DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Infrastructure & Development

December 18,  2003

The DeKalb County Public Infrastructure and Development Sub-committee met on Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 7:30P.M. at the Legislative Center’s Freedom Room.  Chairman Frank Van Buer called the meeting to order.  Those present were Bill Cross, John McBride, Larry Lundgren, Thomas Zucker and Sandy Quiram.  Those absent were Jerome Bejbl, Haakon Andreasen, and Nicholas Noe.     



Moved by Mr. Lundgren, by Mr. Cross, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the October 2003 minutes. 



Moved by Mr. Zucker, seconded by Mr. McBride, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda as presented. 



Chairman Van Buer said he would like suggestions from the committee in order to develop an outline for the writing of a draft of the report by the committee, which will be submitted to the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee for ultimate submission to the County Board.  In order to end up with policy guidelines for the Board in the area of economic and infrastructure development, some of the following points to be considered are:

·        Where does the County want to go in terms of economic development?

·        What are some of the policy issues that the County should focus on?

·        How should the County look at incentives for industrial development?

·        What are the means to protect our agricultural base?


Chairman Van Buer distributed a draft of suggestions for the report for discussion (see attached to these minutes). 


Considerable discussion followed and the following topics were raised:

·        Should communities in the County or the State get into competition in the level of tax abatements for the sake of getting industry to relocate?

·        Should the County provide guidance in the area of housing development, especially in the minimum standards of infrastructure development?

·        How should the County respond to the extension of Metra near our border at Elburn?

·        Can we develop a county-wide bus transportation system?

·        Can we look at Champaign County to learn how the University of Illinois student bus system provided the base for an excellent urban transportation system, using the newly established MPO?

·        Is the tool of purchasing the development rights of agricultural land an issue that requires study and consideration by the County Board?

At the end of the discussion, Chairman Van Buer asked the committee members to add to and/or delete in writing the suggestions that he presented with his draft outline by the next meeting.  He added that the committee should think of having the report as being a source of information for the Board, not a position paper, and which will encourage thought and discussion.  Furthermore, each committee member should be prepared to select the area of the report she or he wishes to be responsible for the first draft. 



Moved by Mr. Lundgren, seconded by Mr. Cross, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


                                                          Respectfully submitted,



                                                          Frank D. Van Buer, Chairman



Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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