Official County Seal of DeKalb County Illlinois Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Policy Committee

August 19, 2002

The Public Policy Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, August 19, 2002 at 6:30 P.M. at the DeKalb County Legislative Center’s Freedom Conference Room. Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias called the meeting to order. Members present were James Barr, Edward Brown, John Dlabal, Eileen Dubin, and Pat LaVigne. Mr. Jeff Metzger was absent. Also present were Joan Berkes-Hanson, IMO Director, Lisa Sanderson, IMO/Finance Department, Greg Millberg, DeKalb County Farm Bureau, Bob Rosemeier, Candidate for County Board and Mary Simons recording minutes in the absence of Mary Supple.



A motion was made by Mr. Dlabal and seconded by Ms. LaVigne to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, July 15, 2002. Motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.



A motion was made by Mr. Barr and seconded by Mr. Dlabal to approve the agenda as printed and distributed. Motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.



There were no comments from the public.



Chairman Tobias prefaced the presentation by the IMO Department by saying she wanted this committee to determine the level of services we currently offer and to determine any additional services this committee could recommend to enhance the County website. Ms. Tobias then introduced Ms. Lisa Sanderson our Web Master and part time employee of the IMO and Finance Departments. Ms. Sanderson is here tonight to present an overview of the website to the Committee to make its members aware of the services available.


Ms. Sanderson explained that approximately 3 years ago the goal was to make the website as informational to the public as possible. Ms. Sanderson stated that she updates the website weekly. The site is uploaded every Thursday at which time new events are entered and recent past events are removed. Many of the events occur on a regular rotating basis and others may occur only annually or semi-annually. Ms. Sanderson explained that other useful information is added to the website as it becomes newsworthy, using for example the recent health information regarding the West Nile virus and preventative measures that should be exercised by the public. Other information included on the website keeps the public informed on issues such as community education, county wide entertainment, health and safety tips, and information on real estate taxes. Also available are county wide maps, access to all preprinted county forms including employment applications and many other forms. Ms. Sanderson also described the information pertaining to the County Board, listing the standing committees, the Chairman of each and the names and e-mail addresses of all the members of each committee.


Ms. Sanderson spoke about the Highway Department using their department to illustrate the type of information provided on the website. In addition to the minutes for their committee, the Highway Department describes the "Adopt a Highway" program, keeps the public informed about locations of road repairs, detours and road closings, provides highway maps and information regarding certain fees charged by their department. Ms. Sanderson also stated that most departments are very cooperative in providing minutes and information to her for updating the website. She added that there are some departments however, that are very slow in responding to requests for information. This is evident when reading the dates provided on the minutes especially for the Mental Health Department which can lag behind by several months. Mr. Brown inquired if there is a disclaimer posted regarding the content posted on the website. Ms. Sanderson responded affirmatively.

Ms. Berkes-Hanson commented that getting information is difficult and not readily forthcoming, therefore, her department must seek the information. She added that IMO is adjusting their way of thinking regarding the approach they will use to gain new information. They are looking at innovative methods to achieve better departmental cooperation. Ms. Sanderson added that departments are not fully utilizing this tool and departments should be looking for ways to capitalize on and promote the county’s web site.


Mr. Barr commented that he noticed that many of the committee minutes have already been posted by some departments for August. He stated that he thought one thing this committee could do is to send a strong message to departments who are not current and encouraging them to bring their information up to date. He added that some of the delays are pretty substantial, some are behind as long as 6 months. The committee agreed with Mr. Barr, however, no action was taken. Barr also stated that he is impressed by the amount of financial information provided on the website.


Ms. Sanderson stated that much of the information used on the website is taken directly from the year book published by the County Clerks office. She added that we also have links to other web sites such as Corn Fest, Pumpkin Fest, Steam Power Show, Sandwich Fair and others, so that additional detailed information is available by clicking on those links. She explained that all elected officials and department heads are listed on the site including information regarding the services their departments perform. Additional information regarding other counties and other governmental bodies are included and links to them are also provided.


Mr. Brown inquired if there is some way to track how many hits have been made to our website? Ms. Berkes-Hanson stated that it is not available at this time but certainly software can be purchased to tabulate that information. Mr. Brown asked who is the host for our website? Mrs. Berkes-Hanson responded that AT&T is our host. Mr. Brown stated that he is very impressed by the amount of information currently available on the website. All other committee members concurred.


At this time Chairman Tobias thanked Mrs. Berkes-Hanson and Ms. Sanderson for their presentation. The Chairman complimented them on the amount of information available to the public and assured them that assistance from this committee is available to them at any time.




Chairman Tobias explained that included with the packets mailed out to the committee members several department heads submitted memo’s containing summaries of possible legislation for this committee to include on the Legislative Agenda for 2003. Specific departments submitting ideas for possible legislation were from Mr. Gary Hanson, Deputy Administrator, Sheriff Roger Scott, Mary Olson, Director of the DeKalb County Community Services Department, Catherine R. Anderson, Nursing Director, Paul Miller, Planning and Zoning Director, and Sharon Holmes, County Clerk/Recorder. Discussion by the committee took place regarding the suggestion submitted by Paul Miller dealing with possible legislation for "granting counties the right to initiate Purchase of Development Rights programs, along with a funding mechanism." The question was asked if Mr. Miller is suggesting this legislation be considered at the state or federal level? Ms. Durbin stated that perhaps Mr. Miller was talking about a similar proposal in Kane County regarding development rights. Mr. Brown asked if this was strictly coming from Mr. Miller personally? Chairman Tobias responded that a questionnaire was sent out regarding the legislative agenda and that this was merely a suggestion from Mr. Miller. Mr. Brown asked if the County is getting into the business of buying out rights in property? Mr. Barr responded that he was not aware that the County ever endorsed or suggested endorsing such a proposal, that this is merely a suggestion by the director. Chairman Tobias added that we as a committee are not setting this as our agenda tonight but we will talk about it for several months before taking any action. Ms. LaVigne added that if consideration is given to building in traffic areas on transportation corridors its ok as opposed to anything built in the country this is part of farmland preservation. If you recall this part of the Comprehensive Plan existing around municipalities and transportation corridors. She added that a good example of this is Route 23. Mr. Brown stated that he has a problem with Mr. Miller’s recommendation and feels this is a loaded issue. Mr. McLaughlin responded that most of those programs are based on the premise of "willing buyer, willing seller", and its not as though the County is going out and saying "we will buy your development rights". Mr. Brown stated that it bothers him that the County might get involved in this type of issue. He added that he does not have a problem with non-governmental bodies such as the farm preservation group working toward this goal and is supportive of that. It was the consensus that this is not an issue the County should be involved with at this point.


Chairman Tobias added that another issue brought to the attention of this committee was from Sharon Holmes regarding the poll workers taking time off from their regular jobs and being paid by their employers for the time spend working an election. Ms. LaVigne asked if this is in lieu of the County Clerk paying the worker or in addition to paying them? Ms. Dubin responded that it is meant to free up workers so that they would not lose their daily wages. It was emphasized that participating as an election worker is not an easy job and constitutes a very long day. It is difficult to recruit and retain good election workers. Chairman Tobias added that even though the County is closed for some elections, it appears there are never enough poll workers and this legislation is an effort to increase those numbers. It was suggested that the County Clerk be invited to come back to speak to this committee to clarify some of the issues that would impact this legislation.


Mr. Brown asked what the deadline is for the Legislative Agenda? Chairman Tobias responded that the final agenda will hopefully be given to the County Board at its November meeting. Mr. Brown asked if this committee will be putting together some recommendations at the September meeting and then finalizing it at the October meeting? Chairman Tobias responded affirmatively and added that she will bring worksheets to the September meeting which will contain the topics we will want to consider. She asked if members have any additional information from other counties it might have a greater impact on the legislators if we partner with them on some legislative issues we want to include.




A motion was made by Mr. Dlabal to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brown and carried unanimously by a voice vote.


Respectfully submitted



Ruth Ann Tobias, Chairman



Mary G. Simons, Acting Secretary

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