DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Board Proceedings

October 15, 2003

The DeKalb County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center on Wednesday, October 15, 2003. Chairman Pritchard called the meeting to order and the Clerk called the roll. Those Members present were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Slack, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. Van Buer, Ms. Vary, Mr. Wiegand, Mr. Wilson and Chairman Pritchard. One Member, Ms. Fullerton was absent. Twenty-three Members were present and one Member was absent.

The Chair asked Mr. Sands to lead the pledge to the flag.



Mr. Metzger moved to approve the Minutes of the September 17, 2003 meeting. Mr. Simonson seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Minutes. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.



Ms. LaVigne moved to approve the Agenda and Mr. Faivre seconded the motion.

Motion to Amend

Mrs. Leifheit asked to omit Item A under Administrative Services Committee.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Agenda as amended. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Ms. Fullerton arrived at 7:38 p.m.


Appointments to be made for next month, November 2003:

Workforce Investment Act Board - 1 position

Board of Health - 3 positions

911 Emergency Telephone Systems Board - 4 positions

DeKalb County Nursing Home Foundation Board - 3 positions

Community Mental Health Board - 2 positions

Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium & Office Building Authority - 1 position



Chairman Pritchard recommended the following appointments: Housing Authority of the County of DeKalb - Ging Palma Smith, reappointment for a five year term, until November 1, 2008 and Public Services Committee - Jeff Metzger, appointment until the end of his elected term.


Mr. Wiegand moved to approve the appointments as presented. Mr. Lyle seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the approval of the appointments. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


The following individuals requested time to speak to Agenda Items at the appropriate time: Steve Kuhn requested time to speak to Resolution 2003-53 and Brett Brown requested time to answer questions if needed on the Massier Special Request.




Recommendation for Massier Special Use Request for a Gun Club in Milan Township to be Returned to the Hearing Officer for an Additional Public Hearing


Mr. Steimel moved to return the Massier Special Request (for a gun club in Milan Township) to the hearing Officer for an additional Public Hearing. Mrs. Allen seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the motion. A majority of the Members voted yea. Motion carried.



Ordinance R2003-25: Altered Speed Zone on Peace Road and County Line Road


Mr. MacMurdo moved to approve an Ordinance, providing for the establishment of an Altered Speed Zone on Peace Road and two areas on County Line Road. Mrs. Tobias seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution 2003-55: Designation of Shabbona Road as a Class II Truck Route


Mr. MacMurdo moved to approve a Resolution to establish Shabbona Road from Illinois State Route 30, North for a distance of 1, 308 feet as shown on the map attached to the Resolution. Ms. Fauci seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the Resolution. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2003-56: Franklin Road District: Scout Road Bridge Project Bid Award


Mr. MacMurdo moved to accept a resolution approving a bid award to Civil Constructors, Inc. of IL in the amount of three hundred sixty-six thousand six hundred forty-five dollars and seventy-five cents ($366,645.75) for replacing a bridge on Scout Road over Kingsbury Creek in Franklin Road district, Sec. 02-05128-00-BR. Mr. Wiegand seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Resolution. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Slack, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. Van Buer, Ms. Vary, Mr. Wiegand, Mr. Wilson and Chairman Pritchard. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.



Resolution R2003-57: Annual Extension of the Board of Review


Mrs. Allen moved to approve a Resolution for the annual extension of the Board of Review effective November 7, 2003. Mr. Rosemier seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Resolution. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Slack, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. Van Buer, Ms. Vary, Mr. Wiegand, Mr. Wilson and Chairman Pritchard. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2003-53: Expansion of the Current Jail Facility - Phase 1


Mrs. Allen moved to approve a Resolution that the County considers adding to the capacity of the existing jail and directs staff to develop and recommend methods of financing this project. Mr. Metzger seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the Resolution. A majority of the Members voted yea. Motion carried.



Resolution R2003-59: To Place the FY2004 Budget on File for Public Inspection


Mrs. Leifheit moved to approve a Resolution placing the Budget for FY2004 on file in the DeKalb County Clerk’s Office, on the County’s Internet Site, and at two other geographically diverse public offices (the Sandwich City Hall and the office of the Genoa City Clerk) for public inspection. Mr. Faivre seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the Resolution. A majority of the Members voted yea. Motion carried.

Resolution R2003-60: Authorization to Place the Public Safety Sales Tax Referendum on the March 16, 2004 Ballot


Mrs. Leifheit moved to approve a Resolution authorizing to place the public safety sales tax Referendum for ½ cent on the March 16, 2004 ballot. Mrs. Allen seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Resolution. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Slack, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. Van Buer, Ms. Vary, Mr. Wilson and Chairman Pritchard. Those Members voting nay were Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Simonson and Mr. Wiegand. Twenty Members voted yea and four Members voted nay. Motion carried.


Mrs. Leifheit moved to approve the Claims presented for the current month in the amount of $2,577,892.00 and Payroll & Emergency Claims from prior month in the amount of $2,279,074.18. Mr. Lyle seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the Claims. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Lyle, Mr. MacMurdo, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Sands, Mr. Simonson, Mr. Slack, Mr. Steimel, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. Van Buer, Ms. Vary, Mr. Wiegand, Mr. Wilson and Chairman Pritchard. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Reports of County Officials

Mrs. Leifheit moved to place on file the following reports of County Officials, Cash and Investments in County Banks - September, 2003; Planning and Regulations Building Report - September, 2003 and Public Defender’s Report - September 2003; and Court Services Adult & Juvenile Report for September, 2003. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Reports. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Mrs. Dubin announced the discussion of school funding hosted by the League of Women Voters. The Seminar will be held on October 21, 2003 at Hopkins Park beginning at 7:00 p.m.




Mr. Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Faivre seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the motion to adjourn. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


DeKalb County Board Chairman                 




DeKalb County Clerk

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