DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Policy Committee

April 3, 2003

The Public Policy Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, April 3, 2003 at 6:30p.m. at the DeKalb County Legislative Center’s Freedom Conference Room. Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias called the meeting to order. Members present were Pat LaVigne, Richard Osborne, Patricia Vary and Joseph Wiegand.  Mr. Pritchard was absent.   Mr. Greg Millburg was also present.



Moved by Ms. Vary, seconded by Mr. Wiegand, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from March 2003.



Chairman Tobias mentioned that if Ms. Olson arrived this evening then she would like to speak before the committee about the reauthorization of her community block grant.  That would be the only thing that might amend the agenda.  Moved by Mr. Wiegand, seconded by Ms. Vary, and it was carried unanimously that the agenda be approved.



No one was present for public comment.


Mary Olson arrived @ 6:35p.m.



Before reviewing the slide presentation, Chairman Tobias introduced Mr. Millburg to the committee.  He was present this evening to approach the committee about County Government Day on April 11, 2003.  He mentioned that he tried to get Somonauk and Hinckley schools to come to the event but that both of them fell through.  So he went to Sycamore High School and has been guaranteed that at least 40 kids out of 125 that are enrolled in their government classes will be coming on Friday, April 11, 2003.  He said that it will be held at the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium Room.  It begins at 9:00a.m. and runs through 10:00a.m. whereby Chairman Pritchard will talk to the students about the County Board; and Christine Johnson will speak to them about the Treasurer’s Department; and then Margi Gilmour will speak to them about Court Services.  They then will divide up and half of the group will tour the Sheriff’s Department and the Jail facility and the other half will tour the courthouse and the departments that work in that building.

They will come back to the Legislative Center and break for lunch.  They will have a session with Karen Grush, Sharon Holmes, DeKalb County Clerk and Joan Berkes-Hanson from the IMO department.  Around 1:00p.m. they will divide up again and the half that visited the courthouse will then visit the jail and visa versa for the other half of the students.


The programs will mention that the Public Policy Committee is the co-sponsor of the event, said Mr. Millburg.  Mr. Wiegand said that since the Somonauk and Hinckley schools could not meet now would Mr. Millburg want help in trying to get something together for them in the fall?  Mr. Millburg said sure and that we might be able to get the Gathertorim again.  Mr. Wiegand said that he would like to volunteer to work with Mr. Millburg on that event because he felt that it was worth doing.  They also discussed about inviting the state legislators to that event as well.  Chairman Tobias invited all committee members to attend County Government Day on Friday, April 11, 2003 if they could. 


Chairman Tobias then introduced Ms. Mary Olson, Director of the DeKalb County Community Services Department, to the committee. Ms. Olson said that she is coming before the committee this evening to ask for support for the Reauthorization of her Community Block Grant Resolution.  She has already met with the Public Services Committee and they have forwarded the recommendation on to the full board for approval.  Since then Ms. Olson felt that the Public Policy Committee should know about it too because it relates to a legislative item.  The Community Services Department works with the poverished in DeKalb County.   She said that almost 90% of the funding from the Community Services Block Grant comes from the Federal Government.  The advantage to this particular Block Grant is that it is a federal block grant that comes to the State with a mandate that the State funnel 90% of it to the local agency.  So 90%  of the money comes to DeKalb County and then the County Board is able to make decisions on how that money is best spent to meet the poverty population needs for this county.  There are guidelines that are attached to that grant, but within that we can do what we need to do to look at the poverty needs right here in DeKalb County.  The resolution before the committee this evening is asking Congress to reauthorize the Community Services Block Grant and keeping  the 90% pass through provision in the reauthorization, said Ms. Olson. 


Moved by Ms. Vary, seconded by Mr. Wiegand, and it was carried unanimously to endorse the resolution presented this evening from Ms. Olson.


Ms. Vary asked Ms. Olson what are they doing with the remaining 10%?  Ms. Olson said that 5% goes to their administration fee and the other 5% can go to any poverty related program.



The committee then began the discussion on the Slide Show Presentation for the upcoming County Board Meeting on April 16, 2003.  The committee asked Ms. Olson to remain and  to review her section for the slide show.  Some suggestions were the addition of the Juvenile Diversion Program from the Court Services Department; the Parent Training Classes from the Community Services Department and the Let’s Go Fishing Day from the same department.  Ms. Olson also said to include the following wording under her captioned department slide to read “provide funding for other DeKalb County Social Services Programs.”  Chairman Tobias said that she would check with the County Mental Health Board regarding DPCSafe and if that relates to children services too.


Chairman Tobias then told the members that Mr. Karen Grush would like to address the board during the slide show presentation and that this committee will be recognizing the Juvenile Mentoring Program that just won a NACO National Award for 2003.  She would also get in touch with Mr. Terry Hannan, DeKalb County Forest Preserve Superintendent, about slides from his various children’s programs.  Ms. Tobias said that she would like to award each of these departments with a Certificate of Appreciation and present them to each of them at the County Board Meeting too.  She would like the certificate to mention the entire department and say that we appreciate what they do. 




Mary Supple, DeKalb County Board Coordinator, presented a “draft” copy of the proposed

County Services foldout card that will be distributed all over the county.  The committee made minor changes to it and awarded the bid to the lowest bidder who was K&S Printing Services of Sycamore, Illinois for $434.75.  This quote includes printing of 4,000 double-sided sheets of paper, cutting those into 8,000 card sheets and the folding of the sheets into a business card size.  These will be distributed countywide in various locations, like libraries, county offices, etc.



Chairman Tobias said that Chairman Pritchard would be getting in touch soon with Dennis Hastert’s Office about discussing federal legislative issues and transportation needs.  He will be discussing those that were submitted to us with the latest legislative agenda list. 


Chairman Tobias also said that she would be looking at inviting local legislators in June/July of this year.  Mr. Wiegand said that the legislators were told not to take vacations during June or July so they should be around the area and be able to attend one of our meetings.  She also wanted the members to think about visiting local governments and trying to make contact with them now that the elections are done.




Moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Ms. Vary, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting. 


Respectively submitted,



                                                                             Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias


Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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