DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Infrastructure & Development

October 2, 2003

The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday October 2, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the DeKalb County Highway Department, DeKalb, Illinois.   Vice-Chairman MacMurdo called the meeting to order.


Committee members present were Vice-Chairman MacMurdo, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Slack and Mr. VanBuer.  Also present were William Lorence, County Engineer, Wayne Davey, Highway Department Support Services Manager, and Mr. Tom Zucker, Director, TransVac. 



Motion made by Mr. Slack and seconded by Ms. Fauci to approve the minutes of September 4, 2003.  Discussion followed addressing concerns by several committee members that minutes do not always adequately document the questions, concerns, and voting record of members on matters of policy brought before the Committee.  In addition, concerns were voiced regarding that meeting minutes were published to the County Board prior to being reviewed and approved by the committee. Further, questions were raised relative to guidelines for meeting minute preparation.  Vice-Chairman MacMurdo indicated this would be further discussed during agenda item 4, Chairman’s Comments.  With the above concerns noted, motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously.



Motion made by Mr. VanBuer to approve the agenda and Mr. Gudmunson seconded this motion.  Vice-Chairman MacMurdo requested the Committee add Mr. Tom Zucker to the agenda as an informational item and that he be allowed to address the Committee.  Motion carried to approve the agenda as amended unanimously.


Vice-Chairman MacMurdo introduced Mr. Tom Zucker, Director, TransVAC to the Committee.  Mr. Zucker presented the Committee with information on the Consolidated Vehicle Procurement Program (CVP) that is administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Public Transportation.  Mr. Zucker would like to apply for a grant to replace aging vehicles from the TransVAC fleet.  CVP would provide vehicles at no cost to the County.  Their policy in the past has been one vehicle per year per applicant and the process takes a considerable amount of time to produce results, usually two years.  TransVAC currently has 45 vehicles in its inventory and 25 of the vehicles meet the replacement criteria of 120,000 miles/five years in service or 300,000 miles/ten years of service depending on the vehicle.  Committee members inquired into the cost to run these vehicles.  Mr. Zucker informed the Committee that a mini-van would run approximately $40,000; Raised Roof Van $65,000; Super Raised Roof or Para Transit van $110,000 and the Transit bus at $225,000.  This year TransVAC would like to request the replacement of a 14-passenger van and one mini-van.  Committee members inquired what other funding was available to TransVAC to replace their vehicles.  In the past TransVAC has applied through the DeKalb County Community Foundation, the Bersted Foundation, and the 708 Board through Mental Health. Questions were asked concerning what happens to the vehicles being replaced and what is the optimum level needed to provide required services.  The answer is TransVAC is allowed to dispose of the vehicles any way it sees fit and can keep any funds received for the sale or disposition.  Committee members inquired if there was any cost involved with the disposal of these vehicles and the answer was no.

TransVAC needs 38-39 vehicles on any given day to perform its mission.  The remaining vehicles are in reserve for any unexpected needs that may arise.  Vice-Chairman MacMurdo thanked Mr. Zucker for the informal brief and requested Mr. Zucker work with Mr. Lorence and Mr. Davey to present a specific resolution for a grant application for Committee at its next meeting.



Mr. Lorence explained to the Committee that the owners of Mullins Grain at 217 North Shabbona Road, Shabbona, Illinois funded the upgrade of that portion of Shabbona Road from their north entrance south to IL Rt 30 in order to run loaded grain trucks at 80,000 pounds on that road.  The work has been completed and the road now needs to be posted as a truck route allowing 80,000 pound loads to travel that portion of the roadway system.  Mr. Lorence explained the difference between a Class I truck Route (Interstate travel), Class II Truck Route (8’6” wide and no legal length specified), Class III Truck Route (8’ wide and 65’ length).  No increase in truck traffic is expected with this classification because trucks have been hauling out of the grain facility since the day it became operational.  The only thing that is changing is the size of the authorized load.  Motion made by Mr. Gudmunson and seconded by Ms. Fauci to present the resolution to classify Shabbona Road, beginning at IL RT 30 north 1308 feet as a class II truck route to the DeKalb County Board with a recommendation of approval.  Motion carried unanimously.  



Mr. Lorence explained to the Committee that speed studies and engineering studies were completed at two locations in DeKalb County to see if it would be appropriate to alter a statuary speed limit.  After reviewing the information collected it was determined that that portion of Peace Road from 500 feet south of Foxbend Drive to IL Rt 23 in the City of Sycamore but the road being under the jurisdiction of DeKalb County, did meet the warrants for an altered speed zone of 45 MPH, reducing this zone from 50 MPH.  The existing 45 MPH speed zone located from IL RT 38 to 500 feet north of Ashton Street in the Village of Maple Park is being transferred from IDOT to DeKalb County and this zone requires codification only.  It was also determined that that portion of East County Line Road from 500’ North of Ashton Street to Washington Street in the Village of Maple Park, but the road being under the jurisdiction of DeKalb County does also meet the warrants for an altered speed zone of 35 MPH, reducing 880 feet of this zone from 40 MPH and increasing 1835 feet of this zone from 30 MPH.  Concerns were raised by Committee members of the increase in speed from 30 MPH to 35 MPH.  It was explained that only two residents were located along this stretch of roadway and the majority of businesses have their frontage along side streets.  This area is tightly controlled by local law enforcement and it was at their request this speed study be prepared. Motion made by Mr. Slack and seconded by Ms. Fullerton to present the resolution for the above referenced altered speed zones to the DeKalb County Board with a recommendation of approval.  Motion carried unanimously.  



Mr. Lorence presented the bid tab for the bid opening held September 30, 2003 at 10:00am in the DeKalb County Highway Department Conference Room.  Six bids were received for the removal of the existing bridge on Scout Road over the Kingsbury Creek and the construction of a quadruple reinforced concrete box culvert.  The lowest bid meeting specifications was received from Civil Constructors, Inc located in Freeport, Illinois.  Their bid was 6% over ($366,645.75) the engineer’s estimate ($345,736.00) but in line with the five other bids received.  The Franklin Road District Road Commissioner as well as the County Engineer, recommends approval of this award to Civil.  Questions were asked that when a bridge is replaced are they also widened at that time.  Mr. Lorence stated they are built going all the way to the right-of-way on both sides, which would involve in most cases, widening the bridge roadway surface.  Questions were asked if this was a prefab bridge, what happens to the old bridge and why are like items on the bid tabs showing such a difference in prices quoted.  Mr. Lorence indicated that prefab bridges are not allowed, the old bridge is broken up and placed along the creek bank as riprap after all the steel is removed and properly disposed of.  Also Mr. Lorence indicated that prices could vary depending on what item is being done when and when the contractor needed the majority of his funds.  For example, the removal of the old structure, which would be the first step in this project, could carry a high or low price tag depending if the contractor wanted his money up front or at the completion of the project.  That is why it is more important to look at overall bottom line as opposed to individual items for a cost comparison.  Motion made by Mr. VanBuer and seconded by Mr. Gudmunson to present the resolution to award the bid for the above referenced bridge to Civil Constructors in the amount of $366,645.75 to the DeKalb County Board with a recommendation of approval.  Motion carried unanimously.  




Vice-Chairman MacMurdo reopened the discussion conducted earlier concerning the minutes.  Committee members stated that some of the discussion held on the Tax Abatement issue was not adequately documented in the minutes, all committee members concerns and questions were not documented to provide other County Board members with the assurance that this issue was examined and debated thoroughly by this Committee.  The Committee wanted to know if there were any guidelines concerning how minutes are to be prepared and if so could they be shared with the Committee.  Mr. Lorence indicated that as far as he could remember the County Board had recommended the form of the minutes only and not the contents.  The minutes are more comprehensive than in the past, but if the Committee desired additional detailed minutes that can certainly be arranged.  The Committee did not desire to have verbatim transcripts prepared nor did they deem it necessary to place names in front of who asked what, but on the more important issues that deal with policy a more comprehensive record needs to be kept.  Some Committee members were concerned that minutes submitted did not adequately document their stand on certain issues of the Tax Abatement Program and the minutes made it look like all were in favor of it.  Concerns were raised that when a vote is not unanimous that those voting for and against be listed in the minutes. A final concern was raised dealing with the public having access to minutes of our Committee meeting prior to the Committee having the opportunity to review and approve and therefore make them official.  By the time the minutes become official the full County Board has already acted on all of the required items contained in those minutes.  Vice-Chairman MacMurdo will send a memorandum to the Executive Committee expressing the concerns of this Committee and request any guidance they may offer on the Committee’s concerns.  After hearing from the Executive Committee this Committee will bring this issue back for further discussion and appropriate action.



Vice-Chairman MacMurdo requested the Committee be updated on the traffic control barriers on Barber Greene Road at the intersection of IL RT 23.  Mr. Lorence stated a letter was sent to Mr. David Witheft, Esquire, explaining the Committee’s position on the installation of the 9” raised median.  Mr. Witheft was informed that the Committee was open to review any information he desired to submit to the Committee to justify a curb cut being allowed for additional access to his client’s business.  To date no information has been received on this issue and the curb is in place.


Mr. Lorence informed the Committee of several letters he has received from the residents of Buck Lake subdivision located on Somonauk Road between Suydam and IL RT 34.  Residents are displeased with the decision by the Village of Somonauk to tie a new road into Hiawatha Lane for a planned 82 home subdivision located to the north of Buck Lake.  Residents are concerned that their community is a private community, they moved there to get away from traffic, the lake is a private lake maintained by the homeowners living at Buck Lake, this road will increase traffic through their private subdivision, endangering their children and way of life, and increase pollutant runoff into their lake, causing serious harm to water life.  Mr. Lorence explained that the property to the north of Buck Lake has been annexed into the Village of Somonauk and now a portion of that property is contiguous to Hiawatha Lane, which has been a public road.  The annexation process causes that portion of Hiawatha Lane next to the annex property to now be under the jurisdiction of the Village of Somonauk.  The County’s policy of having a maximum of one entrance per quarter mile on all major and minor collectors, and the requirement of a subdivision the size of the one being planned for the annex property to have two access routes for emergency vehicles to travel through these subdivisions, requires the contested road to be installed on Hiawatha Lane.  Hiawatha Lane has always been a public not a private road with the upkeep being funded by tax dollars.  With the farmland being turned into lawns the runoff from this property will now contain less pollutants than the chemicals used on the prior farmland and this should not be an issue.  This Department plans on taking no further action concerning this matter at this time.  This is a Village of Somonauk matter.


Mr. Lorence informed the Committee that both Chicago Road bridges are complete and that the road was opened to traffic on September 23, 2003.  After the bridge on Scout Road is complete the next bridge project to be let will be the Irene Road Bridge.  The Old State Road project is scheduled to be let by the State November 7, 2003 and to be completed during the 2004 construction season.  The County is relocating the existing curve at IL State Route 64 and Old State to make it a safer intersection and to eliminate a bridge that the County will no longer have to maintain.


Mr. Gudmunson asked about the rumble strips and flashing lights at the intersection of Suydam and Governor Beveridge Roads.  Mr. Lorence informed him that the rumble strips are scheduled to be placed in the near future and the County is waiting to hear from the Somonauk Road District Road Commissioner if he still desires to have the lights installed.  Mr. Lorence indicated that because this intersection does not meet the warrants for flashing lights, if Somonauk Road District wanted to pay to have these lights installed the County would maintain them and fund the daily operation of them.


Ms. Fauci inquired about the bike path on the north side of Barber Greene that goes nowhere.  She would like to see it connected to something.  Mr. Lorence indicated that particular bike path belongs to the City of DeKalb and any action taken or requested would need to be addressed with them.



            There being no further business to be brought before the Committee Mr. Gudmunson moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Fullerton.   Motion carried unanimously and the October 2, 2003 meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. 

 Respectfully Submitted 


James MacMurdo

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