DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

November 17, 2003

Board Members Present: Maureen Russell, Norm Gilbert, Opal Zitka, Bob Krogman, and Regina Parker

Board Members Absent: Julia Fullerton, and Mary Petruchius

 Other Persons Present: Staff: Jerry Lane and Sue Halbrader

The Community Mental Health Board meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by President Maureen Russell.



Motion to approve the agenda was made by Mr. Gilbert, seconded by Ms. Parker.






Mr. Gilbert moved to approve the October 20 minutes, as corrected, seconded by Ms. Parker. On a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.



  • Mr. Lane called attention to the fact that this meeting is probably Patricia Terry’s last one, as her family is moving to Bellingham, Washington.
  • Mr. Lane distributed copies of the 2002 Annual Report to Board members
  • Mr. Lane announced that Bill Wilkinson has left his position as Executive Director of the Family Service Agency. Betsy Steele is in charge of daily operations.
  • Mr. Lane noted that the most recent newsletter from ARC discusses the benefits and detriments of performance based contracts. The recommendations made by ARC are worth reading and consideration.
  • Mr. Lane reminded Board members that CACDC meets this Wednesday, November 19, at 3:30 p.m. at Reality House to hear a former Chicago police officer speak about the lack of services for persons with mental illnesses.
  • Mr. Lane announced that DCP/Safe held its annual Assembly at which two DeKalb County Peace Prizes were awarded. Beth Wackerline of Waterman was named the adult winner for instituting a violence prevention anti-bullying program in the junior high school. The youth Peace price went to a student group, First Class, from DeKalb High School, who are working on role modeling civility to peers. Cindy Dugan is their advisor.
  • Mr. Lane reported on the State Association meeting attended by staff in October. The agencies are moving to fee-for-service in order to capture federal monies in matching funds. 708 Boards pour over $30 million into the state system in Illinois annually. The discussion was centered on the difference between support for mental health boards in Michigan as contrasted with that in Illinois. The Conference continued over three days, in part a joint venture between the University of Illinois School of Social Work and ACMHAI, and covered subjects such as Evidence Based Treatment for Traumatized Children and Children’s Mental health: Practice-Policy, Forging New Directions.
  • Mr. Lane brought Board members up to date on the latest DeKalb County Bioterrorism task force meeting.


    Mrs. Parker moved approval of the November agency claims as submitted; seconded by Mr. Gilbert. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

    Mrs. Parker moved acceptance of the November office claims as submitted; seconded by Mr. Gilbert. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.









    Discussion of the capital project for Opportunity House was tabled until the details of constructing the grant as a matching grant during the capital fund drive were worked out.

    Mr. Gilbert moved to table the motion for additional capital funds; seconded by Mrs. Parker.

    Membership on the Mental Health Board is expiring for Mr. Gilbert, Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Russell. Member who are interested in continuing to serve on the board will submit a letter of intent to staff, which will be forwarded to the County Board.

    Packets for persons who have shown interest in serving on the Board have been forwarded.




    Mr. Gilbert moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Zitka. All in favor.

    The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.



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