DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

September 15, 2003

Board Members Present: Maureen Russell, Bob Krogman, Norm Gilbert, Patricia Terry, Opal Zitka and Julia Fullerton

Board Members Absent: Mary Petruchius and Regina Parker

Other Persons Present: Staff: Jerry Lane and Sue Halbrader

The Community Mental Health Board meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President Maureen Russell.


Motion to approve the agenda was made by Mr. Krogman, seconded by Mr. Gilbert






Mr. Gilbert moved to approve the July 21st minutes, seconded by Mrs. Zitka. On a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.

There were no minutes for August as there was no meeting.



Mr. Lane called attention to Youth Service Bureau’s program statistics included in the packets, prepared by Robin Waffle of YSB.

Mr. Lane asked Board members to nominate worthy people in the community for this year’s DCP/Safe Peace Prize. Nomination forms are included in the packet with the due date and return address.

Mr. Lane asked Board members to contact their representatives about the 2% being held back for our funded agencies. A 4% across-the-board increase was included in the state budget, but half of it is being withheld until the last quarter, contingent on the money being available. Our State Association is asking us to take action on the matter.

The State Association fall meeting will be held in Champaign at the Hawthorne Suites on October 20, 30 and 31. Children’s Mental Health issues will be the topic, presented in cooperation with the University of Illinois School of Social Work. There is no cost for the Conference. The hotel is offering conference rates of $65 per night, but rooms must be reserved by September 24th.


Mr. Krogman moved approval of the August agency claims as submitted; seconded by Mrs. Zitka. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Krogman moved acceptance of the August office claims as submitted; seconded by Mr. Gilbert. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Krogman moved approval of the September office claims as submitted; seconded by Mrs. Terry. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Krogman moved acceptance of the September agency claims as submitted; seconded by Ms. Fullerton. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.









Mr. Lane and Board members discussed sponsoring another police officer training like the one two years ago which addressed ways in which officers handle mental health calls. The Board also discussed the county’s proposed jail expansion referendum, diverting jail inmates with mental health issues was recommended by consultants working with the County Board in regard to jail expansion. A proposal from Ben Gordon Center expanding jail based services has been forwarded to the County Board. The building referendum being considered at this time proposes to include alternative programs for inmates. This means that additional mental health services, including pre and post incarceration could be funded through a sales tax. The County Board can consider doing a Request for Proposals in this matter.

Mr. Lane announced that the Crisis Intervention Team will teach a training session beginning next Thursday evening at YSB, if enough students sign up.

Regarding the RFP for Family Support put out by the Board, Mr. Lane recommended acceptance of the proposal from Kane, DeKalb and Kendall NAMI. The proposals from BGC and FSA seemed agency driven and more expensive. Before the Board grants $10,000 to expand the Director’s hours, they want to be assured that services will be available in DeKalb County. At this point, the Board considers making the grant conditional on time and programming for DeKalb county. The Board would like to meet with Ms. Rivers and discuss these issues.

The amount presently unallocated in the grants line is $26,000. In addition the one-time bump in the levy amounts to $48,000 for a total of $74,000. We can afford the grant for expanding NAMI into DeKalb County and we have time to prepare a contract that specifies what we need.


Mr. Krogman moved to approve the $2,880.00 requested by Youth Service Bureau for expanding staff; second by Mrs. Terry. On a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

The capital request for the Opportunity House Building Fund will be considered further after John Kroos presents more information to the Board at the October or November meeting.

Mr. Gilbert moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Zitka. All in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


Robert Krogman

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