DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

July 21, 2003

Board Members Present: Maureen Russell, Norm Gilbert, Patricia Terry, Mary Petruchius and Julia Fullerton

Board Members Absent: Bob Krogman, Regina Parker and Opal Zitka

Other Persons Present: Staff: Jerry Lane and Sue Halbrader

The Community Mental Health Board meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President Maureen Russell.


Motion to approve the agenda was made by Mr. Gilbert, seconded by Ms. Fullerton.



The Board members and staff introduced themselves to the new member, appointed from the County Board to take Denny Sands’ place, Julia Fullerton. Ms. Fullerton is a third year law student in addition to her Board responsibilities.


Mr. Gilbert moved to approve the May 19th minutes, seconded by Mrs. Terry. On a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.

There were no minutes for June as there was no quorum.


Mr. Lane reported that the General Assembly reinstated the Governor’s budget cuts, but that does not mean that we know exactly how much money is involved. Apparently, the 2% holdback will apply. At best, this means that the status quo will apply with a 2% increase for cost of living and 2% held aside. This still may mean a cut in services.

Mr. Lane stated that the Association of Community Mental Health Authorities of Illinois and state officials have come to an agreement about using local matching funds for Medicaid reimbursement. There will be challenges as this will make local mental health boards into billing agents. We may have to convert more of our funding into purchase of care. McHenry County has a lot of experience in this area so we will be learning from them. On the good side, the matching funds may be retroactive to the beginning of this fiscal year.

Mr. Lane reported that the temp staffer in the office is working out very well. This is the first time that a comprehensive approach to systematizing filing and record keeping has been done. Several systems have been used over the past years, causing duplication of records and a glut of paper, which is being corrected.

Mr. Lane called attention to information on medications, a fact sheet from NAMI and an article discussing perspectives on Serious Mental Illness in the green folders.

In Geil, Belgium, citizens take in mentally ill boarders and have done so since the middle ages. The city now has the premier mental hospital system in the country. Several times over the past centuries city leaders have discussed ending the boarding system, but the citizens have protested. The government pays for the services.

A recovery and consumer movement has become very active in Wisconsin where the mental health system has what they call "51 Boards" (rather than 708 Boards).

For the next two weeks, July 28 through August 11, Mr. Lane will be on vacation, but Ms. Halbrader will be in the office. She will be gone August 7 until August 18 to have carpal tunnel release surgery on her left hand.

Ms. Petruchius volunteered to Chair the Evaluation Committee and Ms. Fullerton will serve on the Special Projects Committee, of which Ms. Russell is Chair.


Mr. Gilbert moved approval of the June office claims as submitted; seconded by Ms. Fullerton. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Gilbert moved acceptance of the June agency claims as submitted; seconded by Mrs. Terry. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Gilbert moved approval of the July office claims as submitted; seconded by Ms. Petruchius. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Gilbert moved acceptance of the July agency claims as submitted; seconded by Mrs. Petruchius. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.








Mr. Gilbert moved final approval of the funding allocations for GY 2004, seconded by Ms. Petruchius. On a roll call vote the motion was approved unanimously.

Mr. Gilbert nominated Mrs. Russell for President, Mrs. Parker for Vice-President and Mr. Krogman for Secretary-Treasurer. On a voice vote the motion was approved unanimously.

The Special Projects request from Ben Gordon Center for First Aid training for staff was not approved.

A notice will be released to the press soliciting a new board member from the south and north ends of DeKalb County. Mr. Krogman said he would contact Jan Carpenter from Genoa as her name had been proposed for Board membership. He will explain the responsibilities of Board membership, answer her questions and report the results at the next meeting.


The DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board is not a department of county government. Rather it is an independent board, semi-autonomous and entirely responsible for spending our money for mental health programs. The County Board approves our levy rate.

Mrs. Terry moved to adopt the 2004 Budget and the Levy Request as presented by the staff; second by Mrs. Petruchius. On a roll call vote the motion was approved unanimously.

Mr. Lane distributed a recap of the conference he attended in Milwaukee. The highlights refer to the Medicaid - local mental health board agreement to which he had previously alluded. Medicaid may prove to be the lynchpin of mental health funding in the United States. It is vitally important and the primary hope for improving funding in Illinois. Although its basic services are entitlements, much of Medicaid goes for "optional" services, i.e., mental health. Mr. Lane said he was the only attendee from Illinois.

There were sessions on Jail-based Services and Jail Diversion. Based on what her heard, we can be proud of our local jail based program. It is very progressive compared to what exists in most parts of the country.

On August 20, at 4:00 p.m. a workshop on expansion of our county jail will be presented, followed by a dinner. Please let Mary Supple at the county board office know if you wish to attend.

The Board received three proposals in response to the RFP for Family Support Services.

After discussion, Ms. Petruchius moved to table the proposals until next month, seconded by Ms. Fullerton. Motion passed unanimously.

*********moved to go into executive session to discuss the annual salary adjustment for the Assistant Director, seconded by ****************

*********moved to leave executive session, seconded by ****************

*********moved to increase the annual salary for the Assistant Director by 4.0%, seconded by ****************. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Mr. Gilbert moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Terry. All in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.



Opal Zitka

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