DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Infrastructure & Development

September 4, 2003

The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday September 4, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the DeKalb County Highway Department, DeKalb, Illinois.   Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order. 

Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Vice-Chairman MacMurdo, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Slack and Mr. VanBuer.  Also present were William Lorence, County Engineer, Wayne Davey, Highway Department Support Services Manager, Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, Mr. Gary Hanson, Deputy County Administrator, Mr. Robert Pritchard, County Board Chairman, Mr. Cliff Simonson, Board Member 7th District, Mr. David Witheft, Mr. John Griffin, Mr. Robert Sandes, Mr. Dave Bush, and Mr. Greg Millburg, Farm Bureau.




Motion made by Mr. Gudmunson and seconded by Mr. VanBuer to amend the August 7, 2003 minutes as follows:  In the last paragraph on page three, line three, delete the second “Mr. MacMurdo” and replace his name with “Mr. Wilson”, indicating a yes vote on tabling the Property Tax Abatement issue; in line four delete “Mr. Wilson” and replace with “Mr. MacMurdo”, indicating a no vote for tabling the Property Tax Abatement issue.  As amended the last paragraph should read as follows:


The Committee discussed the importance of this public policy decision and their desire for additional information prior to making a recommendation.  A motion was made by Ms. Fauci and seconded by Mr. MacMurdo to table this item.  Ms. Fauci, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Slack and Mr. VanBuer voted to table; Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson and Mr. MacMurdo voted no.  Motion passed. 


            Motion to approve the minutes as amended carried unanimously.




There was discussion to amend the agenda as follows:  Add item 1a.  To hear discussion on the planned installation of a permanent 9” median traffic control barrier located on Barber Greene Road at the intersection of Il Route 23.  Motion made by Mr. Slack to approve the agenda as amended and Ms. Fullerton seconded this motion.  Motion carried unanimously.




            Motion made by Mr. VanBuer to remove the resolution for property tax abatement from the table and Ms. Fullerton seconded this motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  Chairman Wilson reviewed the information presented to the Committee by Mr. Bockman during the August Committee meeting.  Chairman Wilson then turned the meeting over to Mr. Mark Goode, Venture One Real Estate, LLC and Mr. Roger Hopkins, Executive Director of Economic Development for DeKalb County.  Mr. Goode presented an overview of the proposed Park 88 program and the planned development of the I-39 Logistics Corridor.  DeKalb County is competing with St. Louis and Indianapolis for the distribution warehouse tennants.  Information was presented indicating projected revenue to be collected over a five year period should the park become successful.  It was important to point out that in order to attract businesses to this area some sort of incentives should be in place should the County wish to offer one to a prospective new or relocating business.  Questions were asked by Committee members if there were any additional costs associated with businesses relocating to Park 88 such as Fire and Police.  Mr. Goode informed the Committee that he was not aware of any and if there were, the cost would be more than offset by the increase in anticipated revenue.  Also the County would not have any control over what businesses would relocate to this area, but they would have control over who would receive any incentive, should a program be approved.  Mr. Hopkins stated some of the main issues keeping businesses from locating in this area are the lack of a tax abatement program and cheap labor.  Some of the main reasons businesses would consider a particular location would be the location itself, availability of labor, easy transportation routes to attract labor to this area, the ability of the area to train the workforce, infrastructure and some sort of incentive program.  This program is for DeKalb County only and other taxing bodies will have to evaluate this program individually and arrive at their decision concerning this program.  A motion was made by Mr. MacMurdo and seconded by Ms. Fullerton to participate in the property tax abatement program proposed by the City of DeKalb and to direct The Chairman of DeKalb County Board to recommend the approval of individual projects to the full board as they arise based on the appropriateness of the project and the level of participation by other public and private partners, to the DeKalb County Board with a recommendation of approval.  Motion carried.






            Chairman Wilson asked Mr. Lorence to provide the Committee with some background concerning the installation of the barriers.  Mr. Lorence stated the barriers went up during 1998 after establishments located to the south of Barber Greene Road at the intersection of IL Route 23 opened, most notably the Steak N Shake.  Traffic was attempting to enter Barber Greene Road coming out of the Steak N Shake against the one-way traffic, crossing Barber Greene and entering the gas station on the corner.  Due to the number of accidents and near misses right after the Steak N Shake opened the barrier was placed at this location to assist in the safe movement of vehicle traffic in this area. The barriers were removed on August 25, 2003 in anticipation of a raised 9” median to be installed in their place.  Due to the delay in the availability of the contractor that has not happened as of this date.


            Mr. Witheft, attorney for the owner of the gas station located at the corner of IL Route 23 and Barber Greene Road presented information stating the erection of these barriers puts his client at a competitive disadvantage.  If this disadvantage continues his client will be forced to close his business.  Mr. Witheft informed the Committee that a solution to this disadvantage would be a left turn into his client’s establishment be offered for eastbound traffic on Barber Greene Road.  Mr. Witheft offered to provide the Committee with information on a similar situation his client was facing in the City of Rockford.  A curb cut was allowed for traffic to enter that establishment and the entrance has not caused any traffic problems to date.  Mr. Witheft further indicated that the traffic is heavier there than on IL Route 23 and Barber Greene.  The committee took the suggestion for an eastbound left hand turn in to a westbound left hand turn lane under advisement.  The Committee will request data on the location of the Rockford site and then decide if a turn lane would be appropriate for the DeKalb location.  In the meantime the installation of the raised median will continue and if a favorable decision is reached by the Committee concerning this matter, Mr. Witheft will be notified and given the opportunity to have his client assume financial responsibility for the project as well as any liability associated therewith.




Mr. Hanson presented the 2004 DeKalb County Budget to the Committee members.  He indicated the budget as presented by the Departments was accepted with the highlights and exceptions noted in the budget recommendation narrative.  Mr. Hanson pointed out individual highlights affecting the Highway Department.  The Committee will review the budget and if individual members have any questions that they might need clarification on, they could contact Mr. Hanson, Mr. Lorence, or Wayne for assistance.  If members felt a special meeting would be necessary to discuss the Department’s budget further members would contact the Chairman to arrange for same.  Mr. Hanson explained the appeal process to the members and that if appeals are to be made they need to be submitted by September 18, 2003. 




            Chairman Wilson indicated he would not be available for the October 2, 2003 meeting due to medical reasons.  He requested Vice-Chairman MacMurdo be present and chair the meeting in his absence.  Vice-Chairman MacMurdo agreed.




            Mr. Lorence explained the status of current projects.  The Chicago Road bridge projects are 90% and 85% complete.  The east bridge, if the guardrail is installed, could be open by the weekend, allowing Chicago Road to be open to Sleepy Hollow Road.  The detour would however, remain in place because we cannot detour on to township roads.  The west bridge should be completed pretty close to the scheduled completion date of September 18, 2003.  The east bridge contractor is currently being assessed liquidated damages of $750.00 per day for failure to complete that project within the prescribed time agreed to in the contract.   Cherry Valley, Five Points and Stone Quarry roads are completed as well as Kirkland Road.  The Scout Road bridge is scheduled for a September 30, 2003 letting and the recommendation to award should be presented to the Committee at our October meeting.           



There being no further business to be brought before the Committee Ms. Fullerton moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Gudmunson.   Motion carried unanimously and the September 4, 2003 meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.


Respectfully Submitted



John Wilson

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