DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
E-911 Board 

June 4, 2003

Board members present:
Vice Chair Riddle, Feithen, Hanson, Leoni, Russell, Rosemier, and Suppeland.

Board members absent: Chairman Olson, Bowman, Leoni, Pettit.

Guests Present: Chief Kevin Hickey, Lt. Al Newby, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police, Brent Tillman, DeKalb Police Department; Jim Feyerherm, Starved Rock Communications; Jay Vanlanduyt, Hinckley Fire Department' Debbie Lilley, Verizon; Glenna Johnson, Geo-Comm.

Also Present: Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer; Charles Kross, Coordinator

Vice-Chairman Riddle called the meeting to order at 7:32 AM



The Chair asked for any amendments to the agenda.  There were none.  A motion to approve the agenda was made by Russell and seconded by Suppeland There was no discussion.  The motion passed. 


A motion to approve the minutes of the May 7 meeting was made by Hanson and seconded by Russell.  There was no discussion.  The motion passed. 



¨      Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Johnson reported for May.  A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Russell and seconded by Suppeland.  There was no discussion.  The motion passed.


¨      Bills Not Previously Approved: DeKalb Police Department presented a request to purchase Communication Center Computers from TBC Net not to exceed $5500.  Russell made a motion to approve the request.  Suppeland seconded. There was no discussion.   A roll call vote was taken: Feithen   Y Hanson Y  Riddle  Y Rosemier  Y  Suppeland  Y and Riddle Y. The motion passed unanimously.   

¨      Bills:

            Verizon                                                                                         73.65

            Verizon                                                                                         36.10

            Verizon                                                                                       304.76

            Verizon                                                                                        42.20 

            Verizon                                                                                         29.53

            Verizon                                                                                     9953.70  

            Verizon                                                                                      9202.51

            Verizon                                                                                       112.32

            Verizon                                                                                          85.06 

            Verizon                                                                                         63.98 

            Starved Rock Communications -Fire radio                                2,250.00

            Starved Rock Communications - Sycamore - comb com.         20,355.00

            AT&T                                                                                            22.44

            Language Line                                                                                82.00

            DeKalb County Housing Author.                                                   200.00

                Charles Kross - office expenses                                             1,920.00

                Charles Kross  - mileage   520 miles                                          187.20

                TBC Net- DeKalb                                                                 5,500.00

                Ben Suppeland - NENA conference expenses                        1,760.00

                Communications Direct - Hinckley pagers                                1,164.00

                Open Software Solutions - DeKalb County CAD update       14,452.12

                NiComm - Sycamore                                                                 160.00

                NiComm - Sycamore                                                                 400.00

                NiComm - Sycamore                                                                 103.51

                Total                                                                                   $62,960.08

A motion to pay the bills was made by Rosemier and seconded by Feithen.  A roll call vote was taken: Feithen   Y   Hanson Y Suppeland  Y   Riddle Y    Rosemier  Y  Russell  Y   The motion passed unanimously.


§         Fire Radio Reception Problems - Riddle reported that he and Suppeland had met to discuss the problems that Sycamore Fire Department has had with their portable radios since the cut-over of communications, to the DeKalb County Sheriff's Police.  One solution Riddle has utilized is the installation of onboard repeaters for the some vehicles.  Riddle said he knows the system is being utilized beyond the original concept, however the perception of the firefighters is that it is inadequate and not up to expectations.  Riddle presented a study prepared by Sycamore Fire Department showing different locations in the community and the reception at each location.  Suppeland said he felt that there should be some countywide testing/study of the system.  Rosemier asked if the problem was with the fire radios only or do they include the police.  Feyerherm explained the current situation only applies to the fire radios.  He went on to explain the cause of the problems.  He also added that the system was not designed to do what we are asking it to do.  Feithen said that the study should include the police radios with interoperability in mind.  Riddle said he would send surveys to the participating Fire Department agencies and report the findings to the Board.


§         Grant Application - Kross reported that the grant application is basically finished except for the costs.  He also said that Brent Tillman and he learned that there may be grant money available from our Congressman.  Kross talked to DeKalb Mayor Sparrow, who told him to get our information together, and he would present it to Speaker Hastert.


¨      Telecommunication Service Priority (TSP)- Kross recommended that the Board do nothing during the current budget year, since this is an unbudgeted expense.  Although Verizon's representative assured the Board that this was an unnecessary expense, it would might be prudent to at least budget for the expense in case of a change of company philosophy.




¨      Participating Agency Requests -

1.      DeKalb County Sheriff's Police has requested authorization to install an additional emergency dispatch position.  Estimated cost would be $58,000.  Feithen made a motion to authorize the expenditure up to $58,000.  Russell seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.   

¨      RFP for Mapping - Kross said he hopes to have it done next week.  He will give it to Gary Hanson to look over.

¨      Fire Department Printers - Kross questioned if it was necessary to continue with the local Fire Department printers.  They are all now dispatched by either by DeKalb County Sheriff's Police, DeKalb Police Department, or KenCom.  Kross questioned the need since the responders are in radio contact with the appropriate dispatch agency.  By eliminating the printers, the Board would save several hundred dollars per month.  It was the general consensus of the Board that the printers provide valuable information to the responders, and that they should stay.

¨      PSAP Administrators' Report - did not meet

¨      Persons to be Heard from the Floor -

1.  Jim Feyerherm reported that the Waterman UPS had recently failed which he repaired.  He also recently repaired the High Rise UPS.  There is no UPS at DeKalb County Sheriff's       Police, because they have a generator.  However, because of a brief time lapse from the time       the power goes off, until the generator starts, the fire radio has to reload, causing a radio       blackout period.  This could easily happen during a dispatch, working fire, etc. He also said       that we have spare parts for most equipment, but not for UPSs. A new UPS would cost       approximately $3000.  We also have no established maintenance schedule for the UPSs we       own.  He said that he could do it for $100 per unit.  Feithen made a motion to purchase a       UPS to be installed at the DeKalb County Sheriff's Police site.  Additionally, that the Board       hire Starved Rock Communications to maintain the other ones owned by the Board, at a cost       not to exceed $100 per unit.  Rosemier seconded.  The motion passed unanimously. 

2.      Feyerherm reported that he hoped to get the Waterman watertower radio shack completed in the next couple of weeks.

3.      He also said that TBC Wireless will not be operating off of the High-Rise, due to their signals conflicting with emergency services.


¨      Coordinator’s Report - no report



Russell moved to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Suppeland.  The motion passed.   The meeting adjourned at 8:53 A.M.


 Respectfully submitted,


Charles Kross, Coordinator

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