DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
E-911 Board 

April 7, 2004


Chairman Olson called the meeting to order at 7:35 AM


Board members present:  Chairman Olson, Feithen, Hanson, Pettit, Riddle, Russell, Rosemier, and Suppeland.

Board members absent: Bowman, Leoni (arrived at 7:38)

Guests Present: Lt. Al Newby, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police; Brent Tillman, DeKalb Police Department; Jim Feyerherm, Starved Rock Communications; Glenna Johnson, Geo-Comm, Benny Escutia, Verizon; Joan Berkes-Hanson and Sheila Minogue from DeKalb County IMO.

Also Present: Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer; Charles Kross, Coordinator


The Chairman asked for any amendments to the agenda. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Russell and seconded by Rosemier There was no discussion.  The motion passed. 


A motion to approve the minutes of the March 3, 2004 meeting was made by Russell and seconded by Feithen.  The motion passed. 


¨      Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Johnson recommended the Board withdraw $50,000 for the checking account and place it into the Investment account. 

Riddle moved to withdraw $50,000 for the checking account and place it into the Investment account.  Suppeland seconded.  There was no discussion.  A roll call vote was taken. Feithen Y Hanson Y  Leoni Y  Pettit  Y  Riddle Y  Rosemier Y  Russell  Y Olson  Y.

A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Riddle, and seconded by Russell.

There was no discussion. The motion passed unanimously.

·        Bills Not Previously Approved:   None

·        Bills:

          Language Line                                                                                                      140.00

Verizon                                                                                                                  111.78                              Verizon                                                                                                             22,898.52

Starved Rock Communications                                                                          10,495.00

Starved Rock Communications – fire radio                                                           1,442.50

DeKalb Co. Housing Author.                                                                                  200.00

ATT                                                                                                                          32.92

Office Max                                                                                                                40.19

Sprint                                                                                                                         12.92

Shabbona Fire Protection District – Pagers                                                            1,200.00

PowerPhone – training                                                                                              289.00

DeKalb County Government (IMO) – mapping project                                        28,000.00

          Total                                                                                                      $64,862.33

A motion to pay the bills was made by Suppeland and seconded by Riddle.  There was no discussion.  A roll call vote was taken: Feithen   Y   Hanson Y   Leoni  Y  Pettit  Y   Riddle  Y   Rosemier  Y  Russell  Y  Suppeland  Y  Olson Y.   The motion passed.

¨      Mapping Project

Benny Escutia, the Verizon Project Manager, addressed the Board as to progress being made.  He said a long distance carrier would have to be chosen by the Board.  He reported that conference calls have begun to discuss the various agencies’ responsibilities.  Joan Berkes-Hanson, Director of IMO, supplied a suggested time line and project task chart for the project to follow.  Gary Hanson queried Escutia as to when he would produce item #3 on the chart, which was the questionnaire from MicroData to IMO.  Escutia said he would try to get it yet today.  Concern was also expressed that the data and phone lines would be installed, the Board billed for them, prior to them being used in the project.  Escutia said that he would notify Kross, prior to the lines going into service as contracted.  Olson said he would like to have someone from MicroData at the next meeting.  Kross said he would express that to them.


¨      Participating Agency Requests – No requests.

¨      PSAP Administrators' Report – No report.

¨      Persons to be Heard from the Floor – No one

¨      Coordinator’s Report – Kross said that he would like to attend the National NENA Conference in June.  He said he would have the information for the next meeting.


Riddle moved to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Leoni.  The motion passed.   The meeting adjourned at 8:05 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,


- - - -  - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
Charles Kross, Coordinator

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