Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Infrastructure & Development

June 6, 2002

            The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, June 6, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the County Highway Department.  Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order.

Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Mr. Smith, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Guehler, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Sands, and Mr. McLaughlin.  Also present were William Lorence, County Engineer; Ms. Jan Hoadley Highway Department Support Services Manager, Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, Greg Millburg of the Farm Bureau, Mike Keef, Highway Department Employee and Patricia Vary, Candidate for County Board.



Motion made by Mr. Guehler to approve the minutes of May 2, 2002 and seconded by Mr. McLaughlin.  Motion carried unanimously.



Motion to approve the agenda as printed and distributed was made by Mr. Hoffman and seconded by Ms. LaVigne.  Motion carried unanimously.



The intergovernmental agreement is between the Illinois Department of Transportation, County of DeKalb and County of Kane.  This is a resolution authorizing a letter of intent for a property transfer.  This agreement was approved by all parties approximately six years ago.  The resolution is formalizing that agreement. (A copy of the agreement is on file in the Highway Department offices.)  A motion to approve the resolution was made by Mr. Sands and was seconded by Mr. Hoffman.  Motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.



Two preliminary engineering agreements with Wendler Surveying & Engineering are for preliminary engineering services for the replacement of two township bridges.

 Mr. Lorence explained that we have been asked by two Road Commissioners to participate in the Township Bridge Program.   One is for a bridge on Gurler Road in Milan road district and the other is for a bridge on Scout Road in Franklin road district.   

Ms. Hoadley commented that the work on Scout Road has been moved ahead since it had to be closed during the recent heavy rain storms which we experienced.  Mr. Lorence stated that they were anticipating that it may be a problem and it did became a problem, therefore, we need to “fast track” that one.  Chairman Wilson asked about the use of the letters “PROP” used on the first page of the preliminary agreement.  He inquired what they stand for?  Mr. Lorence responded that it stands for “proposed” structure number and the other number used will be for the existing structure number.  The Chairman then pointed out that we are dealing with two issues in the proposed resolution, one not to exceed $12,750. for the bridge located on Gurler Road and the other one not to exceed $16,500 on Scout Road.  There being no further questions or discussion the Chairman called for the question.


Motion to approve the resolution for the agreements for Gurler and Scout Roads was made by Ms. LaVigne and seconded by Mr. Guehler.  Motion carried unanimously by a voice vote



Chairman Wilson stated that the Extended Snow Removal Policy was tabled at last month’s meeting and asked if any members would like to make any comments regarding the policy at this time.


        Mr. McLaughlin asked if this policy has been instituted already?  Mr. Wilson responded that yes it has.  Mr. Lorence responded that it is in effect but will not be in force until November. Mr. McLaughlin then asked who would respond to an emergency, is it the Dispatcher or the Shift Commander?  Mr. Lorence stated that it would be the Shift Commander.  Mr. McLaughlin asked if there was a “DID” which is considered an emergency, does the Shift Commander have to be on site to make that decision?  Mr. Lorence responded that the Shift Commander will not have to be on site but will make the decision based on the reports given to him by his people.  Mr. McLaughlin also asked if we are paying for the CDL’s for the Snowbirds?.  Mr. Lorence stated that if we hire them we pay for their CDL the same as we do for the union employees as negotiated in their contract. Chairman Wilson then stated that since the “Extended Snow Removal Policy” is just a decision on policy,  no further action needs to be taken by this committee. This will now be part of our operations policy. 




Mr. Lorence discussed the progress of current projects and updated committee members on the status of upcoming projects.


Chairman Wilson asked about the status of the project at the intersection of Route 72 and Glidden Road.  Mr. Lorence stated the project is 99% complete, and there have been no comments or reaction from the public.  Mr. Lorence commented that many of the county roads had to be closed during the recent heavy rain storms which will result in some shoulder work  but all water has now receded and the roads are back to normal.


Mr. Lorence stated that with the retirement of Jan Hoadley, her replacement, Wayne A. Davey, will begin on June 24. He added that tomorrow Friday, June 7, from 11:00 to 2:00 we are hosting an open house to honor Jan’s retirement and all are invited to attend.  He announced that Jan has chosen a Flowering Pear tree to be planted in her honor and it is scheduled to be planted here tomorrow. 


The Committee agreed to hold a meeting for the purpose of bid letting on June 19, 2002 in Conference Room East of the Administration Building.  The meeting will be held at 7:00 P.M. prior to the regular June Board Meeting.  The Chairman announced that our regularly scheduled July meeting would fall on the fourth of July, therefore we will In meet at 7:00 P.M. in the Legislative Center on July 17, 2002, again, prior to the regular July County Board Meeting. 




            Mr. Hoffman moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Guehler.  Motion carried unanimously and the

June 6, 2002 meeting adjourned at 7:27 P.M. 



Respectfully submitted



John Wilson

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