by Ms. Casella and seconded by Mr. Sands.  Discussion followed to amend agenda, adding item 1b, a supplemental MFT resolution to appropriate additional MFT funds through December 2002.  Mr. Lorence presented an Intergovernmental Agreement that was just received at 4:00pm October 3, 2002 and left it up to the Committee as to whether they wanted to act on this agreement tonight or at the next meeting.   Committee recommended adding the agreement as item 1c.   Agenda was approved as amended unanimously.




            Mr. Lorence presented Ordinance 2002-25 for discussion by the Committee.  DeKalb County has passed an annual ordinance to allow for the posting of County roads as needed.  It was recommended that the County pass one ordinance authorizing the County Engineer to post County roads for no more than 90 days in any given year, thereby eliminating the annual ordinance.  These postings would become effective and enforceable only when the County Engineer has posted the required signs signifying that weight limits are in effect.   Motion was made by Mr. Sands and seconded by Ms. Casella to present Ordinance 2002-25 to the DeKalb County Board for consideration and approval.  Motion carried unanimously. 



            Mr. Lorence presented a supplemental County Maintenance Resolution appropriating additional MFT funds for salaries, benefits, and equipment rental.  Additional road maintenance has been completed this year as well as employee benefits being charged to appropriate budget lines.  This has not resulted in additional budget increases, but will require additional MFT funds to be appropriated.  The Resolution calls for an additional $270,000 in MFT funds to allow continuing charging authorized activities to MFT funds through December 2002.   Motion was made by Ms. LaVigne and seconded by Ms. Casella to present subject resolution to the DeKalb County Board for consideration and approval.   Motion carried unanimously. 



                Chairman Wilson reminded committee members of the DeKalb County Township Officials Annual Meeting scheduled for the first Thursday in November.  This would coincide with the Committee’s regularly scheduled monthly meeting and Chairman Wilson wanted committee input if it would be necessary to either cancel the November meeting or change the time to 6:00pm vs. 7:00pm.  Members would be notified when the November agenda was sent whether or not there was business items that needed to be addressed at the scheduled November meeting.  If no items were on the agenda a cancellation notice would be submitted. 

            Wayne Davey presented an updated Sign Report to the Committee with the cost of maintaining County signs.  The Committee requested this report quarterly, on the Fiscal Year, with Year-to-Date totals. 

            Chairman Wilson requested Mr. Lorence address the Committee concerning the Curran settlement announced in the press this week.  Mr. Lorence assured the Committee that as far as is reasonably possible we know Curran has not charged the County for any materials and/or labor that the County has not received.  Mr. Lorence went on to say that we do not pay until all paperwork has been received and reviewed, especially the weigh-back tickets.  The County has an engineering department representative present during all phases of construction to observe and take measurements and samples.  No work can be preformed without our presence.  If work has been completed without the presence of an engineering representative the Contractor has to provide proof of such activity or the County does not pay for that activity. 



Mr. Lorence discussed the progress of current projects and updated committee members on the status of ongoing projects as follows:

All other projects are well on schedule.


Discussion was held concerning South County Line Road.  That road may very well be taken over by the Sandwich Road District and the City of Sandwich after the County resurfaces this section, which is scheduled for 2004.


Mr. Lorence presented the Intergovernmental Agreement for a bikepath to be located on the County’s right-of-way on Barber Greene Road.  This would be accomplished at no cost to the County and the County would not be held liable for any incidents arising on the bikepath.  The Committee recommended taking action on this Agreement.   A motion was made by Ms. LaVigne and seconded by Mr. Sands to present a resolution to the County Board authorizing the County Board Chairman to sign the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of DeKalb for the installation of a bikepath.  Motion carried unanimously. 



            Ms. Casella moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. LaVigne.   Motion carried unanimously and the October 3, 2002 meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted, 


                                                                                     John Wilson,

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