DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Infrastructure & Development

January 2, 2003

Prior to the regularly scheduled meeting Committee members were provided a tour of the Highway Facilities at 1826 Barber Greene Road by Mr. Lorence, County Engineer.  The tour began at 6:30 PM and continued until 7:14 PM.  Committee Members learned the background of why the building was built the way it was and the functions performed throughout the various Divisions making up the Highway Department.


The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development committee of the

DeKalb County Board met on Thursday January 2, 2003 at 7:15 P.M. in the Conference Room of the DeKalb County Highway Department, DeKalb, Illinois.   Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order.


Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Vice Chairman MacMurdo, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Slack and Mr. VanBuer. Also present were William Lorence, County Engineer, Wayne Davey, Highway Department Support Services Manager, Mr. Greg Millburg, Farm Bureau, Mr. Clive Turvey and Mr. Donald Mollet, Franklin Township Road District Commissioner.





Motion made by Mr. Gudmunson to approve the minutes of December 5, 2002 and Mr. MacMurdo seconded this motion.  Motion carried unanimously.




Motion to approve the agenda was made by Ms. Fauci and seconded by Mr. Gudmunson.  Motion carried unanimously.





            At 7:20PM Chairman Wilson turned the meeting over to Mr. Lorence for the purpose of holding a scheduled Public Hearing on the replacement of the Irene Road Bridge.  Mr. Lorence requested that anyone present wishing to comment either for or against such replacement to please come forward and make his or her comments for the record.  There being no one present who desired to speak on this subject, Mr. VanBuer made a motion to close the Public Hearing at 7:23PM.  Mr. MacMurdo seconded this motion and the motion carried unanimously.  The meeting was then returned back to Chairman Wilson.




            Chairman Wilson presented the recommended bid award to the Committee.  Mr. Lorence explained that the bid award presented was for the snowplow, frame, Hydraulic System, Dump Body, wing, and spreader for the Sterling LT 8513 conventional chassis that the Committee approved to purchase during their December 5, 2002 meeting.  Also included was an optional tailgate spreader with prewet system.  Mr. Lorence explained the need and use of the equipment.  He further addressed the Committee’s question about doing business within DeKalb County. Mr. Lorence explained that the Department tries to recommend bid awards for vendors doing business in DeKalb County, then the State of Illinois, then the Mid-West Region.  Mr. Lorence explained that Monroe Truck Equipment of Monroe, Wisconsin was the low bidder with no exceptions to the specifications bid and the County has been very satisfied with their product and service in the past.  Motion was made by Mr. MacMurdo and seconded by Ms. Fullerton to present the resolution to the DeKalb County Board with a recommendation of approval.  Motion carried unanimously. 




                Chairman Wilson commented on the County’s current snow removal policy.  This policy came to be after several meetings between the Sheriff’s Department and Highway Department.  The number one goal of the policy is to ensure the traveling public can travel County roads in a safe manner and provide for emergency coverage as needed and determined by the Sheriff’s Department.  During storm conditions our trucks are on the road 18 hours with the remaining 6 hours being covered by an on-call snowplow driver stationed at the Highway Department. This is the first year this policy has been in effect and the Committee will continue to monitor this policy throughout the year.  Additional recommendations/changes may be required as the County works with this policy this year.  For the Committee’s information due to financial constraints the County does not have a bare pavement policy nor do we man our plows 24 hours a day.


Chairman Wilson stated he would address the Highway Department five-year plan with the Committee at a later date as the hour was getting late.  Chairman Wilson indicated that Vice Chairman MacMurdo would be chairing the February PI&D Committee meeting, as he would be unavailable.



            Mr. Lorence explained in detail the funding required and received by the County for the operation of the Department and the maintenance of County and Township roads and bridges.  Mr. Lorence explained that three sources of revenue are provided by property tax levies.  These are Highway, Aid to Bridges and Federal Highway Matching.  The Highway revenue funds are used for the operation of the Department and the purchasing of equipment, supplies, and materials.  The Aid to Bridges revenue funds can only be used for the replacement or repair of bridges throughout the County, Townships, and Municipalities.  These funds come with additional requirements that must be met in order for funds to be authorized for disbursement on bridge projects.  The Federal Highway Matching funds are required to be spent on the roadways and must be matched with other sources of revenue not to exceed  50% of the cost of the project.  In addition to the tax levies, the County receives additional revenue from the County Motor Fuel Tax, Township Motor Fuel Tax, Township Bridge Fund, and several Federal Aid programs. Mr. Lorence stated the Committee would be provided a handout at a later meeting with the funding details explained for the Committee to use as a reference tool should the need arise.


            Mr. Slack requested Mr. Lorence brief the Committee on the intersection of County Farm Road and Peace Road with a view toward what, if anything, could be done to improve the safety of travel though that intersection.  Mr. Lorence indicated that the Airport would be extending their runway during the spring of 2003.  When that occurs County Farm Road would no longer be a through road and that portion of County Farm Road West of Peace Road would be relocated to direct traffic to a controlled intersection.  The County has requested funding from the State of Illinois to assist the County in this relocation process and that request is still pending at the State level.  Currently the intersection does not meet the warrant requirements for a four-way stop.  The majority of through traffic using County Farm Road from Cortland does so to bypass the traffic control (traffic light) at Barber Greene Road.  The public can get to the Theater and Wal-Mart just as quickly and safely by going the Barber Greene route.  Barricading County Farm Road to the East of Peace Road would be difficult due to the environmental study changes that would be required for the Airport Project and more than likely the City of DeKalb would not agree to that.

Mr. Lorence will keep the Committee informed of developments in this area as they occur.



            Mr. VanBuer moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. MacMurdo.   Motion carried unanimously and the January 2, 2003 meeting adjourned at 8:56 P.M.


Respectfully Submitted




                                                                                    James R. MacMurdo
                                                                                    Vice Chairman

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