DeKalb County Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

July 15, 2003

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Committee met Tuesday, July 15, 2003, at the DeKalb County Administration Building in the East Conference Room , at 6:00 p.m. Chairman Mr. Metzger called the meeting to order with Mrs. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Lyle, Mr. Rosemier and Mr. Simonson. Mr. Hannan and Greg Milburg were also present.



Moved by Mr. Simonson, seconded by Mr. Lyle, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve corrected minutes for May.



Mr. Rosemier requested to add a discussion regarding "Conservation/ Restoration Buffer Field Day" he had attended. Mr. Metzger recommended this discussion should be added to public comment. Moved by Mr. Simonson, seconded by Mr. Rosemier, and it was carried unanimously by voice vote to approve the amended agenda.



Mr. Rosemier stated that he had attended "Conservation/ Restoration Buffer Field Day" on June 21, 2003. He explained that this was held at Rick Hoffman’s property in Monroe Center, Illinois. The property involved is 331 acres, along streams and floodplains, owned by 7 land owners that joined forces in 2000. They have planted trees, shrubs and grasses. He stated a few of the key speakers included a state forester, a representative from the Natural Land Institute, Kishwaukee River Ecosystem Partnership, the I.D.N.R., U.S.D.A., N.R.C.S., F.S.A., Trees Forever and a large scale tree planter from Iowa. This property has proven to be poor farming quality due to flooding, so the land owners decided to improve the water and air quality and enhance the local habitat. There were maps on display to demonstrate where trees had been planted. Mr. Rosemier stated that several grants were obtained for this project. For more information, he stated to contact Rick Hoffman.

Mrs. Fauci asked what was the economic logic behind planting in an area that was known for flooding.

Mr. Lyle stated that the farmers try to make profit on any land that they can.

Mr. Hannan stated that this riparian buffer program is sponsored by the Soil and Water Conservation District as a payment per acre for planting trees along the river.

Mr. Rosemier added that it is $168 per acre/per year for 15 years and a tax break for that property. This wood could be used as needed without using the forest resources.



Mr. Hannan distributed the FY 2004 budget (line item info, pie chart, and tax levy) for review to the Committee members. Mr. Hannan provided the following timeline for the FY 2004 Budget:

July: Handout budget information to Forest Preserve Committee for review.

August: Budget draft and levy information to Forest Preserve Committee.

September: Continue budget review.

October: Forest Preserve Committee approves budget and tax levy to forward to Forest Preserve District Commissioners in November. Forest Preserve Committee places budget and tax levy on file for one month and approves public hearing for November Forest Preserve Committee meeting.

November: Public Hearing at Forest Preserve Committee meeting and Forest Preserve Commissioners approve budget and tax levy.

Mr. Rosemier asked if the Forest Preserve District has it’s own tax levy. Mr. Hannan stated yes, it does. Mr. Rosemier asked if the levy is at it’s maximum. Mr. Hannan responded that no it is not. He further explained that the rate for the Forest Preserve District is 2.73 cents per $100 assessed value. FY 2004 can be 2.4 % increase(cost of living) plus new construction estimated at 3%. This is the limit with the tax cap in effect.

Mr. Metzger asked that capital improvement ideas are brought to the August meeting.

Mr. Rosemier asked if the roof at the Afton barn could be replaced.

Mr. Hannan stated that there are many other budget priorities and some repairs were done two years ago.



Mr. Metzger stated that a guest speaker and fundraising discussion would appear on the August agenda.

Mr. Rosemier referred to the June minutes for a continued discussion on Veteran’s Park.(DeKalb Park District cooperative project) Mr. Rosemier stated that he needed clarification on funding for this project. Mr. Hannan reexplained the grant process and funding ideas, as reiterated that there are many scenarios including this project has been delayed for at least a year.

Mr. Rosemier stated that he liked the debt exchange idea brought forth by Mrs. Fauci at last month’s meeting. Mr. Rosemier asked Mr. Hannan if this idea was appropriate. Mr. Hannan stated simply that he was grateful to have the land acquisition loan from the County.

Mr. Gudmunson asked when the loan was due and the amount.

Mr. Hannan responded that the amount owed is $323,800 and is due November 30, 2004.

Mr. Hannan stated that the monthly report is attached to the minutes as usual. He stated that Russell Woods has been full this summer with kids at Camp Russell. He added that the Environthon was hosted at the Nature Resource Center at Russell.

Mr. Hannan shared photos in the packet including those of Pete Olson’s art work.

Several Committee members commented on how impressed they were with Pete Olson’s work.


Moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mrs. Fauci, it was carried unanimously by voice vote to adjourn the meeting.


Chairman, Mr. Metzger

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