DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Board Proceedings

January 15, 2003

The DeKalb County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center on Wednesday, January 15, 2002. Chairman Pritchard called the meeting to order and the Clerk called the roll. Those Members present were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Slack, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. VanBuer, Mr. Wiegand and Chairman Pritchard. Those Members absent were Ms. Vary and Mr. Wilson. Twenty-two Members were present and two Members were absent.

The Chair asked Mr. Simonson to lead the pledge to the flag.



Mrs. Dubin moved to approve the Minutes of the December 18, 2002 meeting. Mrs. Allen seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Minutes. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.



Mr. Johnson moved to approve the Agenda and Mr. Faivre seconded the motion.

Addition to Agenda

Mr. MacMurdo asked to add an item under Old Business.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the approval of the agenda as amended. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Congratulations were extended to those on the Employee Service Awards List.

It was announced that IDOT will hold open meetings on Phase I Engineering Study of Transportation Systems of the area on January 22, 2003 in Kaneland from 5:00 to 8:00 pm and on January 23, 2003 in Minooka from 4:00 to7:00 pm.

The Extension Service of McLean County is holding a Wind Farm meeting on February 6, 2003 in Bloomington from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm.




Chairman Pritchard recommended the following appointments: DeKalb County Nursing Home Foundation Board - Sharon Fesler, for a three year term, until February 1, 2006.


Mr. Wiegand moved to approve the appointment as presented. Mrs. Allen seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the approval of the appointment. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


There were no requests to speak to agenda items.

Ms. Vary arrived at 7:35 pm



Resolution R2003-12: Bid Award for a Snow Plow, Hydraulic System, Dump Body, Wing and Spreader with Optional Tailgate Spreader with Prewet System


Mr. MacMurdo moved to accept a Resolution approving a bid award to Monroe Truck Equipment for provision of a new snow plow, frame, hydraulic system, dump body, wing and spreader with optional tail gate spreader with prewet system in the amount of fifty thousand one hundred seventy nine dollars and no cents ($50,179.00). Ms. LaVigne seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Resolution. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Slack, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. VanBuer, Ms. Vary, Mr. Wiegand and Chairman Pritchard. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution R2003-13: Annual Legislative Agenda


Mrs. Tobias moved to approve a Resolution for the Annual Compilation of Legislative issues that the various county departments and County Board Members would like to present in a Legislative agenda form to their state legislators. Ms. LaVigne seconded the motion.



Motion to Amend

Ms. Vary moved to amend item #5 (School Funding Sources) to add in the ‘Action Line’ - "Support Alternative Funding Options". Mr. Wiegand seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the motion to amend. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to Separate Votes on Individual Items of the Legislative Agenda

Mr. Wiegand moved to take separate votes on various items of the Legislative Agenda. Mr. Faivre seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a vice vote on the motion. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Roll Call Vote on Item #1

The Chair called for a roll call vote on item #1 (Amend Property Tax Limitation Law). Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Slack, Mr. Simonson, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. VanBuer, Ms. Vary and Chairman Pritchard. Those Members voting nay were Mrs. Allen, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Sands, Mr. Steimel and Mr. Wiegand. Eighteen Members voted yea and five Members voted nay. Motion carried.

Roll Call Vote on Item #2

The Chair called for a roll call vote on item #2 (Farmland Preservation). Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Slack, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. VanBuer, Ms. Vary and Chairman Pritchard. Those Members voting nay were Mrs. Allen and Mr. Wiegand. Twenty-one Members voted yea and two Members voted nay. Motion carried.

Roll Call Vote on Item #3

The Chair called for a roll call vote on item #3 (Employees as Poll Workers). Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Slack, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. VanBuer, Ms. Vary and Chairman Pritchard. One Member, Mr. Wiegand voted nay. Twenty-two Members voted yea and one Member voted nay. Motion carried.

Roll Call Vote on Items #4, #6 and #8

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the following: #4 (Medical Cost Sharing for County Jail Inmates), #6 (Court Interpreter Service Fee) and #8 (Funding for Mental Health Care, etc. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Slack, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. VanBuer, Ms. Vary and Chairman Pritchard. One Member, Mr. Wiegand, voted nay. Twenty-two Members voted yea and one Member voted nay. Motion carried.

Roll Call Vote on Item #5

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the School Funding Sources. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Slack, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. VanBuer, Ms. Vary and Chairman Pritchard. Those Members voting nay were Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Sands and Mr. Wiegand. Nineteen Members voted yea and four Members voted nay. Motion carried.

Roll Call Vote on Item #7

The Chair called for a roll call vote on item #7(Ability to impose a County Gasoline Tax, etc). Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. VanBuer, Ms. Vary. Those Members voting nay were Mrs. Allen, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Sands, Mr. Slack, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Steimel, Mr. Wiegand and Mr. Pritchard. Ten Members voted yea and thirteen Members voted nay. Motion failed.



Mrs. Leifheit moved to approve the Claims presented for the current month in the amount of $1, 370,710.25 and Payroll & Emergency Claims from prior month in the amount of $1,809,193.38. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Claims. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Slack, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. VanBuer, Ms. Vary, Mr. Wiegand and Chairman Pritchard. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Reports of County Officials

Mrs. Leifheit moved to place on file the following reports of County Officials; Cash and Investments in County Banks - December, 2002; -Planning and Regulations Building Report - December, 2002; Public Defender’s Report - December, 2002 and Court Services Adult & Juvenile Report for November 2002. Mrs. Allen seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Reports. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Executive Session


Mr. Steimel moved to adjourn to executive session at 8: 18 pm for the purpose of discussing Pending Litigation. Mr. Slack seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote to approve Executive Session. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Slack, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. VanBuer, Ms. Vary, Mr. Wiegand and Chairman Pritchard. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Return to Open Session


Ms. Vary moved to return to Open Session at 8:53 pm. Mr. Simonson seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote to return to Open Session. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Slack, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. VanBuer, Ms. Vary, Mr. Wiegand and Chairman Pritchard. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. MacMurdo moved to bring back to the floor a Tabled Resolution #R2003-03 and send it back to the Public Infrastructure & Development Committee. Mr. Steimel seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Amendment. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


For old business, Mr. MacMurdo moved to bring back to the floor a Tabled Resolution #R2003-03 and send it back to the Public Infrastructure & Development Committee. Mr. Steimel seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Amendment. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

There were no items of new business for this meeting.




Mr. Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Faivre seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the motion to adjourn. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.



DeKalb County Board Chairman                 





DeKalb County Clerk

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