DeKalb County Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

June 17, 2003

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Committee met Tuesday, June 17, 2003, in an enclosed shelter at Chief Shabbona Forest Preserve, at 6:00 p.m. Chairman Mr. Metzger called the meeting to order with Mrs. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Lyle, and Mr. Simonson. Mr. Hannan was also present.



Mrs. Fauci stated that there was an error in the May minutes. She stated that she was misquoted last month and that the County is a member of the Metropolitan Planning Organization, she was not. Moved by Mr. Lyle, seconded by Mrs. Fauci, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve corrected minutes for May.



Mr. Metzger asked that Public Comment appear after approval of the agenda on future agendas. Moved by Mr. Simonson, seconded by Mr. Lyle, and it was carried unanimously by voice vote to approve the agenda.



There was no comment from the public at this time.



Mr. Hannan stated that from time to time the values of the forest preserves is discussed amongst the Committee. Mr. Hannan added that the forest preserves are a very diverse habitat for wildlife. Mr. Hannan introduced Mr. Pete Olson, from the NIU Art Department, to the Committee as one of the most respected birders in DeKalb County.

Mr. Olson stated that he has been keeping records for about the last 5 years of the birds he has seen throughout the various County forest preserves. He stated that he has recorded over 200 species of birds in the forest preserves during that time. Mr. Olson passed around a journal of drawing and notations he has created over this several year period.

Mr. Olson discussed bird migration through DeKalb County and explained how some species need tall old growth trees to land in and rest along the riverbanks.

Mr. Rosemeir arrived around 6:20 p.m.

Mr. Olson stated that he has lead several bird viewing field trips around the County. Mr. Olson shared that he is very fond of Wilkinson-Renwick March and birds in that location often. He has seen over 175 species at that forest preserve alone while preparing for his "Museum Without Walls" exhibit that was on display at NIU. He stated that he has recently spotted Great Horned Owls at Wilkinson and happened to be there at the same time as a group of school children were touring and he was able point out the owls to those children.

Mr. Olson stated that a group of birders out of California have contacted him and stated how wonderfully accessible our forest preserves are in DeKalb County.

Mrs. Fauci asked Mr. Olson if there would be any possibility of reintroducing the Prairie Chicken to Illinois as she has seen these birds in Kansas. Mr. Olson replied that they have also been spotted in Wisconsin, but these birds need large grassy undisturbed areas and that is becoming harder to find in DeKalb County. There are many pheasants in the DeKalb County area that compete with other species for food and nesting sites.

Mr. Hannan stated that his grandfather farmed in DeKalb County in 1910-1920s and remembers Prairie Chickens in the area then.

Mr. Gudmunson interjected that the coyotes in recent years have been preying on birds more than ever.

Mr. Olson stated that birding in the DeKalb County forest preserves has been educational as well as an artistic outlet for sketching and research.

Mr. Metzger thanked Mr. Olson on behalf of the Committee for his presentation.



Mr. Metzger stated that Chairman Bob Pritchard and Mr. Hannan had met with Greg Sparrow and Dave Emanuelson of the DeKalb Park District to discuss the plans for "Veteran’s Park" development south of town on Rt. 23. Mr. Hannan stated that this park is a low wetland area. Mr. Hannan explained that the Park District would have to mitigate wetlands to offset the memorial development. Mr. Hannan added that the Park District would be applying for an IDNR grant to fund 50% of these costs. Mr. Pritchard was quoted as being in favor of partnering in this project.

Mr. Hannan read aloud a letter (and passed around a map of the area) from the Park District asking the DeKalb County Forest Preserve to support and partner with them in this endeavor which will honor all men from DeKalb County who have served our country in peace or war times.

Moved by Mrs. Fauci, seconded by Mr. Lyle, it was carried by a majority to approve the partnership with the DeKalb Park District. 6 members voted to approve, Mr. Gudmunson voted no.

Mr. Rosemeir asked if the Forest Preserve District would be a silent partner, as he felt the Forest Preserve District deserves recognition.

Mr. Metzger asked who would be the delegate to this group.

Mr. Hannan added that he would be the delegate and would bring all decisions before the Forest Preserve Committee.

There was a brief discussion regarding mitigation. Mr. Hannan stated that the Forest Preserve District is charging $42,000 per acre to offset construction, engineering and maintenance for mitigation and also land acquisition for future mitigation bank.

Mrs. Fauci asked if the money we would receive for this park would go to help pay back the debt to DeKalb County. Mr. Hannan responded that yes it would.

Mr. Rosemeir asked if this partnership would affect the grant possibility from the IDNR to the DeKalb Park District. Mr. Hannan stated that sometimes a partnership between governmental bodies increases the chances of a grant. The money from the grant to the DeKalb Park District would help them finance half of the mitigation expense. They are asking the Forest Preserve District to donate the other half of the expenses.

Mr. Simonson added that he was not in favor of donating mitigated land.

Mr. Lyle agreed with Mr. Simonson and added that he was in favor of discussing the idea of this partnership with the Park District.

Mr. Metzger added that the carried motion was to discuss the possibility of the partnership and does not solidify this agreement.

Mr. Hannan stated that he would let the Committee know when the meeting would take place.

Mrs. Fauci asked if the park that was planned is a County wide memorial. Mrs. Fauci expressed that if this is truly a County wide interest perhaps the County would be interested in offsetting some of the costs involved by relieving the Forest Preserve District from some of their debt to the County.

Mrs. Fauci was praised for her creative thinking.

Mr. Hannan stated that his understanding was that it is County wide.

Mr. Gudmunson asked if the County would be recognized in the name of the park.

Mr. Hannan stated that this would be a city park, but the idea is that in the future the city would partner with the County for a turnaround benefit.

Mr. Hannan stated that the Forest Preserve District does not have the monetary means to help out the Park District, however, this was one way of being a partner.

Mr. Gudmunson asked how many acres were involved with this project. Mr. Hannan responded that 1-3 acres would be impacted.

Mr. Rosemeir asked if the County had parks or preserves. Mr. Hannan responded that the County has only preserves.


Mr. Metzger told Mr. Simonson that he would not be attending the County Board meeting this month.

Mr. Hannan stated that the forest preserve staff has been busy continuing the removal of invasive species in the prairies such as Thistle, Burdock, Sweet Clover and Autumn Olive; and in the woodland areas removing Garlic Mustard and Buckthorn. (C-2000 grant)

Mr. Hannan added that the staff is finishing a new roof at MacQueen Forest Preserve.

Mr. Hannan stated that the turnout for the volunteer events has been very good. Mrs. Fauci added that she enjoyed the volunteer day at County Farm Woods and wondered where to look for future dates. Mr. Hannan thanked Mrs. Fauci and Mr. Simonson for helping out at the recent volunteer event and responded that the county website has the most current volunteer schedule and is a great resource for information and the local radio stations and paper are a good source as well.

Mr. Hannan further reported that the parking lot and trails at Potawatomi Woods are complete. Mr. Hannan added that the crops are planted as well. Mr. Hannan stated that prior to the tentative opening ceremony in September, the electrical lines would need to be buried and toilets put in.

Mr. Hannan stated that 2 NIU classes have been visiting MacQueen Forest Preserve and Potawatomi Woods for plant and invertebrate identification and study. Mr. Hannan stated that attached to the minutes are pictures of these classes and volunteers as well.

Mr. Hannan stated that Sannauk Forest Preserve has been busy this summer and has even had a local girls softball team use it for practice. He added that a local Girl Scout troop has been utilizing Chief Shabbona this past week, and Russell Woods as well.

Mr. Metzger stated that he has invited the Chairman of the Kane County Board to the July meeting and would like to meet in the East Conference Room, Administration Building. He felt that the DeKalb County Forest Preserve District could benefit from the experiences from a neighboring county. Mr. Hannan added that in Kane County, the Forest Preserve District owns the Kane County Cougar minor league baseball team, the landfill, the methane generating facility, and rents out the parking space for the Victoria gambling boat in Elgin. He added that in Lake County they owned a 200 acre quarry that is now a beautiful park with a lodge.

Mr. Simonson stated that some Shabbona residents have contacted him asking why some of the trees at Chief Shabbona are being cut down. Mr. Hannan responded that this is called girdling and it is an intentional thinning out of trees to let more light into the understory to promote an Oak Savannah habitat. He stated that they are also performing controlled burns for invasive species removal. Mr. Hannan stated that they would replant trees if necessary and that MacQueen Forest Preserve and Russell Woods are good examples of what the staff is striving for as an end result at Chief Shabbona. As an end result a more diverse understory and creates a more open, sunlit habitat.

Mr. Olson suggested a sign to be placed at Chief Shabbona Forest Preserve to explain the process for the general public. Mr. Hannan stated this was a great idea and has been utilized before at other preserves. Mr. Hannan added that small Elm and Black Cherry have been targeted, not old growth trees.

Mr. Gudmunson stated that the roof on the barn at Afton is in really bad shape and needs replacing very soon. He suggested a metal roof. Mrs. Fauci agreed. Mr. Hannan responded that he has proposed a new roof on the barn for the last couple of budget cycles, but there just has not been money in the budget.

Mrs. Fauci asked if the barn could be used for public events or any other fund raising activity. Mr. Hannan stated that was a great idea, but the renovation for such events would be too costly at the present time and there were other forest preserve improvement priorities.

Mr. Metzger stated fund raising to help reduce the Potawatomi Woods debt would be discussed at the July meeting.


Moved by Mr. Rosemier, seconded by Mr. Lyle, it was carried unanimously by voice vote to adjourn the meeting.


Chairman, Mr. Metzger