DeKalb County Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Special E-911 Board 

October 21, 2003

Board members present:

Vice Chair Riddle, Feithen, Hanson, Leoni, Pettit, Rosemier, and Russell.

Board members absent: Chairman Olson, Bowman, and Suppeland

Guests Present: Chief Kevin Hickey & Lt. Al Newby, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police, Brent Tillman and Sgt. Tracy Smith, DeKalb Police Department; Joan Berkes-Hanson & Kim Kleronomos from DeKalb County IMO.,

Also Present: Charles Kross, Coordinator

Chairman Pro-tem Riddle called the meeting to order at 7:40 AM



The Chairman asked that a discussion for MABAS radio licensing costs be added to the agenda.  A motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Riddle and seconded by Feithen There was no discussion.  The motion passed. 


            No minutes



¨      Discussion of Mapping Proposals

                        The discussion began with Kross providing those in attendance with the written responses to the questions posed by the Board at the regular October meeting.  Russell expressed concern that this is not an area in which he has expertise, and would like to see a  committee of PSAP Administrators and Board members formed, to further review the proposals and report their conclusions to the full Board. 

                        Riddle asked Tillman and Newby how they felt about the products.  Tillman said that he felt both the GeoComm and MicroData products were both very good, and similar enough to make it difficult to choose based upon the products themselves.  He said he leaned toward MicroData because it would share the same processor with the existing CML and because if there were any problems, the TCs would only have to call one number to get repairs going.  He said he felt that MicroData had a slight edge on the administrative side.  He said he didn't care for the SBC/Positron offering.  Newby made similar observations about GeoComm and MicroData.  He said the Sheriff's Communications Center's biggest concern was space.  MicroData's ability to use the CML processor, as well as their partnering with Verizon for maintenance problems, led him to favor MicroData.  Kross said that GeoComm can also use the CML processor, however doing so would void the Verizon maintenance agreement. 

                        There was a brief discussion of security issues from utilizing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or other Internet Protocol networking of the system.  Berkes-Hanson said it is currently being done between the City of DeKalb and DeKalb County, with no problems.  Proper security measures must be taken, but having done so makes the system quite safe.

                        The Board directed Kross, Newby, and Tillman to try to get some answers to the concerns that the currently owned CAD software will not interface with any of the mapping vendors.  Joan Berkes-Hanson said she would prepare some more technical questions for the vendors.  The Board also directed this committee to focus primarily on theVerizon/MicroData offering.

¨      MABAS Radio Licensing

                        Riddle explained that the MABAS units in DeKalb County, which number at 200 plus, were all now being required to be licensed locally with the FCC.  He said that there aresix frequencies that have to be licensed in the County, at a cost of $7000.00.  This must be done as soon as possible as the time to do so is running out. 

                        Russell made a motion for the Board to pay for these fees.  Riddle seconded the motion.  There was no further discussion.  A roll call vote was taken: Feithen   Y Hanson Y  Leoni Y  Pettit  abstain  Riddle  Y Rosemier Y.  The motion passed.



Russell moved to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Hanson. The motion passed.   The meeting adjourned at 8:51 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,


Charles Kross, Coordinator

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