Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Infrastructure & Development

August 1, 2002

        The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday August 1, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the DeKalb County Highway Department, DeKalb, Illinois.   Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order.


Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Hoffman, Ms. Casella, Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Sands.  Also present were William Lorence, County Engineer, Wayne Davey, Highway Department Support Services Manager, Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, and Ms. Julie Fosse, candidate for DeKalb County Board, District # 9.




Motion made by Mr. McLaughlin to approve the minutes of July 17, 2002 and seconded by Ms. Casella.  Motion carried unanimously.




Motion to approve the agenda as printed and distributed was made by Mr. Hoffman and seconded by Mr. McLaughlin.  Motion carried unanimously.




            Discussion was held on the progress of the New Highway Department Facility.  Mr. Lorence informed the PID Committee that the building has been completed.  The final item on the punch list was the fire sprinkler system and that system was tested during July and passed.


            All warranties relating to equipment have been received by the Highway Department and are on file.  Building warranties were generally for one year only and that year is up.


            Time capsule is still in the development stages.  We are still contemplating the contents and the location.




            Mr. Wilson commented that our next scheduled meeting, September 5, 2002, Mr. Hansen would be present to provide the 2003 Budget Workbooks and answer any questions the Committee might have.  Mr. Wilson suggested a tentative special meeting be scheduled for September 12, 2002, to be held at the Highway Department, to continue to review the Budget if all concerns and questions were not satisfactory answered on September 5th. 


            Mr. Lorence commented on the eminent domain proceedings concerning the traffic signal project on Peace and Bethany.  The next hearing is scheduled for August 13, 2002, but that should be postponed for at lest 45 days while depositions are being completed.  Mr. Lorence anticipated no action for at least six weeks.




Mr. Lorence discussed the progress of current projects and updated committee members on the status of upcoming projects as follows:


-                      Peace and Barber Green Traffic Signals is 100% complete

-                      Widening of Peace Road began July 29th and is 1% complete

-                      Plank Road is 100% complete (Route 23 to County Line Road)

-                      Hinckley Road Bridge Project is 60% complete

-                      Somonauk Road, I-88 to Rt 30 is 100% complete

-                      Perry Road, Somonauk to County Line Road is 100% complete

-                      Genoa Road Railroad Bridge is 20% complete

-                      Preserve Road Bridge is still waiting Nicor to relocate the gas pipe

-                      Irene Road Bridge is still on a Historical hold, but the documentation process seeking relief has been submitted

-                      Traffic signal rehabilitation project is 100% complete including battery backups




Ms. Casella moved to adjourn into Executive Session for the purpose of Personnel, Mr. Sands seconded.  Motion carried unanimously upon a roll call vote being taken.


Mr. Hoffman moved to go back into regular session, Ms. Casella seconded.  Upon a roll call vote being taken, motion carried and the Committee so returned to regular session.




            Mr. Hoffman moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin.  Motion carried unanimously and the August 1, 2002 meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted, 



                                                                                    John Wilson


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