Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Infrastructure & Development

September 5, 2002


            The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday September 5, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the DeKalb County Highway Department, DeKalb, Illinois.   Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order.


Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Hoffman, Ms. Casella, Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Sands.  Also present were William Lorence, County Engineer, Wayne Davey, Highway Department Support Services Manager, Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, Mr. Gary Hansen, Deputy County Administrator and Mr. Greg Millburg, Farm Bureau.



Motion made by Ms. Casella to approve the minutes of August 1, 2002 and seconded by Mr. Hoffman.  Motion carried unanimously.



Motion to approve the agenda was made by Mr. Sands and seconded by Mr. McLaughlin.  Discussion followed to amend agenda, adding item 3b, a resolution allowing Curran Contracting Company to supply materials to Townships and DeKalb County.  Agenda was approved as amended unanimously.



            Discussion was held on the funding of the Peace Road widening and resurfacing project.  MFT funds will be utilized to fund 56% of this project.   

Motion was made by Ms. Casella and seconded by Mr. Sands to present said MFT resolution to the DeKalb County Board for consideration and approval.  Motion carried unanimously.  


            Mr. Lorence informed the Committee that two bid lettings were held September 3, 2002, at 10:00am in the conference room of the Highway Department. 


            a.    Two bids were received for a 2002 rubber track loader and trailer.  One from Patten Rental Service, Joliet, Illinois for a total price of $57,863.00 and one from CSR Bobcat Equipment Company, DeKalb, Illinois for a total price of $45,600.00.   

Motion was made by Ms. LaVigne and seconded by Mr. McLaughlin to recommend to the DeKalb County Board the awarding of this bid to CSR Bobcat Equipment Company.  Motion carried unanimously.

b.      One bid was received for snow removal services for 23 miles of county roads from mid-November 2002 through mid-April 2003.  This contract contains two, one-year options for renewal with a fuel and prevailing wage adjustment provision as necessary.  The sole bid received was from Tyrrell Corporation of Sycamore, Illinois.  Monthly availability cost was set at $800.00 per month, regular hourly rate at $95.00 per hour for man and machine and $120.00 an hour for overtime for man and machine. These costs were the same as approved last year.   


Motion was made by Ms. Casella and seconded by Mr. Hoffman to recommend to the DeKalb County Board the awarding of this bid to Tyrrell Corporation.  Motion carried unanimously.



a.       Mr. Lorence presented a speed zone ordinance for consideration by the committee.  This ordinance would establish a 35 MPH speed limit on Genoa Road from Genoa City limits to 400 feet Northwest and a 45 MPH speed limit on Genoa Road from 400 feet Northwest of Genoa City limits to 3000 feet Northwest.  

Motion was made by Ms. LaVigne and seconded by Mr. McLaughlin to recommend to the DeKalb County Board to approve this ordinance as submitted.  Motion carried unanimously.

             b.      Mr. Lorence presented a resolution to award Curran Contracting Company of DeKalb, Illinois to provide specific maintenance materials to the County of DeKalb and its several road districts for FOB projects.  Although the DeKalb County Board approved a similar award earlier in the year, due to legal considerations this award needed to be re-issued. 

Motion was made by Ms. Casella and seconded by Mr. Hoffman to recommend to the DeKalb County Board to approve this award as submitted.  Motion carried unanimously.



Mr. Gary Hanson, Deputy County Administrator presented the FY-2003 Budget to the Committee.  It was the recommendation of County Administration that the amount of tax levy requested by the County Highway Department be reduced by $80,000.00.  The County is preparing for a worst-case scenario involving health care costs where they will increase 45%, costing the Department an additional estimated $70,000.00.  Departments will now be required to fund FICA and IMRF.  This expenditure was estimated at $160,000.00 and would be offset by forgiving an equal amount of the Department’s debt to the Public Building Committee for this year.  The Department was cautioned that when the debt service is retired in 5 years, County Highway would be responsible for this additional expenditure.  Non-union county employees are scheduled for a 3% salary increase with no merit being offered next year.  The COLA is scheduled to be 1.6%. 


Mr. Bockman explained to the Committee that nothing is final yet concerning the de-certification of the Teamsters Union representing County Highway Maintainers and other employees.  County Administration will be working with the County Engineer to determine an appropriate compensation recommendation for these employees.


Mr. Wilson reviewed with the committee the list of equipment requested by the Department as well as scheduled road construction/maintenance projects for the coming year.


Mr. Wilson commented on the need to continue to work toward obtaining appropriate right-of-ways to allow for the widening of high traffic County roads.  Mr. Lorence stated the Department would continue its efforts in this area and obtain property when it becomes available.  Specifically Glidden and Somonauk Roads are listed within the Five Year Transportation Improvement Program and the Department is concentrating on these areas.


Discussion was held concerning the general liability insurance that the County dropped a few years ago.  Chairman Wilson indicated concern that if the need should arise, that coverage would not be available.  Mr. Bockman stated the County was receiving very little return on that investment and it was difficult at best to write that check year after year.   Chairman Wilson’s concerns were noted for the record.


Discussion was held to determine if there was a need to schedule a special meeting to further discuss the budget.  It was the consensus of the Committee that a special meeting would not be necessary.  The County Engineer would provide the Committee with a summary of where the budget reductions would be taken from and the impact of such reductions on the overall operation of the Department and scheduled projects. 



            A quarterly sign report was provided to the Committee for their review.  Chairman Wilson requested the Committee become familiar with the report and should the opportunity present itself, to share pertinent information with the media concerning cost of sign replacements.   



Mr. Lorence discussed the progress of current projects and updated committee members on the status of ongoing projects as follows: 

-                      Peace Road project is scheduled to be paved the 16th of September

-                      Hinckley Road Bridge Project is 90% complete and should be completed the week of September 16th.

-                      Genoa Road Railroad Bridge is 24% complete

-                      Preserve Road Bridge is still waiting Nicor to relocate the gas pipe

-                      Greenwood Acre Drive project is waiting on permits from the EPA 

All other projects are well on schedule.



            Mr. Hoffman moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Casella.   Motion carried unanimously and the September 5, 2002 meeting adjourned at 8:04 P.M.


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted, 


                                                                                     John Wilson,

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