DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Executive Committee

March 11, 2003

            The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Tuesday, March 11, 2003 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Legislative Center’s Freedom Conference Room. Chairman Robert Pritchard called the meeting to order.  Members present were Ms. Allen, Sue Leifheit, Roger Steimel, Joe Wiegand and John Wilson.  Ms. Tobias and Mr. Metzger were absent.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Pat LaVigne, Karen Grush, Brian Adams and Debbie King.



            Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Wilson, and it was carried unanimously to accept the minutes of the February 11, 2003 meeting. 



            Moved by Mr. Steimel, seconded by Mr. Wiegand, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda.



            Chairman Pritchard recommended the following appointments:


DeKalb Sanitary District:                 Mr. Timothy Struthers, reappointment for a term of 3 years, until 03/31/2006.

Cortland Community Fire
Protection District:
                         Mr. Robert Jordal, reappointment for a term of 3
                                                         years, until 3/31/2006.

DeKalb Community Fire
Protection District:
                         Mr. Charles J. Faivre, reappointment for a term of 3
                                                          years, until 3/31/2006.

Hinckley Community Fire
Protection District:
                         Mr. Gale Nehring, reappointment for a term of 3
                                                         years, until 3/31/2006.

Genoa-Kingston Fire
Protection District;
                         Mr. Elmer T. Hughes, reappointment for a term of 3
                                                         years, until 3/31/2006.

Kirkland Community Fire
Protection District:
                         Mr. Gene Lane, reappointment for a term of 3
                                                         years, until 3/31/2006.

Malta Community Fire
Protection District:
                         Mr. Robert Gommel, reappointment for a term of 3
                                                         years, until 3/31/2006.

Maple Park and Countryside
Fire Protection District:
                 Mr. Gerald A. Hartmann, reappointment for a term
                                                         of 3 years, until 3/31/2006.

Shabbona Community Fire
Protection District:
                        Mr. Gerry Hinkston, reappointment for a term of 3
                                                        years, until 3/31/2006.
                                                        Mr. Wayne Rissmann, appointment to fill the
                                                        unexpired term of Sheldon Rueff, until 3/31/2005.

Sycamore Community Fire
Protection District:
                        Mr. Tracy Jones, reappointment for a term of 3
                                                        years, until 3/31/2006.

Waterman Community Fire
Protection District:
                         Duane Boesche, reappointment for a term of 3
                                                         years, until 3/31/2006.


Moved by Ms. Allen, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to approve the appointments as presented by Chairman Pritchard, and to forward them onto the full board for approval.



Ms. Karen Grush, DeKalb County Public Health Director, explained to the committee the first resolution before them this evening.  She said that smallpox is one of the most serious threats in terms of terrorism attacks.  It is a highly contagious, communicable disease, and there is no treatment for it.  Thirty percent of the people who contract it die.  Some people who get it are disfigured for life from the scars.  The federal government feels that there needs to be a response available throughout the nation.  They do know that there is smallpox in the world and that there are some countries that do not like Americans who may use it as a weapon against our country.  There is a Homeland Security Bill that provides liability protection for those who are giving the vaccine or covered entitites, like the hospitals and health departments.  It would protect the manufacturer of the vaccine, the person who is giving it, the officers, directors, employers, etc.  It does not protect the workers who are getting the vaccine, primarily for their jobs, who might have a reaction to the vaccine.  It is a live virus vaccine.  It is believed that one-third of the people who receive it will be sick for about a day or so; 14 to 52 per million,could have some serious life threatening reaction to the vaccine; one to two per million will die.  That’s all based on studies that they did years ago when they were giving the vaccine.  This is the same vaccine that they gave to everyone thirty years ago.   They do believe that the reaction will be a lot less because they are really screening the people out.  If a person has any immuno-compromised illness now you cannot receive the vaccine.  If you have eczema, skin rashes or people in your household do, or if you have young children in your household, etc, you cannot receive the vaccine. 


At the end of February they have given the vaccine to 13,000 people.  They had four moderate reactions to this vaccine and no deaths.  The issue that has complicated this, however, is that President Bush wants 500,000 military personnel to receive the vaccine and 500,000 medical staff throughout the country in Phase I.  This is the health department staff and hospital emergency staff.  Everyone just assumed that they would be covered by Workmen’s Compensation, but they are not.  Because the word “volunteer” is used in the paperwork and that nobody is required to get it.  Everyone who gets the smallpox vaccine needs to read a 54-page document five days before they receive the vaccine.  Because the word voluntary is in the statement, all of the States have said that there really is no guarantee that it would be a Workmen’s Compensation claim.  Those who are deciding to get it and are making that decision are doing it for one reason and that is to protect the public health.  They in turn, before they receive the vaccine, want the assurance that they are covered under Workmen’s Compensation if they have an adverse reaction to it.  Ms. Grush said that the initial phase of vaccine inoculations would be done in 30 days.  This would include your public health department employees and hospital employees.  Phase II is for law enforcement personnel, EMT’s, etc., the first responders.  Phase III, if needed would be offered to the general public in 2004.  Mr. Bockman reminded the committee that under the Workmen’s Compensation coverages are fixed statutorily. 


Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Wilson, and it was carried unanimously to forward this recommendation onto the full board for approval.



Mr. Metzger arrived at 7:28p.m.


HIPAA RESOLUTION – Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act

Mr. Bockman, explained to the committee the second resolution before them this evening. He explained that to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act that DeKalb County needed to be designated as a Hybrid Entity and that the County needed to designate the Rehab and Nursing Center and the Public Health Department as covered entities.   Mr. Bockman explained that a hybrid entity is an entity that has several operations, some of which are covered and some of which are not.  Under this compliance the County needs to point out which entities are covered and who the Privacy Officers for each entity is, which the resolution before them tonight states.


Moved by Ms. Allen, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to forward this recommendation onto the full board for approval.                 



Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, reviewed the county board agenda for the board meeting to be held on March 19, 2003. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Ms. Leifheit, and it was carried unanimously to accept the county board agenda as presented.



Ms. Allen, Chairman of the Public Services Committee, said that the ESDA and Coroner’s Annual Report was given and the Sheriff’s Annual Report.  She said that Mary Olson asked to have a resolution come forward with regards to reauthorizing her Community Block Grant so that the local agencies retain control of the funds.  She also said that next month they will hold the hearings for the senior services tax levy. 


Ms. Leifheit, Chairman of the Administrative Services Committee, said that the Administrative Services Committee did not meet last month.


          Ms. Leifheit, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Jail Study Committee, said that Durrant has presented a proposal for an expanded scope of work and that the ad hoc sub-committee has just received it.  They are meeting on March 17, 2003 and the full committee on March 20, 2003.  She will bring the expanded proposal to the ad hoc sub-committee first and on to the full committee on March 20th


            Mr. Steimel, Chairman of the Planning and Regulations Committee, said that there is a moratorium on the wind towers going before the full board for consideration.   Hopefully the towers will be up by the end of the year and that would be just about two years of operation for them.  On the building fees the staff originally proposed $550.00 a tower and after the committee discussed it they realized that not only the building department will be involved in the process but also the highway department and the roads down there.  They tried to realize all of these costs that will be incurred and incorporated them into the proposed building fee so that all of our costs are covered. The other reason is because all of the counties surrounding us have a $25.00 per foot fee and that would be $5,000 per tower.  We are only trying to cover the costs that the county incurs. 


            Mr. Bockman indicated that the proposed permit fee increase will be give a legal review prior to the board meeting and the board would be notified of any potential problems.


Mr. Wiegand, Vice-Chairman of the Public Policy Committee, passed out a Proclamation that his committee is going to be reading at the next county board meeting in March.  This proclamation deals with NACO’s National County Government Week during April 6 – 12, 2003.  This year’s theme is Counties Care for Kids.  The Public Policy Committee will be having a slide show at the April Board Meeting highlighting the various departments’ programs.  Mr. Wiegand also said that the committee discussed the legislative breakfast and discussed various ways of improving it by offering a day for federal legislators (Durbin, Fitzgerald, Hastert)  in the Spring of 2004 to visit with us and then have a separate day to visit with state legislators in October 2003.


Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee, said that the jurisdictional transfers with Sandwich Township and Road District were tabled a couple of months ago.  The City of Sandwich was to make a presentation on March 6, 2003, with his committee but they withdrew because they weren’t ready.  Because of this happening, this item is still open, he said.


Mr. Metzger, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, said that they listened to Deputy Bomar of the Sheriff’s Department who informed the committee about problems that they experience in the County’s various forest preserves.  The Small Bass Alliance have been working at the new forest preserve in Kirkland clearing the log jamb.  He will be going to Elgin with Mr. Hannan, Forest Preserve Superintendent, for a local legislators meeting for the Northern half of the state for fish and wildlife legislation and forest preserve legislation.  He will bring back information from that meeting to the Executive Committee next month.  He also said that there will be an executive session regarding land acquisition.


Before adjourning , Chairman Pritchard informed the committee that the DeKalb Growth Summit is experiencing an excellent turnout at their meetings. They are looking at growth over the next ten years for DeKalb, Cortland and Malta. They feel that there will be about 6,000 new house units by then or two-percent growth per year.


The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is studying the highway and mass transit issues here in the county, Chairman Pritchard said.  Some of the resolutions that the Highway Department has been and will be bringing to the full board to consider are reflecting the changes that the MPO designation has imposed on us.  Some of the money that we used to receive directly from the federal government now has to be to channeled through the MPO.  The County will now be the eligible grantee for Section 5311 Transit Funds that formerly went to the City of DeKalb.  The MPO is now eligible for transit funds through Section 5307.


Chairman Pritchard said that the Regional Planning Commission is continuing to meet and that they are working on the Unified Development Ordinance.  After they finish the work on the ordinance, it will then be sent to the DeKalb County Planning and Regulations Committee and all communities participating for consideration.


Chairman Pritchard informed the committee that in April he will be bringing an appointment recommendation for the 911 Board and the Community Services Advisory Board.


There is talk about having another workshop for all county board members regarding priorities in the next month or two.   Chairman Pritchard would like for the county board to discuss the priorities issues that the county has been seeing.  He will notify the county board members when and where the workshop will be held.



            Moved by Mr. Wiegand seconded by Mr. Wilson, and it was voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,



                                                                        Robert W. Pritchard, Chairman


Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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